"Gomen, Tsukki.." tsukkiyama angst (1)

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word count - 1298

"Get away from me!" Tsukki yelled, pushing Yamaguchi into the wall, away from him, using all his strength and then watching him fall onto the ground. Yams rubbed his eyes, "Tsukki, please listen-" he shook and saw the small cracks against the wall, standing up again, trying to get over to Kei. Tsukki couldn't bear to hear his voice any longer. Yams grabbed his shoulder, and Tsukki slammed him against one of his dressers. Yams didn't get up after that. It took a minute until Tsukki finally stepped forward, but Yamaguchi was already on his way out. "Wait, Yamaguchi-"

how did it end up like this?

It started when they met. Tsukishima calling the bullies lame for bullying Yamaguchi made him feel a way he didn't know existed. After they'd hung out for their years of being in middle school, Yamaguchi understood what the meaning meant. He understood how he felt. And happily tried brushing it off.

He couldn't. Every day, saying 'gomen, tsukki'.

He hated apologizing. He never realised how much he wished that his hug were enough to express what he finally realized once they finished school for the last year in middle school. He wanted to have a life with him, he wanted to build a future with him. His best friend. He wanted to-

Then something happened.

Now, they'd attended Karasuno. Volleyball and all.

". .And that's probably it," Yams told Yachi. "Tsukki has always been there for me. So kind, gorgeous, funny, amazing-"

"You're definitely into him!" Yachi clapped. Holding back what else she wanted to say, she watched his face light up. Making sure her attention seemed to be on her so Yams wouldn't turn around, she gave the least worried face she could. "I think you should wait to tell him about this, you know? Like, it would be best!" Yachi giggled, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yeah you're-"

A ball came at full speed at them. What was that again, a stray shot? Yachi ducked, Yams put his arm out, blocking it from hitting her. It flew back to Asahi who was apologizing to her while running over there. Yachi looked up, quite literally shaking, and Yams softly giggled. Yamaguchi side hugged her, making Yachi freak out.

She turned around to where she was looking before, seeing Tsukishima holding hands with some girl as they talked. Her anxiety went up, from personally knowing Tadashi, the sight of that would tear him apart. Tsukki looked up from the lovely lady he was holding hands with, seeing Yachi in the arms of Tadashi made him furious. But all he did was coldly stare. Yachi saw for one second, then fainted.

"You think you're jealous of Hitoka?" Akaashi asked, finishing painting Kuroo's nail, being careful. Kei nodded. "I don't know why. It's not like she did anything to be remotely angry about. I just despise Yams hugging anyone that isn't me," He sighed, gently holding his cup of Boba Tea, "maybe that's just it." Kei sighed. Akaashi raised an eyebrow, "Strange, yesterday, you told us that you didn't really like how much Tadashi hugged you. Is there anything to justify the sudden change?"

"Jeez, you sound so much like a therapist. Recently, Tadashi has been kind of nurturing. Making sure I packed a lunch and brushing put my hair when we sleep over together. He braided my hair a couple of times too, and puts flowers in his own. I don't know, it's really weird and wholesome," Tsukishima gazed at Kuroo, who was making a shocked face over to Kenma. He was paying attention? "Kei, when was he last time you guys talked about each other's feelings?" He softly asked, still, not looking up from his game, but paying attention. "We don't do that."

Akaashi, Bokuto, Kenma and even Kuroo seemed shocked. "You realize that communication is what we need more than anything to understand each other, correct?" Akaashi bit his lip, finishing Kuroo's nails. Kenma got up from on the chair in the distance and came over to sit closer on the chair. Tsukishima shrugged. "That's so lame. Usually, we'd just understand each other out of nowhere-"

"No. He would understand you." Kenma interrupted. "Kōtarō would never hurt Keiji, and they make it clear. Keiji puts his guard up to make it seem like he is sick of Kōtarō's mess, but it's an act. As for Tetsurō trying to come off as smart and brainy most the time, when he's really a lucky idiot, who is caring behind closed doors. Kei, you're an arrogant tall prick who doesn't know how to feel sorry for himself. And because of that, you don't listen to anyone else's feelings. Including Tadashi."

Everyone was silent.

"You're vulnerable to feelings, and it's obvious you're a complete idiot. That does not mean you have to stay that way. Open up to Tadashi." Kenma slightly grinned at his phone, it said 'level cleared'. Akaashi nodded, "I agree, Kei. Please talk to Yamaguchi. And don't be afraid of telling him directly. And if he says anything you don't like, don't be an asshole."

Kei sat, contemplating his choices. "Fine. If something goes wrong, Yams is in your hands." Kei sighed, "By the way, you aren't gay, right?"

Bokuto chuckled, "Who are you asking?"

"Well, everyone. You guys get your nails done all the time. Seems a little sus." He laughed to himself. Not wanting to out anyone, they all shook their heads no.

"Good. That would be disgusting."

Meanwhile, Yams, Kiyoko and Yachi were doing many more feminine things, but at the same time talking about how they feel and the events that's happened. Kiyoko sewing a patch onto her girlfriend's backpack, listening on on all three of their's conversation. "Tsukishima doesn't know that Hinata and Kageyama are together? Neither Suga and Daichi? Or me and Kiyoko?" Yachi gasped, braiding his air not too tight but tight enough to keep them in. "Honestly, I don't think he supports it that much," Yams sighed. "Well, do you?"

"Of course!"

"Would Tsukki be upset if you were possibly gay?"

"I don't think so!"

"Then you shouldn't feel that scared, Tsukki! Opening up is very hard, I'll admit, and you may feel horrible afterwards, but one day you'll be glad you went through that. Just because you'll know how to help your kids if they ever go through that." Hitoka finished putting the flowers in Yamaguchi's braids, "And hopefully you'll deal with it right."

"That may not always be the case, Hitoka." Kiyoko softly grinned and turned over to her girlfriend, taking out her two point tales to join the braid train. "Eh? What do you mean, Shimizu?" Tadashi gasped, turning in their direction. "Well, sometimes people get rejected, and sometimes they get nurtured, even if it's not by who they want to be nurtured by. Some people never accept it. And sometimes, people decline themselves so much that they spread that negatively along the world and community they're in." Kiyoko already finished the French braid, "But you're nothing like that. You rely on Tsukki's approval. Being hooked on him so much makes him vulnerable to him understanding you, because he refuses to talk about he feels. As for you, you're sort of the opposite."

"What if after I tell him how I feel, he opens up to me more, and maybe he falls for me?!" Tadashi gasped while letting Hitoka draw the Big Dipper on his face, connecting the freckles. "Sounds like a plan. Tell us if he accepts how you feel, or if he doesn't, Tadashi!" Kiyoko gave a reassuring grin. Yamaguchi also smiled, hearing a knock at the door, he opened it, Suga stood with his bag and a pillow. "I'm here!" He happily said.

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