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 10: We write the contents of the dataset to an XML file using the___method of the dataset object (Chúng tôi viết nội dung của dataset một file XML sử dụng phương pháp ___ của đối tượng dataset)


12 : How can we create the object dynamically in C#?

(Làm thế nào chúng ta có thể tạo đối tượng động trong C #?)


By using the System.Reflection.

CreatelnstanceO method to create

instanrR nf nhiprf in thfi frillnwinn m^nnRr,

13: How many CCWs are created by the runtime to manage more then one COM client ?

(13: Làm thế nào CCWs được tạo ra bởi rất nhiều thời gian để quản lý nhiều hơn thì một trong những khách hàng COM?)

 [A]One CCW can handle any number of COM clients

(15: Tài nguyên Writer lớp là hiện diện trong không gian tên _____.)


17: The _____ attribute enumerator is applied for any class elements,

(17: Các thuộc tính _____ Enumerator được áp dụng cho bất kỳ yếu tố lớp học,)

[B]None of those

19: The first parameter of XMLTextWriter specifies the filename which we have to create, whereas the second parameter specifies___________

(Thaham số đầu tiên của XMLTextWriter xác định tên tập tin mà chúng tôi đã tạo ra, trong khi các tham số thứ hai xác định ___________)

[A]Encoding Style

2: ReadXML() and WriteXML() methods belong to the_____class.

(ReadXML () và WriteXML () phương pháp thuộc về lớp _____)


20 : Identity the syntax of the GetDirectories method of System JO.Directory class,

(Identity cú pháp của phương pháp GetDirectories của lớp Hệ thống JO.Directory,)

                        [D]string GetDirectoriesO;

22: The .net Framework SDK 2 provides the user with a tool called____to peek into the assemblies and explore the classes available within them.

(The net Framework. SDK 2 cung cấp cho người sử dụng với một peek called____to công cụ vào hội đồng và khám phá những lớp học có sẵn trong chúng.)

                                    [D] ILDASM

24: Code developed outside the .NET Framework is called_____

(24: Mã số phát triển bên ngoài NET Framework. Được gọi là _____)

            [B]unmanage code

26: The TlbExp Utility creates the proxy for the COM Dlls,

[A] False                    

27: In order to call a .NET component from a COM client you need to first register the assembly using the ____ utility.

(Để gọi cho một thành phần. NET COM từ một khách hàng đầu tiên bạn cần phải đăng ký lắp ráp bằng cách sử dụng tiện ích ____.)

[B] RegAsm

28: When an object of the COM component is created in a .NET managed environment; how is the object destroyed?

(Khi một đối tượng của các thành phần COM được tạo ra trong một môi trường được quản lý NET.; Như thế nào là đối tượng tiêu huỷ?)

[A]The object is destroyed when the count reaches zero

[B]The object is destroyed by the CLR

[C]This issue is addressed by the RCW

3: The Document Object Model is implemented in .NET using the_______class.

(DOM được thực hiện trong lớp học bằng cách sử dụng NET)


30: The________utility can be used to convert a COM Type Library into a .NET assembly*

(Các tiện ích ________ có thể được sử dụng để chuyển đổi một COM Loại Thư viện thành một hội đồng NET. *)

[D] TlbImp

31: Which one of the following classes allows you to transform documents using stylesheets in XML?

(Mà một trong những lớp học sau đây cho phép bạn biến đổi các tài liệu sử dụng trong XML stylesheets?)

[D] System.XML.Xsl

 32: Which of the following statements are true about the Reflection API? (Choose 2)

(Mà các báo cáo sau đây là đúng sự thật về API Reflection? (Chọn 2))

 [A]It can at times even be used to emit Intermediate Language code on the fly so that the generated code can be executed directly.

[B]It can be used to effectively find all the types in an assembly and/or dynamically invoke methods in an assembly,

[D]The Reflection API uses the System.Reflection namespace, with the Reflection class to identify the type of the Class being reflected,

 34: Version number of an assembly are stored in the following format:

(Phiên bản số lắp ráp một được lưu trữ trong các định dạng sau:)

[D]<Major vers ion >.< Minor version >.<Revision>.<Build Number >

35:  Which file comes with .Met framework SDK to create a Resource file ?

(Những tập tin đi kèm với SDK khuôn khổ. Met để tạo một tập tin tài nguyên?)


36: The class_________ in System .XML is used to store, retrieve and manipulate the relational Dataset

(Lớp _________ trong hệ thống. XML được sử dụng để lưu trữ, truy xuất và thao tác các tập dữ liệu quan hệ)


38: Which of the following statements are true?(Choose 2)

[B]Assemblies can be shared by installing it in the global Assembly Cache.

[C]Private assemblies are stored in the same folder as that of an application.

