💤Strange dreams💤

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This one I based on the text of me and my best friend and will add a few more.


Hey!!!: Atsumu

 Tetsurou is online

Tetsurou: What??

I was going to text you about my strange dream but yesterday the power went out so I couldn't text you. : Atsumu

Not happy at all : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Now tell me about your dream :))

:))))) : Atsumu

I only remember half of it... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: :))))

Tetsurou: Then tell me as much as you can remember...

Ok, I remember the horror part is.... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Hmm???

I was chased by a guy with white hair, green eyes, two diamond-shaped scars on the edge of his mouth, with a sword in hand... : Atsumu

(Oh yeah... The person I dreamed about was Sanzu Haruchiyo...so scary...)

:))) : Atsumu

Tetsurou: :))))

Tetsurou: Are you dreaming of horror stories again???

That's right, my friend~ : Atsumu

At that time, I was sleeping at noon, so I felt like I wanted to drop my blood pressure when running :)) : Atsumu

Tetsurou : Hahahahaha!!!

Tetsurou: So are you okay???

I'm not okay!! : Atsumu

At that time I ran into a small house... : Atsumu

One step it's as tall as your libero... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: .........

Tetsurou: Omg!!!! Hahahahahahaha!!!!!

Tetsurou: If Yaku hears, he'll kick you!!!

There are more than 20 steps in total... : Atsumu

Makes me want to faint... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Then what's going on.... I have a stomach ache... from laughing so much...

When I finished climbing, the surroundings turned into long and long stilts and ladders : Atsumu

It bends like Rin :)) It looks horrible... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: He's your boyfriend....

I know... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: ......

I continued, there are places where it even stands up so I don't know how to walk... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Oh...

When I turned around, I saw that guy running towards me so I kept running : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Um, keep going. Sounds dramatic.

I ran for a while then I collapsed... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Oh my god!!!

There are spiders down there!!! : Atsumu

The mother fucker of life!!! : Atsumu

_(:з)∠)_ : Atsumu

Tetsurou: That's bad...

Before I could scream, that guy saved me :)) : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Huh?? Wait?? Nani???

Oh my friend~ : Atsumu

I was so touched at that time~ : Atsumu

o(*////▽////*)q : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Wtf???

But he's actually quite handsome so I'm touched~: Atsumu

Tetsurou: Calm down!! You already have a boyfriend, so don't fall in love with him!!!

But the fact that he pulled me back so he could stab me with his sword... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: The truth is always harsh~

Feet faster than brain... : Atsumu

I kicked that guy's groin and ran :)) : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Σ(っ °Д °;)っ Nani???

I was running, suddenly I was caught by Tobio-kun for the nth time... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Tsk Tsk!!

Tetsurou: The savior of all your dreams :))

Savior??? : Atsumu

Yes, he grabbed me and threw me at that guy :)))) : Atsumu

No fun :)))) : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Hahahahahhah!!!!

Tetsurou: Having such a good junior!!!

I haven't done anything yet, then that guy tore my clothes... : Atsumu


Fuck... : Atsumu

I don't know what to say... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: +1

I'm so confused... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Then what?

Then what else?? : Atsumu

I just woke up... : Atsumu

Then I went to sleep again and dreamed of something more horrifying... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: .........

I woke up in a murky forest!!! : Atsumu

Tetsurou: I asked you to play horror games but you didn't play, now you're all dreaming of horrors :))

Ehe ☆⌒(≧▽​° ) : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Don't " Ehe ☆⌒(≧▽​° )" with me!!!

There's a handsome guy there... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: I'll tell Suna and Sakusa that you dreamed of handsome men but didn't dream of the two of them...

What?? Wait buddy!!! Don't do that!!!! : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Since you're my friend, I won't do it :))

人(_ _*) Omg, thank you!!! : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Nothing, keep talking~

Okay, he's handsome but he's crazy :)) : Atsumu

But it's okay~ : Atsumu

The beauty kills the character~ : Atsumu

Tetsurou: I will-


Tetsurou: But I haven't texted yet???

