'The Unorthodox Hack' (Bonus Chapter)

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Due to Wattpad removing my book, "F*ck Me Sideways", I'm uploading each bonus chapter into their respective book. Enjoy

You know... when you had hacked into almost every top secret governmental program in the world and read all the confidential files five-six times or so... the world started to get pretty damn boring.

There were only so many things you could do when you knew all about what the twat-fuckers of the Illuminati were plotting, what presidential myths were true or false, and most importantly, if aliens ever did visit our planet. As if there had ever been any doubt. Pff.

Now, that meant that not many things caught my attention anymore. I didn't stop and look when I saw something out of the ordinary, because I had already seen and learned about all the unordinary things. I didn't pay attention to the celebrity drama, because I knew most of it was planned to pull focus from something else. Something major and much more important.

Everything was just boring in my world.

So how was it... that this girl... this tiny, petite girl with snakebite-pierced lips, pierced ears from lobe to shell, pierced nose and pierced tongue, caught my attention? Okay, she was pierced. A lot. Maybe that caught my attention. Speaking of places she was pierced; guess where she was also pierced.

Yeah. You got it. Piercings all the way.

But to be fair, a lot of other people had piercings. Some worked them, some didn't. Not the point here - no, the point here was to figure out why this little lady with all the piercings, black clothes and banging blue hair made my heart go boom-ba-doom-doom-boom-da-doom-doom-baby.

Watching her lie on her stomach, popped up on her elbows with her laptop situated in front of her so she could type, she was so caught up her work, she didn't even pay attention to my staring. She was completely absorbed in the challenge I had given her, and I was completely absorbed in the challenge that was her.

As I watched her bite her pierced lip in deep concentration, I felt myself through my faded blue denims. I was growing hard. I didn't understand. Okay, so maybe I did a little; she was only wearing her lacy little bra that of course was black but did nothing to hide those small pale breasts. On her bottom she wore black ripped stockings and black ripped shorts. Everything was so ripped, I just didn't see the point in even wearing them. Besides maybe for covering her ass, but there wasn't really much to cover.

She wasn't bony or anything, she was just slim in a way you couldn't call anorexic. Not at all. Just half an hour ago, she munched down two cheeseburgers and box of fries. Where did she put them? Normally one would respond 'her tits' or 'her ass' but she didn't have much of that. So where did she put it? Did she have a secret compartment or something? Perhaps I should search her secret compartments...

Focus, fuck-brain.

Now, whereas my boy Eli preferred his asses cushioned and his tits airbag-inflatable, I liked mine more simplistic. I didn't care about the packaging, not that he did either, he just had his preferences. We both knew it all came down to what was inside, but that didn't mean we shouldn't look at what was on the outside as well, should it?

Her breasts couldn't decide whether they should be A-cups or B-cups. I think the left one was trying to be a B, but the right one couldn't follow up, so as a weird compromise, they decided to just be one each. But honestly I didn't care. They could be whatever the fudge they wanted, they were still mine. No matter what dark clothes she hid them in. They were mine.

It was funny though, cause emo had never been my taste, not that I had a specific one. I had just never been into the dark type. Then again, she wasn't dark at all. Besides all her black clothes, she was pale as fuck. Like me, she preferred the bright light from her computer screen rather than the bright light from the sun. Yet I still had more color than her. I was actually tan, but that was because I liked working outdoors.

But that wasn't what I meant by 'dark' anyway. I was talking personality. She was spunky, so unlike emo types. The depressing kind. Her dark exterior didn't associate with her personality, just like with me; I was all hot and good-lookin', but I was smart as fuck. Not saying hot people couldn't be smart, it was just a common stereotype aga--damn it, I was getting off topic. This was all about her; The petite girl who made me grow big.

- Smurf.

Tiny, blue-haired and cute, she was my little smurf. So adorable as she tried hacking into the little challenge I gave her.Like I said, I had hacked into pretty much everything, but she hadn't. She was a good hacker and now I wanted to see just how good. I wasn't asking her to do anything illegal, just... hack into the NSA without getting caught. No biggie.

"How do I circumvent their firewalls?" She pouted, her brows creasing with frustration. She had been at it for twenty minutes. So adorable.

I shifted in my chair, feeling my erection stir, and slowly licked my lips, smirking. "Maybeeee... try putting a tail on it?"