39: Adding pictures to resources of an assembly can be easily accomplished using the __________ class of the .NET Base Class Library*

(Hình ảnh Thêm vào một nguồn lực của hội đồng có thể dễ dàng thực hiện bằng cách sử dụng các lớp __________ của NET Base. Lớp thư viện *)

 [A]Resource Writer

41: Private assemblies have no versioning policy,

(hội đồng tư nhân không có chính sách versioning,)


42: Custom attributes also placed in the namespace System

(Tuỳ thuộc tính cũng được đặt trong hệ thống không gian tên)


44: Descriptive information in the metadata can be extracted using runtime reflection services

(Mô tả thông tin trong siêu dữ liệu có thể được tách ra bằng cách sử dụng các dịch vụ phản ánh thời gian chạy)


45: Attributes are stored with the metadata of the element they are associated with

(Thuộc tính được lưu với các siêu dữ liệu của phần tử chúng được liên kết với)


47:  (Một. NET cũng là thành phần được gọi là lắp ráp *)

A .NET component is also referred to as assembly*


48: When there are no more nodes to be read in the file, the XMLReader class returns___

(Khi không có các nút nhiều hơn để được đọc trong tập tin, các lớp XMLReader trả về _)


49: What is the command GacUtil /i NetClientdll used for ?

(Các GacUtil lệnh / i NetClientdll được sử dụng cho là gì?)

[B]To enable the assembly to be shared among several applications

5: Identity the correct statement/s.

Statement A: Unlike private assemblies, shared assemblies which can be used by various applications need to be stored in Global Assembly Cache.

Statement B: Unlike the GAC, the Native Image Cache does not store assemblies in IL format but rather in their native machine dependent native code.

                        [B]Both the Statements are true  

50: The StreamReader class is the superclass of the class TextReader?    

(Các lớp StreamReader là lớp cha của lớp TextReader?)

                                    [B] TRUE

 51: Which of the following properties does the Type class have? (Choose 3)

Trong đó các đặc tính sau đây không có lớp Loại? (Chọn 3)

[A]IsPublic                                                     [B]IsCLass


53: Which term is used for the data conversion from Com to .Net ?

(thuật ngữ nào được sử dụng để chuyển dữ liệu từ Com vào Net?.)


 54: The__________command gives you the output of COM type library,

(Lệnh _________ cung cấp cho bạn các đầu ra của thư viện kiểu COM,)


56: The Timer class in the System Thread namespace provides a mechanism for executing a method at________

(Lớp Timer trong không gian tên hệ thống Thread cung cấp một cơ chế để thực hiện một phương pháp ở ________)

            [B]specified intervals

57: Regardless of how many COM clients try to access the component the runtime creates only one CCW for a managed .NET component

(Bất kể có bao nhiêu khách hàng COM thử truy cập vào các thành phần trong thời gian chạy tạo chỉ có một bên trái cho một thành phần quản lý NET.)

                                    [B] TRUE

58: The .exe file in .Net can be executed from any platform.

(Các exe trong.. Có thể được thực hiện từ nền tảng nào.)

[A] FALSE                

59: A key pair is created using the ____ utility

(Một cặp khoá được tạo ra bằng cách sử dụng tiện ích ____)


6: _______method blocks the calling thread till the current thread ends

(_______ phương pháp khối sợi chỉ gọi điện thoại đến chủ đề hiện tại kết thúc)

[C] Join()       

60: Which of the following statement/s with reference to Dllimport attribute is/are TRUE?

(ào của các tuyên bố sau / s với tham chiếu đến thuộc tính DllImport là / là TRUE?)

[B]It can import a file written in any programming language

61: In C#,_________-is a mechanism of adding metadata to a programming element

(Trong C #,_________- là một cơ chế thêm vào một yếu tố siêu dữ liệu để lập trình)


62_________describe the methods, types, IL and resource,

(_________ Mô tả các phương pháp, các loại, IL và tài nguyên,)





63: .NET client and COM clients can simultaneously make calls to the same .NET component.

(NET client. COM và khách hàng có thể đồng thời thực hiện cuộc gọi đến cùng. Thành phần NET.)


 65: Reentrant is___

 [A]an portion of code which is accessed by multiple threads at the same time

[C]a method which is thread-safe

66: What is the purpose of the Exists method of System.10.Directory class?

(mục đích của phương pháp Tồn tại của System.10.Directory lớp học là gì?)

[C]It checks whether the given path refers to an existing directory

8:  If the .NET component needs to be accessed from more than one application, the .NET component then needs to be a shared assembly and has to be installed on the GAC.

(Nếu thành phần NET. Cần phải được truy cập từ nhiều hơn một ứng dụng, các. NET thành phần sau đó cần phải được một hội đồng chia sẻ và đã được cài đặt trên GAC.)


1          What is the purpose of the Dlllmport attribute in C#?

C         It is used for interoperability with legacy and unmanaged code.     ----------------Cau nay dung

