(Shouyou Hinata) Miscommunications

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(F/n) wasn't expecting any of this to happen.

She was only mildly curious. The sound of squeaking and thuds had caught your attention while she had to pass the gym one day. (F/n) had crept closer to the entrance and tried her best to peek into the windows, despite how short she actually was. Inside, the boys' volleyball team practiced.

(F/n) knew of the boys' determination and dedication of the game and it made her smile. She knew of the players because she had a class with one of them, Hinata Shoyo. There was no way of avoiding that kid. He was the energetic kid that sat in front of her in class. Of course, she'd notice him.

"Oi! Someone's peeping through the window!" A boy, definitely shorter than Hinata himself, proclaimed while pointing a finger at said window where (F/n) was peeping into.

The (h/c) haired girl tensed as many of the boys had turned towards her direction, now noticing her. (F/n) hopped down quickly and tried her best to speed away from the awkward situation. But to no avail, someone had opened the gym doors. "(F/n)-kun!"

She froze completely on her tracks as she recognized the voice instantly. She turned onto her heel and faced the red haired boy with a guilty smile. "Hello, Hinata-kun," she greeted the boy.

"Wha, did you want to watch us practice? You don't have to be shy about it!" He told her with a bright grin on his face. "C'mon!" He grabbed onto her hand and pulled back towards the entrance to the gym.

"Hinata, are you sure it's ok for me to watch?" (F/n) sputtered out, nervousness kicking in.

"It's totally ok!" He assured her as they both entered the gym. "I have her, guys! This is (L/n) (F/n), she's in my class," he introduced her to everyone in the gym. (F/n) will admit, she actually didn't think Hinata would remember her name but it must make sense since they sit close together in class.

(F/n)'s nervousness faded away when she was greatly welcomed by the team. When they reassured her that they're more than happy to have someone watch them practice, she calmed down and agreed to it.

From that day on, she had been coming to volleyball practice nearly everyday. Instantly, she became fairly good friends with everyone, mostly the first years. And, gradually, she had developed a crush on the redhead spiker.

"(F/n)!" The (H/c) haired girl had just exited the bathroom after finishing her food for lunch, as she spotted Tsukishima and Yamaguchi walking towards her down the hallway. They both held very amused expressions in which caught her curiosity. "We know a little something about you," the freckled boy snickered

With a raised eyebrow, she asked hastily, "What do you know about me?"

The two boys chuckled more to each other and then turned back at her. "Someone on the team has a crush on you," the tall blonde replied, trying to maintain his uncontrollable giggles. (F/n) blushed at the possibility. Someone has a crush on her? Oh, she hopes it's-- "And it's Hinata!" The boys erupted into uncontainable laughter once finally telling her.

(F/n)'s heart fluttered and her cheeks flared. It happened. The boy she secretly liked actually liked her back. "H-how did y'all find out?" She found herself asking, interrupting their supposed ball of fun for revealing quite a secret.

"Oh, man. It's rich. You know how he practices sometimes during lunch?" Tsukishima told her. She nodded, as she remembered the multiple times she had seen him leave the classroom with a determined look grazing his face. "Well, we were only passing by and we overheard him talking to Sugawara. Hinata was asking him for advice on how to ask you out!"

(F/n) was absolutely overjoyed. That means, soon enough, red haired boy was going to confess to her. A wonderful feeling waved over her as she thought about it but she contained her happiness. "Do you know when he'd ask me out?" She questioned.

"No idea. But you should've seen his face when he spotted us. He was completely horrified!" Yamaguchi chortled as the two of them pondered back to the hilarious memory.

"But don't be too harsh on him when he does though!" The megane replied, wiping away a tear from laughing too much. "Let him down gently... Or don't. It'd probably be funny."

(F/n) scoffed at the boys with a roll of her eyes. "Why are y'all so mean to Kageyama and Hinata? Aren't y'all supposed to be a team?"

"Pfft, whatever," Tsukishima uttered with a shrug of his shoulders. "It's really easy to tick those guys off." With the bell ringing on them, they began to disperse. "If he asks you out during your class, you gotta fill me in on how you reject him!"

(F/n) waved her hand dismissively at the two boys as she walked back to class. "Tsukishima is in for a surprise to know that I'd say yes," she thought to herself delightedly. She practically skipped to her desk and sat down while humming to a catchy song. She was excited and it definitely showed.

Hinata walked into the classroom just as the tardy bell rang. What's weird was that, not once, did he try to make eye contact with (F/n) and greet her as he sat in the desk in front of her. With raised eyebrows, she leaned in slightly and nagged him, an usual thing for her to do actually, "I hope you ate something today and not skipped out on lunch." The redhead chuckled nervously and ducked his head down. The (h/c) haired girl pursed her lips. Usually, he would reply. "Are you ok?" She asked with genuine worry.

"I'm fine," he replied quickly.