After having been a hacker for so many years, using technical terms just started to get boring as well. So I came up with my own; putting a tail on something was the equivalent of making them chase themselves. All you had to do was tie the firewalls together,making them think they were threats to each other. They'd start trying to eliminate each other, and while they were doing that, you could pass on by. The firewalls would be weakened enough or'distracted' enough for you to get through and erase your tracks in the process, without them noticing it. Simple.

"I don't need help," She defensively said as if she hadn't just asked for my help. The cute little pout appeared on her lips again as she typed away, clearly wanting to do it her own way. "I'm very well capable of doing it myself, thank you very much."

"Okay," I just said, my smirk growing bigger. Could she not see how adorable she was? Stubborn and cute. Best combination ever. They went together like 1's and 0's went together in a binary code. It was just simple and perfect.

Maybe that was the secret. I had been challenging myself with hard, difficult things and eventually they had gotten boring. Now easy things were becoming interesting and that's why smurf was--

But she's not easy, I argued with myself in my head. She's difficult in a way, too. You can't seem to figure out why you like her, isn't that proof enough?

Damn it, I thought and frowned a little. I was right. Of course I was. Smurf wasn't easy; she was like a complicated computer program that was running by its own laws. She ticked in her own way, crashed in her own way. Sometimes she overheated and she needed to be cooled down. A perfect robot symphony.

Comparing a girl to a computer. You need to get outmore. Again, I was right.

Shaking my head, I stood up and sauntered up to the bed she was lying on. My bed. My room was bathed in darkness, the only light being from the screen she was looking at. It was about 2.30 am at night and we had nothing better to do than hack.

Or maybe we did, a very mischievous voice in my head contributed.

Kneeling down on the bed, a leg on each side of her legs, I stared down at her back. It was so smooth, so slender, so fine, so divine. Shit, it was poetic. Her back was poetic. Or maybe I was? I should look into that. Later. I had other things to do right now.

Leaning down, supporting my weight on my hand, I kissed her lower back. Just a few small pecks before I slowly trailed up, using her spine as my guideline. I let my tongue poke out, just to see what reaction that would bring.

Feeling her shudder, then squirm, my lips turned upwards in a smirk as I continued my quest up her back, slowly edging closer to her shoulder blades. She tastes like lavender. So very un-emo.

"You're not going to distract me with that, you know," She suddenly said, still typing away at her laptop. "If you think I'm gonna fail--"

"I know you won't fail," I huskily replied with confidence. "I'm just bored, don't mind me."

"Tsk. Right."

Grinning, I slowly let myself rest on top of her, pressing my crotch against her ass, letting her know what that boredom had caused - or more precisely, was she had caused.

She wiggled her butt a little, as if trying to determine whether she was feeling correctly or if it was just her imagination. To rid her of any doubts, I slowly begun grinding her while pressing kisses to her neck.

"Caleb..." She said, her voice sounding more distracted and out of breath than before. My evil plan was working."I'm busy..."

"I know, so am I," I whispered, now slinking my hand under her arms, slowly edging it up to the cup of her lace bra. Reaching into it, I cupped her pale breast and ran my thumb overher nipple that pebbled at my touch. So sweet.

A tiny puff of air left her lips and I noticed her hands stopped flying across the keys of her laptop. Instead she seemed to almost struggle to find the keys, as if she couldn't remember where the space button was.

I grinned to myself as I kissed her neck, biting into it softly. She was so getting distracted. Working my fingers around her peb, I pinched her nipple, tweaked it. She let out a gasp and instantly bit her lips to stop. "C-Caleb..."

"What's wrong, smurf?" I teased her, finding her pierced ear and traced my tongue over all the metal hoops. "Don't tell me you're giving up so soon..."

She gave a huff of stubbornness and instantly begun typing again, even if it seemed slightly less enthusiastic than before. "I'm not giving up. You're not distracting me."

"I guess I'll just have to try... harder." I pushed my erection against her rear at the same time I pulled on her nipple, making her moan out loudly. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Fucking hell, you damn dog," She cursed at me, pouting cutely. "It's not fair, it's two against one; you and the firewalls."

"We both ain't going nowhere, so who do you want to focus on?" I whispered in her ear. "Who do you think craves your attention most?"

She pouted again as she thought, all the while I kept slowly grinding my hard self against her ass and tweaking her nipple. She looked indecisive for a moment, then she let out a small puff of air. "The firewalls." She smirked.

"What?!" I exclaimed. Not me? Ouch. #Rejected.

Oh but that was just her, wasn't it? She just smurfed me. Well I was going to smurf her back.