2          The assemblies expose their MetaData through a process known as _____________.

B         Versioning      ----------------Cau nay dung

3          The ________attribute enumerator is applied for any class elements.

A         AttributeTargets.All

4          Which of the following statement/s with reference to Dllimport attribute is/are TRUE?

A         It can import a file written in any programming language

5          Custom attributes can be applied to more than one programming element

A         TRUE

6          In C#, _______ is a mechanism of adding metadata to a programming element.

C         Attribute        

7          We can define a custom attribute but its information cannot be retrieved

B         FALSE           

8          Descriptive information in the metadata can be extracted using runtime reflection services

A         TRUE

9          Attributes are stored with the metadata of the element they are associated with

A         TRUE

10        Code developed outside the .NET Framework is called ________

B         unmanage code

11        _______ attribute is used to invoke unmanage code in a C# program

D         DllImport

12        Namespace ______ is mandatory for using DllImport attribute

C         System.Runtime.InteropServices

13        Which attribute is used to notify about a deprecated element

B         Obsolete        

14        Conditional attribute is used as debugging aid or precompilation directive

A         TRUE

15        Custom attributes also placed in the namespace System

A         TRUE

16        Which statement is  FALSE about custom attribute?

C         A metadata cannot be extracted by another application

17        Sn.exe is used to create strong names for assemblies.

A         TRUE

18        A .NET component is also referred to as assembly.

A         TRUE----------------Cau nay dung

19        Adding pictures to resources of an assembly can be easily accomplished using the ___________ class of the .NET Base Class Library.

B         ResourceData           

21        The extension of an assembly is _________

B         .dll      

22        A key pair is created using the _______utility.

D         key.snk          

23        Private assemblies have no versioning policy.

B         FALSE           

24        The _____ package forms the basic unit of versioning.

A         An Assembly  ----------------Cau nay dung

25        The syntax to create an assembly file is:

B         csc /out:<assembly name>/library <filename1 filename2..>           ----------------Cau nay dung

26        For versioning the private assemblies, the CLR simply loads the newest assemblies found in the application directory.

A         TRUE----------------Cau nay dung

27        Identify the correct syntax for creating an executable file referencing an assembly.

D         csc /out:< executable name > /target:exe /r:<assembly name1;assemblyname2…;> <filename1 filename2..>         ----------------Cau nay dung

28        Version number of an assembly are stored in the following format:

C         <Major version>.< Minor version >.<Build Number>.<Revision>

29        The information about a class can be found out using ________

C         Reflection      

30        The manifest contains data that ___ (Choose 2)

C         describes how the elements in assembly are related to each other.

D         describes the other assemblies on which the elements of the assembly are dependent.

31        Which of the following commands can be used to create assembly named "myAssembly" from the files "file1.cs and file2.cs"?

B         csc /out:myAssembly.dll /target:library file1.cs file2.cs

32        The global assemblies are saved in the _________

A         in the <drive>:\WINNT\Assembly folder.  

33        If there is a change in the major number or minor number of the version number it indicates that __s_____

A         the assembly is incompatible with previous versions of that assembly.

34        The programmer has an assembly named pri.dll which other programmer also wants used the same assembly.

Which of the following are the correct statements when executed will satisfy the above needs.

C         sn -k key1.snk

csc /out:pri.dll /target:library file2.cs /a .keyfile:key.snk

gautil -I pri.dll

35        Which of the following statements are true?(Choose 2)

A         Assemblies can be shared by installing it in the global Assembly Cache. 

D         Private assemblies have predefined versioning policy.      

36        The .net Framework SDK 2 provides the user with a tool called ___________ to peek into the assemblies and explore the classes available within them.

B         ILDASM         ----------------Cau nay dung

37        Which one of the following statement/s with reference to Shared Assemblies is NOT TRUE?

A         Shared assemblies are the default type of assemblies         

38        When we use a __________ assembly, the assembly file is not copied onto the applications directory but remains in the GAC folder.

B         Shared----------------Cau nay dung

39        What does a change in the build number of the version number indicate?

B         It indicates that a very minor change has been made to the assembly         ----------------Cau nay dung

40        Identify the correct statements.

Statement A: An assembly consists of a set of types and resources that form a logical unit of functionality.

Statement B: An assembly consists of a manifest that contains information, which describes the assembly.

C         Both the Statements are true  ----------------Cau nay dung

41        Identify the correct statements.

Statement A: Unlike private assemblies, shared assemblies which can be used by various applications need to be stored in Global Assembly Cache.

Statement B: Unlike the GAC, the Native Image Cache does not store assemblies in IL format, but rather in their native machine dependent native code.

C         Both the Statements are true  ----------------Cau nay dung

42        The ________ Command Line Option is used to list assemblies from the GAC.

A         /l          ----------------Cau nay dung

43        What is the command   GacUtil /i NetClient.dll used for ?

D         To enable the assembly to be shared among several applications    ----------------Cau nay dung

44        The _______ command in C#  is used to view the content of Assemblies and the manifest.

C         ILDASM.exe  ----------------Cau nay dung

45        _________ describe the methods, types, IL and resource.

D         Resource-Metadata----------------Cau nay dung       

46        Which of the following is/are not a part of the Assembly?

E          GAC utility     ----------------Cau nay dung

47        Which part of the assembly displays the picture file or sound file ?

D         Resources       ----------------Cau nay dung

48        Which file comes with .Net framework SDK to create a Resource file ?

B         Resgen.exe      ----------------Cau nay dung

49        ResourceWriter class is present in the _________ namespace.

A         System.Resources      ----------------Cau nay dung

50        What is the purpose of the Exists method of System.IO.Directory class?

B         It checks whether the given path refers to an existing directory      ----------------Cau nay dung