This had happened all of the week. Every time in class or during volleyball practice, the young spiker would avoid (F/n) like a disease. Even when she had the chance to talk to him, his responses would end up short and fast, like he never wanted the conversation to happen in the first place.

Now reaching the end of the week, (F/n) wondered if Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were messing with her. But why would they? Unless they knew she liked him...

The thought made her blood freeze. No way they could know. Right?

(F/n) watched the volleyball practice like she usually does but, this time, she had a look of indifference etched onto her face. She was overall tired of waiting for Hinata to ask her out. Maybe it was a trick... Those bastards.

"Hey, (F/n)-chan, something wrong?" The vice captain asked the younger girl while joining her on the lonely bench.

"No, I'm fine," she quickly dismissed, turning her head slightly away to avoid his stare.

"(F/n), you're definitely not fine," Sugawara pressed on. "It's ok to not feel fine. We're all just a little worried for you."

(F/n) let out a huff before straightening up. "Do you know why Hinata is ignoring me?" She asked, obvious sadness ribboned in her voice. "Every time I say hi or something, he turns the other way or gives me really short answers like he doesn't want to talk to me."


The hesitation in the third year's voice caused her to look at him. "Did he?... Did he talk to you last Monday during lunch about me?" She decided to ask. She has to know.

Suga now looked a little frantic. "Erm, yeah we did," he replied while scratching the back of his head nervously. "It's nothing bad, I promise!"

"Was he... Asking you on how to ask me out?" She continued.

The older boy stiffened. "How did you know?"

"Tsukishima and Yamaguchi," (F/n) replied. "So, this does mean he likes me, right?"

"It's not my place to say but yeah, he's crazy about you. But I think seeing Tsukishima and Yamaguchi when he was telling me this kind of spooked him," Suga explained to her. "He probably lost hope because those two got to you first." (F/n) nodded, finally understanding the situation. "Do you like him?"

(F/n)'s cheeks instantly flared crimson red at the question but there was no way to lying to the sweet hearted third year. "Yeah, I do, actually," she admitted.

"That's great!" He smiled brightly. "After practice, you should talk to him."

"Yeah?" The (e/c) eyed girl nodded. She has to or nothing will change. "Yeah!" She proclaimed a little more loudly, earning a few glances from the teammates. "Mind helping me, Suga-san? He might... Er, bail on me if I try to talk to him."

"Of course, (F/n)-chan!"


(F/n) waited patiently outside the gym as the boys were getting ready to go home. She said her goodbyes to the few that left early. "Really, Suga-senpai? You're gonna me all the pork buns I want?" Hinata cheered following the silver haired boy out of the gym.

"Yes, but before I do, I think you owe someone an explanation," Sugawara told the young spiker, gesturing over to (F/n). The moment the two made eye contact, Hinata's face flushed and he froze. "I'm not letting you leave until you tell her what you've always wanted to tell her."

"Suga-senpai," Hinata sputtered. (F/n) stepped forward and placed a hand on his shoulder, in which he flinched at. But once he had a good look at the girl in front of him, his heart beat faster against his chest from her beauty. He closed his eyes with hands balled up into fists. "(F/n)... I've liked you for a long time!" He blurted out. "Ever since we were in class together, I've always thought you were really pretty. And then you decided to start coming to our practices and I was extremely happy about it. We got closer and my crush only grew for you even more!" (F/n) grinned widely at the confession but he didn't see and kept going. "I really love the fact that you could put up with my attitude in class, I love the way you laugh or smile whenever we hang out together and everyone, I love the way your (e/c) eyes seem to sparkle when you're really happy about something--" He opened one eye when he realized the girl hasn't said a thing during his whole rant. "L-Like that."

"I've been waiting all week for you to say that to me," (F/n) muttered, a smile so bright that it's starting to strain her cheeks.

Hinata held a confused expression as to why his crush had such a positive reaction. "Y-you're not weirded out by it?" He stammered out.

She shook her head at him. "I like you too, Hinata-chan!" She replied while attacking him into a hug.

"B-but what about Tsukishima and-- they told me that you don't like me..."

"Well, they're jerks. You should know better, Hinata," (F/n) said.

"So, are we good?" Sugawara muttered with a pleased grin on his face. The two first-years nodded their heads. "I'm going to have a chat with those two once I see them." The aura had suddenly changed. Hinata and (F/n) distinctively took a step back from the frightening vice captain. "Have a good weekend, guys. I'm glad this all worked out." The setter jogged off towards the direction of his house, leaving the two.

"He can be scary when he wants to be," Hinata mumbled under his breath, still audible enough for (F/n). He perked up out of the blue as he remembered something. "Wait! Suga-senpai promised me pork buns!"

(F/n) giggled at this. He was being too cute. She leaned over and kissed his cheek sweetly which his face burned completely red to. "C'mon, let's get some pork buns. We can probably catch up with him if we hurry." He nodded with a smile. "I'll race you!" (F/n) burst out into a run before he could even process what was said.

With a wide grin on his face, he sped after his girlfriend.

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