"Oh, hell nah," I said, slapping her laptop screen down, hearing her protest, before grabbing her and spinning her around so she was lying flat beneath me, face up. "I demand attention, smurf. This demands attention."

Smurf's eyes looked down at the humongous tent in my pants I was showcasing and then slowly bit her lip. It was too tempting for me not to do that too, so leaning down, I thumbed her lip out from her teeth only to bite down on it myself. She let out a small moan and writhed beneath me.

"Play with me, smurf," I whispered and combed a hand through her short pixie blue hair, then trailed a finger along her cheekbone until I found the corner of her mouth. "Hack me."

She blinked about fifty times, then exhaled. She lifted her hand and raked it through my hair, making me purr at the sensation, just as she gripped the wisps at the nape of my neck and tugged. "Okay."

A wide grin broke onto my lips. She said yes? We were going to bump hips now? I got to put my--

"But I have to pee first." And then she tossed me off her, had me flouncing back on my back on the bed as she bolted for my bathroom and shut the door.

I was left in complete stunning darkness. Stunned.

I liked her. So much. Maybe I even... loved her?

Shit. I realized that now? I don't know what did it, I failed to see how her sudden need to urinate had anything to do with the epiphany I was having. Yet here I was, epiphany-ing away.

I never thought I'd love someone as much as I loved my sister, and I wasn't sure I did just yet, but smurf... smurf was... smurf was smurf. So quirky, so cute, so weird... seriously, what was it about her that made her so special to me? I didn't understand. I didn't like not understanding, I always understood.

"Fuck, smurf, what are you doing to me?" I whispered into the darkness, raking a hand through my tousled hair.

It was driving me bat shit crazy not knowing why I liked her so much. It wasn't her eery pee-breaks or the fact that she had sent a bug inside my computer the first time we met. No, it was none of that. It was just...

Her. Her eyes. Her smile. Her pout. Her voice. Her body. Her heart. Her brain. Her soul. Her.

The door to the bathroom got opened again and the light bathed into my bedroom, making me squint my eyes at the sudden brightness.

"Don't look," I heard her say. I could faintly see her outline from the crack of the door. "Close your eyes."

What was she up to now? I wondered. "Alright, my eyes are closed." I told her and shut my eyes. But I was curious. Maybe I could sneak a p--

"No peeking or I won't let you cum."

- Okay, so I wasn't peeking.

I clasped my hands over my eyes as I laid back on the bed, now in total darkness. "I'm not peeking. What are you doing, smurf?"

I heard the light pitter patter of her footsteps tiptoeing across the messy floor, making her way to me. Then the bed creaked and the mattress dipped, just as something settled over my hips.

"Okay. Open your eyes now."

I removed my hands and opened my eyes, blinked a few times to focus because of my eyeballs being squished down, but then I saw it. And then my jaw pretty much went south.

Sitting completely and utterly stark naked on top of me, in all her beautiful glory, smurf grinned down at me, clearly amused by the shell shocked expression on my face. She earned it. I did not expect this from her. She wasn't introverted, but she definitely wasn't shy either. This... this was just so... bold. A thing I didn't know she was.

"Jesus, Zoe," I got out on a hoarse throat and planted my hands on her hips. I let them slide up to her narrow waist, then down her back to her rear. "Just... wow."

"I haven't done this before," She confessed and chewed her lip nervously. There my smurf was. This was the one I recognized. "I just wanted to see your reaction to me walking out naked and stuff, and well..."

"Did I live up to your imagination?"

She thought for a second. "No. It was better. Definitely."

"Good." Jesus Christ... how could someone this small contain so much sexy? I watched her pale breasts, the small pink nipples poking into the air for me, begging me to tweak them, to bite into them. Her slender waist that led down to her shaved little pussy where - and here lied my kink - the two shiny little round studs of her piercing glinted at me, almost winking at me as if telling me 'whatcha gonna do about it?'

First, I was going to pray. Because Jesus Christ, I needed mercy from this woman.

And secondly, I was going to fuck that.

Gripping her and rolling us over so she was beneath me, I caught her by surprise and pinned her under my weight. She let out a squeal that was quickly muffled by my mouth as it attached itself to hers, kissing her roughly. Normally, I was a start-slow-then-build-it-up kinda guy, but right now, I couldn't do that. I needed me some smurf and I was going to get me some.

My fingers sought down her body and found the wet springs between her legs, immediately pressing my middle finger overher clitoris, rubbing it to get more. She gushed and moaned. Coated my fingers in those silky juices. Rubbed herself shamelessly against my hand. She was the devil and I was a man possessed.