51        Identify the syntax of the GetDirectories method of System.IO.Directory class.

A         string[] GetDirectories(stringPath);  ----------------Cau nay dung

52        The default mode in the FileStream class is ___________ read/write operations

A         synchronous    ----------------Cau nay dung

53        The StreamReader class is the superclass of the class TextReader?

A         TRUE  ----------------Cau nay dung

54        Stream class support a two-way stream (input and output)

A         TRUE  ----------------Cau nay dung

55        Which class is used to write primitive types to a stream

B         BinaryWriter  ----------------Cau nay dung

56        A stream to encrypt or zip data can be created

A         TRUE  ----------------Cau nay dung

57        Multithread can help to improve application responsiveness

A         TRUE  ----------------Cau nay dung

58        Which class in the System.Threading namespace is used to sunchronize access to objects?

C         Monitor           ----------------Cau nay dung

59        The Timer class in the System.Thread namespace provides a mechanism for executing a method at _______

A         specified intervals      ----------------Cau nay dung

60        ThreadStart is a _________

D         delegate          ----------------Cau nay dung

61        Which statement is true to create a thread

B         Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(CallbackMethodName));----------------Cau nay dung

62        Multithreading can be implemented in .NET by (choose 2)

A         ThreadStart     ----------------Cau nay dung

C         ThreadPool class        ----------------Cau nay dung

63        ______ is the main class for creating threads and controlling them

D         Monitor           ---------------Cau nay dung

64        ______ contains operationg system-specific objects that wait for access to shared resources

E          WaitHandle    ----------------Cau nay dung

65        ______ comprises a set of threads that can be used for posting work items, processing asynchronous I/O, waiting on

behalf of other threads, and processing timers

B         ThreadPool     ----------------Cau nay dung

66        The methods represented by ThreadStart can return any type

B         FALSE            ----------------Cau nay dung

67        The methods represented by ThreadStart can have zero, one or more parameters

B         FALSE            ----------------Cau nay dung

68        An instance of a class which defines the method containing task action needs to be created before starting a thread object

A         TRUE  ----------------Cau nay dung

69        The start method in the Thread class starts immediately the thread execution

B         FALSE            ----------------Cau nay dung

70        Only the Thread class can be used to create a thread object

A         TRUE  ----------------Cau nay dung

71        _______ method blocks the calling thread till the current thread ends

B         Join()  ----------------Cau nay dung

72        Which property returns a value that contains the state of the current thread.

A         ThreadState    ----------------Cau nay dung

73        Which statements are TRUE about thread?

B         Priority level values come from the ThreadPriority enumeration of namespace System.Threading      ----------------Cau nay dung

D         A thread must be in the Running state before the operation system can schedule it            ----------------Cau nay dung

74        A portion of code which is accessed by multiple threads at the same time is called ______

B         Critical section           ----------------Cau nay dung

75        ________ is a mechanism to implement thread management

A         Critical section          

B         Locking          

C         Immutable object      

D         Thread pooling           ----------------Cau nay dung

76        ______ is a concept which allows only one thread to excusively access particular sections of code at a time

A         Locking          

B         Thread pooling           ----------------Cau nay dung

C         Reentrant       

77        Reentrant is __________

A         a method which is thread-safe           ----------------Cau nay dung

B         a mechanism to implement thread management      

C         an portion of code which is accessed by multiple threads at the same time           

78        Which 3 of the following statement with reference to .NET and COM are TRUE?

A         .NET is a component technology like COM  ----------------Cau nay dung

B         .NET achieves COM interoperability by creating a proxy class for every COM component that the .NET client tries to access.        ----------------Cau nay dung

C         When a .NET component is called from COM, the runtime generates a Runtime Callable Wrapper object.      

D         In reality, .NET does not talk to COM at all, it interacts with the RCW.     ----------------Cau nay dung

79        The __________ utility can be used to convert a COM Type Library into a .NET assembly.

A         TlBExp          

B         TlbImp           

C         TlBLib            ----------------Cau nay dung

D         TlBDet           

80        The TlbExp Utility creates the proxy for the COM Dlls.

A         TRUE 

B         FALSE            ----------------Cau nay dung

81        If the .NET component needs to be accessed from more than one application, the .NET component then needs to be a shared assembly and has to be installed on the GAC.

A         TRUE  ----------------Cau nay dung

B         FALSE           

82        When an object of the COM component is created in a .NET managed environment; how is the object destroyed?

A         The object is destroyed by the CLR  

B         The object is destroyed when the count reaches zero          

C         This issue is addressed by the RCW  ----------------Cau nay dung

83        When a .NET component is called from COM, the runtime generates a wrapper object known as the __________________.

A         Runtime Callable Wrapper   

B         COM Callable Wrapper         ----------------Cau nay dung

84        Regardless of how many COM clients try to access the component, the runtime creates only one CCW for a managed .NET component.

A         TRUE  ----------------Cau nay dung

B         FALSE           

85        .NET client and COM clients can simultaneously make calls to the same .NET component.

A         TRUE  ----------------Cau nay dung

B         FALSE           

86        In order to call a .NET component from a COM client, you need to first register the assembly using the _________ utility.

A         RegAsm          ----------------Cau nay dung

B         TlbExp           

87        The Runtime Callable Wrapper does not contain any form of business logic.

A         TRUE  ----------------Cau nay dung

B         FALSE           

88        How many CCWs are  created by the runtime to manage more then one COM client ?

A         The number of CCWs is equal to the number of COM clients.       

