October Weather (OikawaxReader)

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You and your boyfriend of four years, Oikawa Tōru, were on your way back from the park hand in hand together. With all the stress of cramming for college mid terms and harrowingly long essays needing to be done taking a walk in the afternoon as the sun set and the sky was painted with reds and oranges was a great way to ease both of your nerves and relax a little bit.

Despite the cold weather your hands were gloveless, they were kept warm by Tōru's own hands. You snuggled your face deeper into your favorite (f/c) scarf to hide your face as a soft pink blush crept up your cheeks due to the fact that Tōru was now gently caressing your knuckles with his thumb as he held your hand.

Tōru glanced to the side and let out a small chuckle, seeing the small action you had done. A small smirk appeared on his face as he thought of the perfect way to tease you.

"Eh? Is (y/n)-chan cold? Don't worry~ I know the perfect way to warm up your lips!" Tōru grinned down at you, pleased with himself as a more heavy blush crept up your neck and to your cheeks. You were feeling bold today though,

"Well come here then." You said as you pulled him down to your level by his navy blue scarf. Tōru's eyes widened a tad and he's a little surprised that you're going along with it, but it's only for a moment before his face shifts into one displaying his pleased grin before your lips touch for a kiss.

It's loving and gentle and makes you feel like your basking in the sun of a pleasantly warm spring day even though you're both standing on the side walk on a numbly cold October day. You break apart and both inhale the oxygen you had previously depleted before Tōru grabs your cold hand and gently presses a kiss to it, making you let out a small giggle while your face is graced with a satisfied and pleased smile.

Tōru was about to say something back to you but a small hand tugging on his pant leg interrupts him as he looks down to see a small little girl starring up at him,

"Mister? Can you buy me ice cream?" The little girl was absolutely adorable and you couldn't help but crack a smile, and and a slightly bigger one grew on your lips when Tōru bent down to her level and spoke to her,

"Eh? But don't you think it's a bit cold for that?" The little girl pouts a bit,
"That's what mommy says too..." She pouts.

"Ah but don't worry," Tōru smiles at her, "you could ask your mom for hot chocolate instead! It's just as yummy as ice cream!" The girl gasped and her eyes twinkled with new found excitement.

"That's a great idea!" She jumped excitedly and Tōru chuckled at her level of energy. As if on cue, her mother ran up to her, slightly out of breath,

"Hanamari, don't run that far off from mommy." Her mother scolded her in a gentle tone.

"Sorry mommy, but do you think we can get hot chocolate instead of ice cream? The tall scarf man told me hot chocolate is as yummy as ice cream, so can we get some? Please?" Asked Hanamari with pleading eyes staring up at her mother.

"Oh... alright, it's better than ice cream, I suppose," she looked at Tōru and sighed, "thank you for changing her mind." She thanked him gratefully and you smiled warmly from behind him.

"Of course, wouldn't want a cute little girl like this to get sick by eating something that cold in this weather." Tōru smiled genuinely at Hanamari's mother.

"C'mon mommy! We need to go get hot chocolate!" Hanamari tugged on her mother's sleeve and her mother let out a chuckle as they parted ways from you and Tōru.

"Awww, you're so good with kids Tōru." You nudged him with your elbow.

"Eh?" Tōru asks, flattered by the observation before recovering, "Well I'm sure you'll make a wonderful mother when you have children." He sends a small smirk your way but you're not affected, you have your own plan to fluster him.

"But then who would be the father of these children?" You raise an eyebrow and smirk right back at him and see his face blushing and his eyes widen a little.

"(Y-y/n)! What are you implying!" He cries out, shaking your shoulders back and forth slightly as you giggle and watch his blush grow more apparent. "(Y/n)-chan! Don't laugh! This is a serious matter! Who's the father!" Tōru whines at you and you try— and fail— to contain more giggles from bubbling out of your throat.

"I don't know~" You grin up and Tōru and he pouts and crosses his arms,

"Mean (y/n)-chan." You laugh and hug him, your head resting against his chest, any coldness you felt from the weather long gone.

"But I love you." That cracks the facade Tōru was putting up and his lip twitches before becoming a full on grin and he hugs you back.

"I love you too." After you break apart from the hug he kisses the top of your head and you intertwine hands once more and continue on your way home on the chilly October afternoon.
Wooooo, my first once shot on this book! Im gonna try to push out 4 one shots before doing Christmas one shots but we'll see if I can. This was inspired by seeing this cute little girl playing with her mom a few weeks ago. ~ ♒️

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