And damn it, it felt good being wicked.

Dipping a single digit into her tight core, I felt her heat close around me just as a breathy sound escaped her mouth. I looked down at her face quick enough to see her eyes expand, then snap shut as I pumped my finger in and out of her, bending it just a bit. She whimpered and wrapped her arms around me, dug her fingers into my back.

"You like that, smurf?" I teased her and kissed her nose as she shuddered from my sweet assault on her pussy. "What do you want, tell me? Fingers, me? Fast, slow? Up, down? Trump, Hillary?"

"Please..." She whimpered again, craning her head back into the pillows as I pushed my finger deep within her. "Ah, please, Caleb... I need... you... please..."

"Me it is then," I grinned and pulled my fingers from her pussy. "Caleb for president."

Smurf opened her eyes just in time to catch me lick my finger clean from her juices, releasing it from my mouth with a satisfying plop. I smirked down at her by the expression on her face, then leaned back on my knees and palmed my hard length through my pants.

"Wanna help me this?"

Her eyes dropped to my bulge and she hungrily nodded. Sitting up slightly, her hands came to my pants and started undoing them, zipping the zipper down. Slowly, she then reached for m yboxers, pulled them down and -

She hiccuped as I startled her by flexing my boner for her, once it was out. I couldn't help but laugh when she looked so shocked, like she was staring at a dangerous animal.

Not far from.

"Scared of it, smurf? That's so unlike you," I teased her and flexed my erection again. She flashed me a quick look before I saw those brown eyes darken. Narrow.

And here we go, ladies and gentleman.

Before I could think, she'd wrapped her hand around my base and squeezed, making all the blood rush to my tip. "Oh, fuck, Zoe!"

"That wiped your stupid grin off," She huffed, but then smirked herself as she leaned in to my blunt, millimeters away. I looked down at her in amazement as she glared up at me, slowly opening her mouth...

"Oh... shiiiat." I groaned and felt my balls tighten as she slowly slid me inside her mouth, her tongue being my guide. I felt myself go in impossibly far, and then I hit the back of her throat where she clamped down around me. I could've cūm right then.

But then she slowly drew me back, twirling her tongue around me as she went, at the same time her hand pumped me, made my sack tighten again and threaten to send my loads down her throat. When she repeated, I had to grit my teeth to stop myself from climaxing prematurely. That couldn't happen.

"Stop," I ordered, not realizing how much I was panting before I had to use air to speak. I was so erect that veins were popping up against the glistening skin of my shaft, slick from her saliva and the pre-cūm that leaked from my head. "I'm gonna cūm for real if you don't stop, smurf, and I really want to be deep inside you like a virus when that happens. Like, way deep."

Smurf swallowed heavily but then nodded. She plonked herself down on the bed and bit her lip, glared up at me with that hungry, erotic look in her eyes...

"Shit, I need to be inside you," I choked out and clumsily began struggling my way out of my remaining clothes, so much a physical mess that I couldn't even be bothered to unbutton my shirt. Buttons just went flying as I clawed myself out of what clothes remained until I was on top of her, as naked as she was below me. Her gorgeous doll-like skin looked so pale compared to mine, but damn it if I didn't want to burn it with my mouth. Wanted to make it hot and pink. Maybe even a little red.

As I settled between her legs, smurf wrapped her legs around my hips and pulled me closer, almost impatiently as I came flesh to flesh with her. My warm tip hit her opening and we both gasped.

Smurf was on the pill, but I was a guy who was a firm believer in condoms. No babies for me yet. Reaching for my nightstand, I pulled a Trojan out, only to get it snatched from me. To my surprise, smurf smirked at me, tore it open and then rolled it on my hard length for me. Then grabbed me and brought me to her opening again.

"Now fuck me," She said, sounding so cute when she tried sounding tough, when really, all she did was sound like a kitten trying to intimidate a lion by meowing.

But damn it if it worked.

"As the little lady wishes," I grinned and pecked her cheek. She hrmpthed at me, but then her breath grew short as I pushed against her core. Her nails immediately dug into my upper arms as I penetrated her, sunk into her inch by inch. I swore even her eyes started to bulge out.

But then I was in. With a last push, I slipped all the way inside her dripping core, bottoming out within her. We both moaned and kept still, simply letting us both get used to it; Me to her tightness, her to my bigness.