B         One CCW can handle any number of COM clients   ----------------Cau nay dung

C         Five CCWs are created to handle more then one COM clients.      

89        Which 2 of the following statements with reference to .Net components are TRUE ?

A         The CLR manages the lifetime of the objects in .Net.          ----------------Cau nay dung

B         .NET clients use interfaces to learn about the functionality of the object. 

C         .Net files can be either .dll or .pe files          ----------------Cau nay dung

D         .Net objects must reside in the same memory location throughout the lifetime of the object 

90        The .exe file in .Net can be executed from any platform.

A         TRUE  ----------------Cau nay dung

B         FALSE           

91        What is a Runtime callable wrapper ?

A         Run time error in .Net           

B         It is the proxy through which .Net interacts with the COM  ----------------Cau nay dung

C         An object used in .Net           

D         A component used in .Net     

92        Which term is used for the data conversion from Com to .Net ?

A         Marshalling   

B         Type-casting  

C         Data-conversion        

D         Marshaled       ----------------Cau nay dung

93        What must one do to register or unregister the .Net components in the Windows registry ?

A         Write the code for registering/unregistering .Net components in the assembly.    

B         Run RegAsm.exe on the command line         ----------------Cau nay dung

C         Components get registered / unregistered automatically.    

D         Register / Unregister the .Net components in the windows file.     

94        ___________  is the Proxy used by .Net to interact with COM.

A         Runtime Callable Wrapper    ----------------Cau nay dung

B         Executable Callable Wrapper           

C         Route Callable Wrapper        

95        The ___________ command gives you the output of COM type library.

A         TlBExp           ----------------Cau nay dung

B         TlBImp          

C         TlBLib           

D         TlBDet           

96        One of the overloaded constructors of the XmlTextWriter takes in two parameters; the first being the filename for the XML text file that is to be created and the second is the _________.

A         EnvironmentPermission        

B         Encoding style            ----------------Cau nay dung

C         Version No.   

D         File path         

97        The WriteStartDocument() method of the XmlTextwriter class writes the XML declaration with the version _________.

A         "1.0"    ----------------Cau nay dung

B         "0.0"   

C         "0.1"   

D         "1.1"   

E          "2.0"   

98        The XMLReader class is an abstract class.

A         TRUE  ----------------Cau nay dung

B         FALSE           

99        We write the contents of the dataset to an XML file using the ___________ method of the dataset object.

A         WriteStartDocument()          

B         Write()           

C         WriteXml()     ----------------Cau nay dung

D         WriteStartElement() 

100      Identify the correct statement/s.

Statement A: The WriteStartDocument() method of the XmlTextWriter class writes the specified start tag.

Statement B: The WriteStartElement() method of the XmlTextWriter class writes the specified specified XML declaration.

A         Statement 1 is true    

B         Statement 2 is true    

C         Both the Statements are true 

D         Both the Statements are false----------------Cau nay dung

101      When there are no more nodes to be read in the file, the XMLReader class returns ________.

A         0         

B         1          ----------------Cau nay dung

C         FALSE           

D         EOF    

102      Identify the correct statement/s.

Statement A: The XMLNodeList is an ordered list of nodes but the data represented by them is not live.

Statement B: The XMLNode and the XMLNodeList class collectively make up the core of the DOM implementation in .NET.

A         Statement 1 is true    

B         Statement 2 is true     ----------------Cau nay dung

C         Both the Statements are true 

D         Both the Statements are false

103      The XmlValidatingReader is an implementation of the __________ class.

A         XmlReader     ----------------Cau nay dung

B         XmlTextReader         

C         ReadString     

D         ValidatingXML         

104      The Document Object Model is implemented in .NET using the _________ class.

A         XMLNode       ----------------Cau nay dung

B         XMLNodeList           

C         XMLReader   

D         XMLDocument         

105      Which 2 of the following statements  with reference to XSLT are TRUE?

A         XSLT is used to provide the graphics utility to the XML document           

B         XSLT is used to map more then one XML document           ----------------Cau nay dung

C         XSLT can be used with various languages    ----------------Cau nay dung

106      The __________ method of the XMLTextWriter class writes the specified start tag.

A         WriteStartElement()  ----------------Cau nay dung

B         WriteStartDocument()          

C         WriteStartTag()         

D         WriteStartAttribute()

107      XMLValidatingReader class provides the validation against:

A         XDR  schemas           

B         XML schemas

C         DTDs schemas           

D         All of the above          ----------------Cau nay dung

E          None of the above     

108      Which one of the following classes allows you to transform documents using  stylesheets in XML?

A         System.XML.Style    

B         System.XML.Xsl        ----------------Cau nay dung

C         System.XML.Schema

D         System.XML.Xpath  

109      ReadXML() and WriteXML() methods belong to the _________class.

A         SqlConnection           

B         SqlDataAdapter         

C         Dataset            ----------------Cau nay dung

D         XmlTextWriter          

110      All valid XML documents are well formed but not all well formed XML document are valid.

A         TRUE  ----------------Cau nay dung

B         FALSE           

111      Which of the following classes in System.XML namespace gives the tree representation of the XML document, so that we can navigate through the entire document and edit if required ?

