💍Can I marry your twin brother??💍

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Miya Osamu Vs Atsumu Harem

Round 1:

Miya Osamu Vs Oikawa Tooru

Oikawa: Hey, Osamu!!

Osamu: What??

Oikawa: Can I marry your brother??

Osamu: .....

Oikawa: Silence is consent.

Osamu: I-

Oikawa: To speak up is to agree.

Osamu: Fuck!!!

Oikawa: To argue is to agree.

Osamu: But-

Oikawa: To clarify is to confess.

Osamu: ಠ_ಠ....

Oikawa: Can I marry your brother?

Osamu: Okay....

Oikawa: Great-

Osamu: But before that, survive from my knife, then marry my brother!!!

Oikawa: Wait!!! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Round 1: Miya Osamu win

1 - 0


Round 2:

Miya Osamu Vs Kita Shinsuke

Osamu: Oh shit!!!

Kita: Osamu...

Osamu: Yes!!

Kita: .......

Osamu: .......

Kita: .........

Osamu: Oh my gosh!! Kita-san!!! Please say something!!! Don't scare me!!!!

Kita: .......

Osamu: Keiji... Where are you!! I miss you so much!!! (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ')~

Kita: Osamu??

Osamu: Eeeekkkkk!!!!

Osamu: Y... yes??

Kita: Will you allow me to marry Atsumu as my wife???

Osamu: OMG!!! He just begged me!!! (⊙o⊙)!!!

Kita: Okay???

Osamu: Hic... save me, Keijiヽ(*。>Д<)o゜

Kita: Is it okay???

Osamu: Yes!!! I agree!! Please make Tsumu happy!!

Kita: Good...

Osamu: இ௰இ I'm sorry, Tsumu...

Round 2: Kita Shinsuke win

1 - 1


Round 3:

Miya Osamu Vs Hinata Shoyo

Hinata: Osamu-sa-

Osamu: No!!!

Hinata: Eh?? I didn't say anything???

Osamu: Needless to say, I knew you came here to rob my brother right??

Hinata: Oh... yes... that's right...

Osamu: In general, I don't agree with this marriage..

Hinata: Why???

Osamu: Because I don't like it, okay???

Hinata: ......

The two talked for a while, suddenly Atsumu came to them from afar, an idea popped up in Hinata's mind.

Hinata: (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ')~ Hic.... Atsumu-san~~

Osamu: What the fuc-

Atsumu: Oh my god!! Shoyo !! What happened to you?? Why do you cry?? Samu makes you cry??

Hinata: That's right...

Osamu: What??

Atsumu: Samu!!!

Osamu: !!!!!!

Atsumu: That's cruel!!!

Osamu: No.... It's not like that!!!!

Hinata: (╹ڡ╹ ) Ehe~

Osamu: (╬▔皿▔)╯

Atsumu: But what happened??

Hinata: I.. I just wanted to ask Osamu-san if I could marry you but... hic... Osamu-san cursed me... huhuhu...

Osamu: It's not like that Tsumu.

Atsumu: ............

Osamu: ............

Hinata: ............

Osamu: I-

Atsumu: (。﹏。*) hic...

Osamu: Okay!!! Okay!!! I agree for this marriage!!!! Please don't cry!!!


Round 3: Hinata Shoyo win

1 - 2


Round 4:

Miya Osamu Vs Suna Rintarou

Osamu: Don't think you're my friend that I can let you marry my brother...

Suna: .....

Suna: Okay....

Osamu: What??

Suna: I said okay...

Suna: I was going to send you some pictures of Akaashi Keiji, setter, Fukurodani school from a friend for your approval but-

Osamu: ???????

Osamu: Wait!!! I agree!! I agree!!!

Suna: Good... ( *︾▽︾)

Osamu: I agree then send the picture....

Suna: I thought you loved your brother very much??

Osamu: I love my brother but... it's just time for him to get married...

Suna: Oh... Ok??

Round 4: Suna Rintarou win

1 - 3


Round 5:

Miya Osamu Vs Kageyama Tobio

Kageyama: Osamu-san?? I can take-

Osamu: Okay...

Kageyama: ???

Osamu: Huh??

Kageyama: Why so fast?? I thought you disagree??

Osamu: Ah... I don't know... you must be the gentlest of those people....

Kageyama: Oh... So where should I propose to him???

Osamu: Probably at xxxyyy....

Round 5: Kageyama Tobio wins

1 - 4


Last round:

Miya Osamu Vs Sakusa Kiyoomi

Osamu: I-

Sakusa: Shut the fuck up!! Let me say first.

Osamu: There's no point in marrying with such an attitude!!!

Sakusa: Whatever....

Osamu: Damn it!!

Sakusa: Let me tell you why I deserve to be Atsumu's husband more than anyone...

Osamu: Tsk... Speak quickly...

Sakusa: One, I'm handsome.

Osamu: Uh... oh... fine....

Sakusa: Two, I'm rich.

Osamu: Um...

Sakusa: Three, I'm tall.

Osamu: Okay...

Sakusa: Four, I can clean the house.

Osamu: Okay??

Sakusa: Five, can cook-

Osamu: Bitch!!! Not this one, cause you blew up Tsumu's and my house's kitchen before!!

Sakusa: Tsk!! Next!!

Sakusa: Six, I'm good at make him feel good in my bed: ))

Osamu: Hey!! This is a bit wrong!!! So fucking wrong!!!

Sakusa: Seven, I'm better than Atsumu's ex.

Osamu: Yeah, that ex-boyfriend was a jerk...

Sakusa: Eight, I can take care of Atsumu anytime and anywhere.

Osamu: Oh...

Sakusa: Nine, I always know how to comfort him.

Osamu: I don't want to admit it, but this is okay...

Sakusa: In the end, I love him the way he loves me...

Osamu: .........

Sakura: .........

Osamu: Haizzz....

Osamu: Qualified to be Miya's son-in-law!!!

Sakusa: Great!!!

Final round: Sakusa Kiyoomi win

1 - 5


Sorry for Oikawa....

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