It was like this each time. No matter how often we fucked, we always surprised ourselves. For me, it was unbelievable how snug she was, how tightly she always gripped me, even when I thought I fucked her pussy limp the last time. But no. She always had a vice grip on me, clenching me like she was a kid scared that her daddy would let go of her.

Oh no. No, no, no. Not the daddy analogy. I wasn't into that kink. I was Caleb. Computer-guy. Tech-nerd. My kink was fucking her until she crashed and screamed out 'error error - systemmal functioning; please reboot.'

Smirking to myself, I clenched the mattress, pulled outand then rammed back inside her. Smurf let out a squeak and clung onto me, her tiny body almost slipping up under me by the pure force of throttle I was using. She put one hand on the headboard for leverage, as did I.

I pushed inside her again, hitting her again and again with the blunt force of my cock until she was screaming beneath me, clawing down my back. Sweat rolled off my body and my breath came out almost as labored as hers. I continued to pump within her, enjoying each sound I drew from her, relishing in how her tiny fingers clawed at my back, made tiny scratches for me to admire tomorrow.

My smurf had claws. And she was marking her guy. Just like I was marking my girl.

My smurf.

"Caleb!" She cried out as she exploded beneath me, her body shaking as I continued to thrust into her like a jackhammer, never slowing the pace as she fell into a kind of double-ōrgasm. She screamed out again and threw her head back, her blue hair in a wild mess. "Aaaah, Caaaaleeeeb!"

Metal high-five. Adda boy. Mazel tov.

I was in candyland right now, unable to stop grinning as my smurf turned into blubber beneath me, completely spent from her ōrgasms. Poor thing. She was so small, her energy got drained so quickly. I could go all night though. And I just wanted to try ooooone more thing before I let myself explode as well - if I could last, that was.

"Smurf?" I whispered in her ear, pecking her cheek as I watched her slowly peel her eyelids apart, looking dazed - lost in postcoital bliss. "Have you ever tried fucking...sideways?"

She blinked twice as if not really understanding my words at first, but then finally looked at me, her mouth falling open. "Uhm... n-no. But isn't that, uhm... hard?"

I chuckled. Oh, she was just so cute. "Not harder than this." I said and gave a little trust to let her know what I was talking about. Her breath caught but she nodded. "Can we try?" I asked.

Licking her lips, smurf thought for a moment, but then nodded. Grinning proudly down at my girl for being brave and for wanting to try, I pulled out of her and switched position, rolled her onto her left side. She turned her head and looked at me as positioned myself against her core again now, lining up with her slit.

I gave her a look, and then let my lips twitch in a smile when she looked up at me expectantly, almost eagerly. Curiously, like, what would it feel like? "Get ready to walk funnily tomorrow."

"Why--ooooh!" Smurf cried out and snapped her eyes shut as I thrust into her, making her take my full length in one go. She heaved in a breath and then forced her eyes open and looked at me. "Caleb!"

"Sorry?" I sheepishly tried. I just wanted to see her face when I did that. I was going to take it slow for her because this was new, but I just wanted to see... that flash of surprise, pleasure with just the tiniest pinch of pain on her face. That didn't make me sadistic, did it? With sex, pain and pleasure became one in the right hands, and I'd like to think smurf was in the right hands. My hands. Only mine.

"Dumbass," She huffed up at me, but then took me by surprise by clenching hard around me with her inner muscles, drawing a choked sound from me. "Bad dog."

I sucked in a breath and then licked my lips as well, fighting the grin that tried to sneak onto them. "Sorry, smurf. I'll go gentle, I promise."

She made a little affirmative sound, and I took that as my cue to continue. I gently eased out of her before pushing back in, bumping her gently. She purred in satisfaction and grasped the covers, clutching them in her hand. "Mmm, ah, that's good...that feels soo gooood..."

A soft chuckled escaped my lips. She looked exactly like a satisfied cat cozying up by the fire. A blue cat, that was. "Should I go faster?"

"Maybe... just... a little..."

I picked up the pace, just a little, and watched as her face morphed into something of pleasure, her mouth opening in a silent 'O'. A smile stretched on my on lips, loving how she showed so much with just the tiniest actions. Actions I provoked.

I honest to God felt like superman right then. Saving the world, one ōrgasm at a time. With a little help from a smurf.

Tryingly, I picked up the pace just a notch to see how she would react to that. So far, she didn't protest. As a matter of fact, she encouraged it. She moaned a little louder and squeezed her eyelids tighter together, bit her lip. I therefore kept that tempo, leaned in over her so I could thrust better, and placed my hand overhers. This position felt incredible, I was stretching her walls in a whole other way. She tightened differently around me, it made me nearly cross-eyed.