At that time I was looking at his beauty when Tobio-chan pulled me for the nth time... : Atsumu

Fuck!!! : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Wow!!! Kageyama appears in your dreams more than both of your boyfriends!!!

 SHUT UP!!!! : Atsumu

Tetsurou: FUCK YOU!!!

I was furious at that time!!! At least let me touch it!!! : Atsumu

Tetsurou: I-


Tetsurou: !!! WHAT DID I DO AGAIN???

Tetsurou: (凸ಠ益ಠ)凸

((#Φ益Φ#))୨ : Atsumu

Tetsurou: .........

........... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Well, let's continue about your dream....

( Yeah~ Me and my best friend always text like that )

Ok?? But what part am I talking about??? : Atsumu

Tetsurou: At the point where you were picked up by Kageyama.

Oh... Ok!!! : Atsumu

Tobio-kun picked me up and threw me into the abandoned house... : Atsumu

Ok, I'm fine _:('ཀ'」 ∠):_ : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Yeah... You're fine :))

At that time, I wanted to strangle him!!! : Atsumu

It's okay to have a deserted house!!! At least there must be a handsome boy or a pretty girl!!!! : Atsumu

Tetsurou: .......

SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! : Atsumu


Tetsurou: (눈_눈)....

Do you know what's in that abandoned house??? : Atsumu

Tetsurou: What's inside???

There are worms and spiders... a lot... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Oh my god!!!!

Some more cute maggots :))))) : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Ew!!! Eeewww!!!!

And all of them are as big as Yachi-chan... : Atsumu

Ew!!! : Atsumu

Tetsurou: ( ̄_ ̄).....

Tetsurou: You'll make Yachin sad....

Uh??Huh??...  I forgot!!! : Atsumu

I'll apologize to her tomorrow :)) : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Um...

Let's continue, I was frozen at that time : Atsumu

Worms, maggots and spiders keep moving towards me... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: OMG!!! I'm scared!!!

But as I said just now, I suddenly realized... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: What did you suddenly realize???

I feel my dream as entertainment for you... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Oh?? Did you realize it now??? I was smiling all the time :))

After I ran out of there, I saw a bunch of girls wearing red Kimono : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Oh...

It looks very normal if they hold normal items in their hands, but no, each person's hand is holding a part of a dead person... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: 〣( ºΔº )〣!!! Holy shit!!!

Tetsurou: Don't scare me!!!!

So should I stop? : Atsumu

Tetsurou: No!! Tell me more :))

:))) : Atsumu

Tetsurou: :))))

The one in the front holds a head covered in fresh blood.... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: (°ロ°) !

Fuck!! I was shocked at that time!!! : Atsumu

Before I could run, someone caught me... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: It's Kageyama again???

Yes... It's him... : Atsumu

Tobio-kun suddenly gently caressed my cheek... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: I'm feeling scared!!!

Tetsurou: Kageyama is gentle and kind??

Yeah... : Atsumu

He caught me off guard and stuck something in my chest... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: \(º □ º l|l)/ !!!!

Then suddenly I have super strength to fight with those people wearing Kimono.. : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Who won??

I win!!! : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Yeah!!!

One tooth dropped... : Atsumu

Tetsuro: Huh?? Huh??? What???

I picked it up and another one fell... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: I'm sorry... I laughed... I'm such an asshole :))

Um... Then from the darkness appeared a man... : Atsumu

He's handsome... : Atsumu

Tetsuro: Oh~

He is the guy with a sword chasing me... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Are you telling the truth? Ahahaahah!!!!

Tetsurou: You thought you got rid of him but you didn't!! He follows you to another dream!!!!

And he punched me hard under my chin... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: That sounds painful...

Teeth and blood fall like waterfall :)) : Atsumu


Then he stabbed the sword into my neck... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: OMG!!!

Startled awake, I found myself drooling on the pillow... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Sakusa must have been angry if he saw it.

Don't worry, I washed it. But the feeling of losing teeth is horrible. : Atsumu

My dream is end :)) : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Your dream is interesting :))

Tetsurou: Handsome but unfortunately he's a killer...

Yeah... : Atsumu

Tetsurou: Poor you :))

I know... : Atsumu


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