A         XmlReader    

B         XmlWriter----------------Cau nay dung        

C         XmlDocument           

D         XMLValidatingReader          

112      The first parameter of XMLTextWriter specifies the filename which we have to create, whereas the second parameter specifies ___________.

A         Path of the file           

B         Format of the file      

C         Encoding Style           ----------------Cau nay dung

113      The class _____________ in System.XML is used to store, retrieve and manipulate the relational Dataset.

A         XMLDataDocument   ----------------Cau nay dung

B         XMLTableDocument

C         XMLRelationalDocument     

114      Identify the 2 abstract classes from the list given below.

A         XmlReader     ----------------Cau nay dung

B         XmlWriter      ----------------Cau nay dung

C         XmlDocument           

D         XmlTextWriter          

115      Which class will point you towards the innerdata of the XML document ?

A         XMLInner      

B         XmlWriter     

C         XMLReader   

D         XMLNode       ----------------Cau nay dung

116      Which of the following statements are true about the Reflection API?  ( Choose 2)

A         It can be used to effectively find all the types in an assembly and/or dynamically invoke methods in an assembly.        ----------------Cau nay dung

B         IT cannot be used to manipulate other objects on the .NET platform.        

C         It can at times even be used to emit Intermediate Language code on the fly so that the generated code can be executed directly.            ----------------Cau nay dung

D         The Reflection API uses the System.Reflection namespace, with the Reflection class to identify the type of the Class being reflected,     

117      Which of the following statements best illustrates the use of the Reflection API. ( Choose 3)

A         Obtains Class and Type Information from an Assembly      ----------------Cau nay dung

B         Translates a stream of input characters into a stream of input elements    

C         Obtains Member Information from a Class   ----------------Cau nay dung

D         Dynamically Invokes Methods from Classes in an Assembly          ----------------Cau nay dung

118      Which of the following properties does the Type class have? (Choose 3)

A         IsCLass

B         IsMethod        

C         IsPublic           ----------------Cau nay dung

D         IsCOMObject----------------Cau nay dung

119      Which of the following statements are true? ( Choose 2)

A         A .NET executable program cannot directly reference a .NET DLL module.         

B         Windows 2000 operating System is capable of loading two assemblies with the same name but different version numbers.   ----------------Cau nay dung

C         Reflection APIs does not allow creating of assembly in memory dynamically.     

D         The Reflection API allows creating types on the fly and invoking methods on them.            ----------------Cau nay dung

120      How can we create the object dynamically in C#?

A         C# does not allow instantiation

 of objects at run time.

B         By using the System.Reflection.

CreateInstance() method to create

 an instance of object in the following manner.

  Type myObjectType  =    Type.GetTypeFromProgID


   object myObject = System.Reflectrion.


C         By using the System.Activator

.CreateInstance() method to

create an instance of object in the following manner.

Type myObjectType  =Type.GetTypeFromProgID


   object myObject = System.Activator.CreatInstance


            ----------------Cau nay dung

D         In C#, Object cannot be instantiated

at run time but a method of a

 class can be invoked.

121      using System.Reflection;

using System;

class Reflect


public int i=20;

public char ch=a;

public float f1=10;

public void GetFloat(){



public void GetInt(){



public void GetChar(){




class TCPReflection


public  static voidMain()


Reflect sender = new Reflect();

Type t = sender.GetType();

MemberInfo [] members = t.GetMembers();

MethodInfo [] method = t.GetMethods();

FieldInfo [] f1=t.GetFields();

Console.WriteLine("No of memebers:"+members.Length);

Console.WriteLine("No of fields:"+f1.Length);



What will be the output of above code when compiled/run?

A         The code will generate a compile time error

B         The output of above code will be:

No of members : 11

No of fields: 4

C         The output of above code will be:

No of members : 11

No of fields: 3

            ----------------Cau nay dung

D         The output of above code will be:

No of members : 12

No of fields: 3

122      Through which process does the assembly expose its Metadata ?

C         Reflection      


This feature prevents multiple threads from simultaneously modifying the state of the resource , by including various classes and data types.


Thread Synchronization


This feature is the mechanism of blocking a thread util some condition becomes true


Thread Waiting (correct answer)


Synchronizes access to objects




Contains operating system-specific objects that wait for access to shared resources.




This retrieves a value which indicates whether a thread belongs to the managed thread pool.


IsThreadPoolThread (your answer)


Retrieves the value of execution status of the current thread.




Retrieves a value which contains the state of the current thread.


IsAlive (correct answer)


Priority retrieves or specifies a value which indicates the scheduling priority of a thread.


True (your answer)


This method blocks the calling thread till the thread ends.


Join (your answer)


This method obstructs the current thread for the specified time.




A Thread must be in the Running state before the operating System can schedule it.


True (correct answer)


The default priority of a thread is:


Normal(your answer)


This is a language for retrieving information from a XML Document. is used to navigate through elements and attributes in an xml document.


XPath (correct answer)


An XPath expression are returns: - 3 choices


a node set


a boolean


a String and a number


Steps to add data into an existing XML file.

    1. Create a Method to create new element

    2. add the element after the last child node.

    3. write value to the element.