"That's it," I said as I felt her inner muscles begin to clamp down around me like I described. "Yeah, you're getting there, aren't you, smurf? It's good, isn't it?"

"Mm-hmm," She said and frantically nodded, her teeth sinking deeper into her lips so she not only had snake-bites but teeth-bites. "Mmm, it's good... go faster... please..."

Faster. I liked faster.

Feeling close myself, I began pumping into her, my hips now slapping against her ass and thighs. I had to grit my teeth not to explode, wanting her to cūm for me one more time. I just had to see her cūm while I fucked her sideways; Remember the look on her face as she by morning would think back to this time and remember why she couldn't walk properly. Why she couldn't even sit right.

"Oh... oh... oh... Caleeeeeb!" Smurf screamed as I thrust into her, her skin covered in a fine layer of sweat, her hair sticking to her forehead. "Oh, I'm there, I'm there, I'm cumming, I'm--"

The rest of her sentence got swallowed by something that was between a scream and a moan, and maybe even a cry. Her eyes snapped shut just as I felt her pussy shut down around me, clamp me so tightly, I couldn't hold back either.

"Jesus!" I hollered and then exploded with a hard groan, filling up the condom as I shot my load, not once or twice, but just about seven times and then a few small ones. She kept milking and milking me, taking everything from me, while at the same time, gave me all she had. Everything she was.

"I love you."

Frozen in shock, I stilled above her when I heard those words. Zoe froze as well, panting heavily, but froze. The words continue to hang in the air, echoing like some damn bat in a cave.

Damn you, Batman.

"What?" Zoe looked up at me and that's when I realized... it was me who had said those words. The words we couldn't take back once they were out.

"I, uh..." I struggled for words as I pulled out of her, watching how she turned over on her back and looked up at me like she couldn't believe I was real. "Uh, I... love you. Yeah, I love you. Is that... is that wrong to say after you just milked me dry?" Shit, it probably was. It sounded insincere. Did I even mean it? I mean... had I even arrived at that conclusion yet or did it just spill from my lips in ōrgasmic blubbering? "You know what, let me go remove the condom. We can talk afterwards, this is a little awkward."

And now you just made it even more awkward by pointing out the awkwardness.

Good job. Just stick with computers, why don't you?

Good idea.

I made a beeline for the bathroom, not caring that I was butt naked and/or that smurf was staring at me with her mouth half open. Actually, more like completely open.

I shut the bathroom door and took care of the condom, tying it in a knot and disposing of it in the bin. Then I turned to the sink and splashed some cold water in my face after washing my hands.

Jesus. I just fucking told a girl I loved her. A girl who wasn't my sister. A girl who I wasn't even related to. Not even at all.

Well good thing too, because you just fucking had sex with her. That would've made it bad if you were related.

What the fuck am I thinking about?! Shut up brain, I need to focus!

"Crap!" I hissed, low enough to make sure Zoe didn't hear it.

Where did I go from here? No back peddling. I didn't do that. But I had to make sure I really loved this girl. I still hadn't figured out why it was I was crazy about her.

Talking to her about it. That will help. Yes. Clear things up. Get it all out there. Then you can see what happens and find out why you like her. And love her, apparently.

Nodding determinedly at my reflection, I straightened my back. "You got this, butthead."

I opened the door with confidence and was about to walk up to her, when I heard the most silent four words come from her lips, which completely froze me up.

"I love you, too."

And there it was; The reason why I loved her. The reason why I was crazy about her, why this little woman got all my attention.

Because it wasn't there for me to see. I couldn't tell you what it was. I couldn't understand it and I never would. I couldn't hack into her, I could only try. And get nowhere.

But what I could do, was love her.

"Okay," I finally said, suddenly getting the most ballsy, shit-eating grin on my face. It was actually kind of creepy. I mean, she was naked there and I was naked here, and both of us just kind of confessed our love. "So what now? Do we like... make love? Seal the deal?"

Smurf's lips stretched into a funny little grin, almost as goofy as mine. She was clearly finding all of this as totally bizarre as me and completely weird. "Uh, sure. I mean, I don't think I've tried that before either, but uhm..."

"Me neither," I confessed. I was 22 and I had never made love before in my whole life. How fucked was that?

"But... it can't be harder than hacking into the NSA, can it?" Zoe nervously suggested.

At that, my lips split in a million dollar grin. "Oh, smurf... you have no idea."

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