Yuta Mushumi (Oc #2)

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Name: Yuta Mushumi
Nicknames: Mushi *close friends or if in a relationship*, pretty boy
Age: 18 depends on rp
Gender: male
Sexuality: bi
Nationality: Japanese
School and Year: 2nd year in Nekoma
Personality: Yuta seems like a person who doesn't socialize much but it's the opposite. He doesn't mind talking to people or presenting and can be a social butterfly. Yuta is a calm person that can make the hardest challenges a breeze with his demeanor. When he smiles it's like the world shines brighter, or at least that is what people say. Yuta keeps himself clean and doesn't like to look like a mess in front of people; he's self conscious of his looks but can be over confident at times with just his abilities. He's also a guy who can be a passive aggressive a-hole when he wants to be... despite all this, Yuta can be a clueless individual at times...which shocks people on how some things go over his head.
Likes: books- he is a major bookworm. He collects manga, novels and just anything really, soda- he has an addiction to Pepsi, cleaning, clothes shopping, photography- he wants to work as a professional photographer, being outside, music- he listens to Latino music a lot
Dislikes: the dark- he has a fear of the dark, being called weak or a girl, loud parties and places with tons of people, apples- he's allergic, hearing someone chewing
Fears: the dark- he doesn't like the fact he can't see anything and with all the horror stories he reads, he developed a fear of being in the dark.
Family: Keigo Toshinori ( step father): Keigo is Yuta's stepfather after his biological father broke off with his mother. At first he wasn't sure about Keigo and his father being a thing since that was new to him and honestly was going through a hard time with his mother not caring about him and his little sister. With some time Yuta accepts Keigo as his father; he showed him his love for Latino music since Keigo came from Puerto Rico. He does have a temper but not towards the people he loves, more at the people who threaten his loved ones. He can be a bit quiet but crumbles with children.
Benjiro Mushumi ( biological father): Benjiro is a pretty chill guy like Yuta but at the same time he can be a crackhead. Benjiro split from Yuta's mother due to a lot of problems he never told his children. Benjiro works hard at a hospital where he met Keigo who moved to Japan not that long ago. They hit it off pretty quick and in around 2 years they decided to date. At this point, Yuta was in middle school and wasn't fully on board about their relationship. Benjiro didn't push anything about it and it was still hard for him due to him trying to get over the previous marriage. Benjiro is the type of dad who will cheer for his children and probably embarrass them but Yuta doesn't mind.
Ayame Mushumi (younger sister): Ayame is Yuta's younger sister and during highschool years she is in 4th grade. Ayame is bubbly and innocent but she is still a child. She can be sassy at times and loves to play pranks on her family. Ayame was only a baby when her mother left so she barely remembers her. Ayame is always wanting to get makeup and do Yuta's makeup even though he doesn't wear make up.
Friends: he is friends with a lot of the people in Nekoma because he stays during practice to watch or take photos.
Club: Photography/ manager for volleyball
Crush: Sakusa or Miya Twins, or Kuroo
Background: i pretty much said his background in the family.

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