    4. Declare the objects

    5.Save the file.


4-1-3-2-5 (correct answer)


This is an abstract class that provides a cursor model for navigating and editing XMl data.


XPathNavigator (correct answer)


How to declare Attributes:





This attribute can be used as debugging aid in the C# code.


Conditional (correct answer)


Which statements are true?  - 3 choices


Attributes are a mechanism of adding metadata to a programming element (your answer)



Descriptive information in the metadata can be extracted using runtime reflection services. (your answer)


Attributes are stored with the metadata of the element they are associated with. (your answer)


Code developed outsite the .net framework.


Unmanaged Code


Namespace is mandatory for using DLLImport attribute


System.Runtime.InteropServices (correct answer)


Used to invoke unmanaged code in a C#  program.


DLLImport Attribute (correct answer)


Use as debugging aid in the C# code.


Conditional Attribute (correct answer)


Namespace is mandatory for using the Conditional attribute


System.Diagnostics (your answer)


A DLL is a library that contains code and data that can be used by more than one program at the same time.




This is a phrase for complications which arise when working with dynamic link libraries.


DLL Hell


These are the building blocks used by the .Net Framework used to solve the versioning and deployment problems posed by the DLLs




This is a collection of information required by the runtime to execute an application.


Assembly (correct answer)


This is deployed with an application and is available only for the application.


A private assembly (correct answer)


A assembly consists of parts:

- 3 choices


Assembly Metadata


Type Metadata


MSIL Code & Resources


A namespace can contain one or more assemblies and an assembly can contain one or more namespaces.


True (correct answer)


Which statements are true with assembly.- 3 choices


Multiple applications can not implement the same DLL file due to versioning problem


DLLs use fewer resource (your answer)


Applications must be self describing so that they are no longer dependent of the registry entries. (your answer)


Collection of information existing in binary form in a Portable Executable file or a .Net assembly.


Assembly metadata (correct answer)


File such as JPEG, text, XML and other types that are used in the application.


Resource (your answer)


Data present in the assembly and its type.


Type Metadata (correct answer)


Compilers convert the source code into an intermediate language.




The System.IO namespace in .Net does not support stream handling.


False (your answer)


The class named File is a member of System.IO namespace.


True (your answer)


This class reads primary data types as binary values in a specific encoding.




This class provides methods for creating, moving and enumerating through directories and sub-directories.




This class provides instance methods for creating, moving and enumerating directories and sub-directories.




This class provides static methods for creating and manipulating files.




This class contains methods that are common to file and directory manipulation.


FileSystemInfor (correct answer)


The TextReader class represents a reader that can read a sequence of characters.




This class is used to read and write data to memory instead of a disk.




This class is not part of the system.IO namsepace, It resides within the System.security.




These classes are not part of the System.IO namspace.


NetWorkStream (your answer)


CryptoStream (your answer)


This class can be used for operations such as creating, copying, moving, deleting and appending to files.


FileInfor (correct answer)


The FileInfor class is used to create FileStream Object.


True (your answer)


In Directory class, this method returns a DirectoryInfor object which can be used to work with the newly created directory.




This method of Directory class is also used to rename the directory.




Get the names of sub-directories in a specified directory.




Returns current working directory of the application.




Which the terms do they belong to Directoryinfo class?

- 3 choices








Re-order steps of creating a thread in C#.

 1.Define a method inside class.

 2. Create constructor.

 3. Define a class

 4. Create one or more objects of the class in the new class

 5.Create one or more Thread objects in the new class

 6. Start the execution of the thread.


3-1-4-5-6 (correct answer)


Only the Thread class can be used to create a thread object.




A portion of thread which is accessed by multiple threads at the same time.


Critical Section (correct answer)


This object that does not change its state after it is create.


Immutable object (correct answer)


This method which id thread - safe


Reentrant (correct answer)


Which statements are true?


COM permits reuse of code across different environments.


GUID is referred when COM or DCOM object is registered


COM uses com-capable tool during the implementation of each subsystem.


This performs operations like joins, ordering and sorting


XQuery (correct answer)


Which statements are true?


XMLDocument class enables navigation and editing (your answer)


A standard that helps in processing xml


System.Xml namespace (correct answer)


A class that has the ability to accept or reject changes in the document.


APathDocument (correct answer)


XmlTextWriter is a class that is derived from XmlWriter


True (correct answer)


WriteString() method flushes the buffer and writes whatever data is left in the buffer to the stream.




Read the next node from the stream.



Read method (your answer)


Rises when a validation error occurs


ValidationEventHandle (your answer)


Child operator ; selects immediate children of the left-site collection



  / (correct answer)






Recursive descent ; searches for the specified element at any depth


// (correct answer)


Indicates the current context.




   . (correct answer)





The parent of the current context node



  .. (correct answer)






Attribute ; prefix for an attribute name








wildcard; selects all elements regardless of the element name.








* (correct answer)



Which characters do not belong to XPath expression.










1.     Custom attributes also placed in the namespace System

A.    False.

2.     ____ is the main class for creating threads and controlling them

A.    WaitHandle

B.    Thread

3.     The methods represented by ThreadStart can return any type

A.    False

4.     The . Net Frameword SDK 2 provides the user with a tool called ____ to peek into the assemblies and explore the classes available within them.


