Swings & Thoughts

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Hey guys, so here is a repost of an old one-shot I wrote - it's posted separately on my profile as well. I will be reposting all my one-shots that are currently on my profile and my Instagram, before I write some new ones! 

This one is a favorite of mine! 

Originally written and posted: March 16th, 2016



It was a Saturday morning and I woke up to the sound of the song "Confident" by Demi Lovato playing. It was my ringtone. I grabbed my phone and looked at it. It was Hiccup. I smiled and answered it.

A: hey

H: hey, you busy today?

A: no, I was gonna sleep. But you already woke me up so.

H: *laughs a little* I'm gonna pick you up in about 20 mins, think you'll be ready?

A: sure?

H: I wanna hang out. Just get dressed. Bye.

A: bye.

I hung up curious what he wanted to do as a hang out. We were best friends, had been for three years now. We did basically everything together. And if I'm going to be honest, I like him. His messy auburn hair, those green eyes. He's adorable and dorky and I find it so cute. I've never told him though. I didn't know if he liked me and we both went through pretty rough break-ups a couple of months go. Ironic that they happened at the same time, huh? And that my ex and his ex ended up dating. Well actually my ex-boyfriend was cheating on me with Hiccup's ex-girlfriend. We found out when we walked in on them making out with half their clothes off in a empty room at school. We were told our club was meeting there and we caught them. Sometimes the memory still comes back and it hurts.


Two months earlier. Hiccup and Astrid were told by another student that their club for the upcoming dance would be held in room 13. Room 13 was never used so they found it a little strange. They had been talking and laughing when Astrid opened the door and was looking at Hiccup when she saw his facial expression go from laughing to complete shock. I turned my head and gasped.

There they were, Hiccup's girlfriend Lilly and my boyfriend Liam making out with half their clothes off. They heard my gasp and stopped and looked at us.

"Liam...." I said. You could hear the sadness and anger in my voice.

Hiccup didn't say anything. Lilly and him just stared at each other, both trying to say something.

"Astrid..." Liam started.

"Don't talk to me!" I said holding tears back, I took off the bracelet I had on and threw it at him. "Have your precious 'you're mine' bracelet back!" I yelled and left the room. Liam came after me.

"Astrid wait!!" He yelled grabbing my arm. Hiccup grabbed him and turned him around.

"Stay away from her." He said and Liam could tell he was mad. I took off outside at the first door I saw. Hiccup followed shortly after. He found me sitting outside against the side of his car. I had my knees to my chest and was crying. It was rare that I cried but Hiccup was one of few people that ever saw me cry.

"Astrid." He said.

I sniffed. "I can't believe I didn't see it. Gods, I'm so stupid!"

"Astrid. No. You're not. Neither of us knew they were doing that."

"I should've seen the signs."

"What signs?"

"Liam told me he got a new job and it consisted of late nights and weekends. He would plan a date for us and than blow it off like it didn't matter. He started drifting away...but I didn't think he was cheating on me. Especially with your girlfriend."

"I know. I'm shocked too."

We stayed in silence for a minute.

"Come on." He said helping me up. "I'm going to bring you home." He said opening the car door for me.

Flashback Ends.

I heard a honk outside and knew it was Hiccup. I grabbed my bag and my phone and got into his car.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"Lunch. And than to a park." He told me.

We got to a restaurant. Our favorite. A 1950's themed burger place. We got out of the car and headed in. We came here a lot. Once we got up to the till Hiccup ordered and yes he's my best friend but I didn't think he knew my order as well. But he did. He ordered mine too and paid for it.

"Hiccup?" I said quietly.

He smiled at me. "My treat." I smiled back looking at those green eyes.

Our food was ready and we sat down and started eating. We talked about life, we could talk for hours and we had been there for almost two when Hiccup decided we should go. We threw out our stuff and got in the car and headed to a park.

I saw swings!

I got excited. We got out of the car and I headed towards them. I sat down and started swinging a bit. Hiccup sat on the one next to me doing the same.

"I haven't been on a swing in ages!!" I said.


We talked for a while and than Hiccup got up and came behind mine and started pushing me a little. We kept talking. After a bit I just let him push me and he broke the silence after a couple minutes.

"Astrid? Can I ask you something?"

"Of course!"

"Have you thought about it?"

"About what? About us? ..... Yeah I have."

"Me too." He said and kept pushing me.

"So can I ask you something else?" He said.

I looked at him curious.

"Well," he said slowing the swing down and putting his hands on mine on the chains. I looked at him and we stared at each other. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. He started to lean in to kiss me and I pushed myself away making myself swing again.

"Hey." He said.

I smiled and gestured to his swing. "Get on!" I said.

"Why?" He asked curious.

"Who can jump the furthest competition?" I asked with a smile.

"You're on!" He said getting on.

We pumped our legs until we were pretty high and got ready to jump!

"On Go! Ready?" I said. He nodded.

"1.....2.......3.........GO!" I shouted and we both jumped off. We both had a hard landing on the gravel and moaned slightly in pain. We landed close to each other. Hiccup rolled over and hovered his face over mine.

"You okay?" He asked. I nodded.

"I'm okay. How about you?"

"I'm okay. By the way, you never answered my question." He said.

I smiled. "And what was that question again?"

He smiled and looked in my eyes. "Will you be my girlfriend, Astrid?"

I smiled big and leaned up kissing him. "Yes, Hiccup. I'll be your girlfriend." He smiled and kissed me back.

He helped me to my feet and we headed to his car and he grabbed my hand holding it.

'He is so cute.' I thought to myself. 'I'm so glad I can call him mine now.' We got in his and car and he brought me home, giving me a kiss goodbye.

"I'll see you later." He told me.

I smiled and nodded. "Okay." I said and than got out of his car and walked to my door. I opened it and went inside and closed it. I stood against the door and let out a happy sigh. I slid to the floor as my golden retriever, Stormfly, came to greet me. She could sense my happiness.

"I'm finally his, girl." I told her. She licked my face in approval.

'I'm finally his.' I thought.

There ya go!!!

I hope you enjoyed this one-shot!! I thought it was adorable!!!

Love you!

Bye!! 😊😊❤❤

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