5.     The methods represented  by ThreadStart can have zero, one or more parameters

A.    Fasle

6.     In C#, _______ is a mechanism of adding metadata to a programming element.

A.    Attribute

7.     Sn.exe is used to create strong names  for essemblies

A.    True

8.     If the .NET component needs to be accessed from more than one application, the .NET component then needs to be shared assembly and has to be installrd on the GAC

9.     Which file comes with .NET frameword SDK to create a Resource file?

A.    Resgen.exe

B.    TLBImp

10.  Multithread can help to improve application responsiveness

A.    True

11.  Identify the correct statement/s

A.    Sta

12.  Identify the 2 abstract classes from the list given below

A.    XmlReader

B.    XmlWriter

13.  Which of the following statement/s with reference to Dllimport attribute is/are TRUE?

A.    It can import a file written in any programming language

14.  What must one do to register or unregister the .Net components in the Windows registry?

A.    Run RegAsm.exe on the command line.

15.  We can define a custom attribute but its information cannot be retrieved

A.    Fasle

16.  The glable assemblies are saved in the ____

A.    In the <dirve>:\WINNT\Assembly folder

17.  The .exe file in .Net can be executed from any platform

A.    False

18.  A .Net component is also referred to as assembly

A.    True

19.  fdf

20.  The ___ utility can be used to convert a COM Type Library into a .Net assembly

A.    TLBExp

21.  The TLBExp Utility creates the proxy for the COM Dlls

A.    False

22.  ReadXML() and WriteXML() methods belong to the ____class

A.    Dataset

B.    Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(CallbackMethodName));

23.  which class in the System.Thread namespace is used to synchronize access to objects?

A.    Monitor

24.  Only the Thread class can be used to create a thread object

A.    True

25.  the start method in the Thread class stats immediately the thread execution

A.    true

26.  which of the following is/are not a part of the Assembly?

A.    GAC utility

27.  Descriptive information in the metadata can be extracted using runtime reflection services

A.    True

28.  one of the overloaded constructors of the XmlTextWriter takes in two parameters; the first being the filename for the XML text file that is to be created and the second is the ____

A.    File path

29.  Which class will point you towards the innerdata of the XML document?

A.    XMLNode

30.  identify the sytax of the GetDirectories method of System.IO.Directory class/

A.    string[] GetDirectories(stringPath);

31.  Attibutes are stored with the metadata of the element they are associated with

A.    true

32.  which statement is FALSE about custom attribute?

A.    A metadata cannot be extracted by another application

33.  The StreamReader class is the superClass of the class TextReader?

A.    False

34.  which of the following properties does the Type class have? (Choose 3)

A.    IsCOMObject

B.    IsClass

C.    IsPublic

D.    ­­

35.  Which term is used for the data conversion from Com to .Net?


B.    Marshalling

36.  _____ is a concept which allows only one thread to excusively access particular sections of code at a time

A.    Locking

37.  what is the purpose if the Eixsts method of System.IO.Directory class?

A.    It checks whether the given path refers to an existing directory


38.  ___ is a mechanism to implement thread management

A.    Thread pooling

39.  Version number of an assembly are stored in the follwing format

A.    <> 

40.  The extension of an assembly is ______

A.    .dll

41.  Which part of the assembly displays the picture file or sound file?

A.    Resources

42.  Namespace ___ is mandatory foor using DllImport attribute

A.    Systen.Runtime.InteropServices

43.  A key pair is created using the ______ utility

A.    Sn.exe

44.  For versioning the private assemblies, the CLR simply loads the newst assemblies found in the application directory


B.    True

45.  in order to call a .Net component from a COM client, you need to first register the assembly using the ____ utility

A.    RegAsm

46.  A portion of code which is accessed by multiple threads at the same time is called ___

A.    Critical section

47.  The information about a class can be found out using ___

A.    Reflection

48.  ______ is the Proxy used by .Net to interact with COM.

A.    Runtime Callable Wrapper

49.  When an object of the COM component is created in a .Net managed environment; how is the object destroyed?

A.    This issue is addressed by the RCW

50.  Which of the following statements are true? (Choose 2)

A.    Assemblies can be shared by installing it in the global Assembly Cache

B.    Private assembies have predefined version policy

51.  The ____ attribute enumerator is applied for any class elements

A.    AttributeTargets.Class

52.  XMLValidatingReader class provides the validation against:

A.    All of the above

6. In C#,_______ is a mechanism of adding metadata to a programming element.

            b. Attribute

7. Sn.exe is used to create strong names for assemblies.

            b. true

9. Which file comes with .Net framework SDK to create a Resource file?

                        d. Resgen.exe

11. The _______ command gives you the output of COM type library.

            d. TlBImp

12. Multithread can help to improve application responsiveness

            b. true

31. Which class in the System.Threading namespace is used to synchronize access to object?

            c. Monitor

34. The start method in the Thread class starts immediately the thread execution

            b. true

41. Attribute are stored with the metadata of element they are associated with

            b. true

42. Which statement is FALSE about custom attribute?

            a. A metadata cannot be extracted by another application

44. The StreamReader class is the superclass of the class TextReader?

            a. false

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