Chapter Four

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Serenity sat in class silently, now that it was break time, and she had got to her class early. “Serenity!”A voice yelled. She flinched, her eyes widening as she tried to remember the two boys names that were with Bokuto. “You remember us right in Konoha and this is Komi”Konoha greeted making relief go through her. “Yeah”Serenity says embarrassed that she forgot their names, but relived cause they reminded her within it even unknowingly. “Can you help us study!”Bokuto asked looking desperate. “Why?”Serenity stared. “I don’t wanna fail any of my tests and get kicked off the team”Bokuto sighed. “He got the captain position”Konoha chuckled. “ they’d choose a new captain...”Serenity stared. “Yeah”Konoha chuckled. “Well uh...take a seat...”Serenity nodded looking a bit surprised. The three boys pulled up chairs, sitting around her desk, all eyes going to them.

The girls of the class stared in shock, their eyes widening seeing Serenity tutor the boys, causing auras of fury to wave off of them. “Oh no your doing it wrong...”Serenity says pointing to Bokuto’s page on English. She took his book, erasing the mistakes then writing down the correct things. “There!”Serenity smiled. “My teacher says there are four ways to make twenty four, I can’t figure any out...”Konoha muttered looking at the four numbers. Serenity took his book, and gave him help with finding out one of them. “There we go...”Serenity says pointing it out to him. “8+7= 15+8= 23+1= 24”Serenity smiled. “Wow!”Konoha stared alarmed. “Nice Serenity”Komi smiled. “O-Oh it’s nothing, I’m not really good at math, but I try for friends”Serenity chuckled rubbing the back of her head a bit nervously. “Still”Konoha grinned patting her shoulder giving her a thankful look.

She chuckled, rubbing the back of her head getting all flustered up. She pointed to Komi’s work, then felt water soaking her hair and clothes. “Oops sorry”A girl chuckled. “Hey What was that for!”Konoha demanded. “Oh nothing at all, besides everyone in the school knows she just joined your club as a manager to get into one of your pants”The girl grinned. “Listen here little miss priss”Serenity says flipping her wet hair back out of her face. “I am proud to be on trial to try and become their manager, I wanna make sure they reach the top become the number one team here, the strongest team”Serenity glared. “When we have to find a way to save money, I will find a way to fund them to help then make it to nationals one day, I have two more years to help them out and I will take every chance I get to get them all the way to the top”Serenity glared.

“Right now I have to tutor my boys, to make sure they pass their tests, so I have no time for your crap”Serenity says. “Serenity-Chan..”Komi says. “SO STOP DISTRACTING ME FROM MY JOB AND GO ON! GO SIT DOWN IN YOUR SEAT!”Serenity glared pointing to the girls desk, which was all the way in the back row. “GET GONE!”Serenity glared. She sat down, continuing to help the three boys ignoring her soaking wet hair, until she felt a towel on her head. “Akaashi”Serenity stared. “Saw what happened”Akaashi says. He joined them, giving Serenity help with her math work as she dried her hair. “Shouldn’t you get new clothes?”Komi asked. “Eh, my desk is by the sun, I’ll be fine”Serenity chuckled rubbing the back of her head. Bokuto stared at her, his eyes watery. “Bokuto!”Serenity gasped her eyes widening in surprised. “You’re such a great manager in training Serenity!”Bokuto cried.

She stared at him, her eyes widening then chuckled smiling slightly. She waved to the boys, standing out in the hallway. “Thanks again Serenity”Komi smiled. “No problem, don’t be afraid to ask me for help”Serenity waved watching the boys go. She walked back into class, as the bell went off, and took her seat pulling out her other books, as the teacher begun class. She listened intently, writing stuff down. She did not know the meaning of a failing grade, she always passed her classes with excellent marks, including math even if she struggled with it at times. She yawned, rubbing her eyes walking to lunch carrying her bag with her. She spotted Kaori and Yukie, and walked over to them. She sat down, Yukie smiling at her. The trio walked about practice, the boys on the team sitting at a table together nearby. “I found this school we can go against”Serenity smiled.

“Oh that’s great”Kaori nodded. “I’m gonna talk to coach about it, and see if we can go up against them!”Serenity continued. “It would be good practice to see what we need to work on”Serenity adds. She took a bite out of her Onigiri, then let out a small giggle living Onigiri’s as much as she loved melon bun. Yukie sighed in bliss, eating her food. “SERENITYYYYY!”Bokuto called running over to her, a big smile on his face. He hugged her tight, smiling wide chuckling. “Okay, Okay Bokuto”Serenity chuckled. When lunch was over, Serenity walked back to her class, the same two boys cornering her again. She flinched her eyes widening, as they grabbed her wrist, keeping her still. “Let me go...”Serenity commanded. “Not so fast pretty girl”Kora grinned walking forward a bandage over his nose. She flinched again, her back pressing against the locker as Kora leaned in, a smirk on his face.

“I gotta get payback for that little stunt you pulled the other day”Kora smirked reaching for her. “THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO OUR FRIEND!”A voice yelled. Konoha grabbed Kora, throwing him down. Bokuto shoved the other two goons back, looking angry. Kaori wrapped her arms around Serenity, turning her around whispering soothing things. “It’s okay...calm down I can feel your heart beating faster”Kaori whispered Serenity trembling in her arms. “We got you, it’s fine”Yukie whispered rubbing Serenity’s shoulders. “Come on, it’s fine”Kaori says walking away with Serenity still in her arms. The boys behind them beating up Kora and his goons. Akaashi stared silently, before kicking Kora right in the stomach without warning. “You okay”Kaori asked sitting Serenity down in a chair, in an empty classroom. “Yeah”Serenity nodded rubbing her wrist, which was a bit red.

“Don’t worry, the boys will take care of him and his little buddies”Yukie promised looking concerned. The two managers escorted her to her next class, finding Bokuto and the others running down the hallway fleeing the scene as quickly as they came, making her giggle a bit. “You okay Serenity!”Bokuto asked. “Yeah, I’m fine”Serenity says looking a bit tired but relieved. “Good!”Bokuto nodded. He hugged her, walking her forward, pouting a bit angry Kora came back for her. “This is my class...”Serenity says pointing to her right. “Well then, hope we see you in practice”Akaashi nodded. She waved goodbye to them, watching them walk down the hallway, before entering her class silently. She found herself a seat in the back of the class, and looked out the window, barely listening to the teacher. “I hate it here now...”Serenity sighed knowing Kora was really gonna make this school year a living nightmare.

Serenity ran all the way to the gym, carrying Bokuto’s shoes. She leaped right into the gym upon reaching it, getting the teams setter attention. Akaashi stared at her, his eyes wide, seeing sparkles around Serenity. She landed and hurried over to Bokuto, giving him his shoes. “YOUR A LIFESAVER SERENITY-CHAN!”Bokuto smiled putting his shoes on quickly. “HI!”A voice yelled behind her. She looked, finding Akaashi standing there, holding a volleyball in his hands. “Akaashi?”Komi stared. Serenity pstared silently at Akaashi, before quickly snapping out of it. “Hey Akaashi”Serenity chuckled giving him a small wave. “Does our pretty setter have a crush”Konoha smiled. “AKAASHI HAS A CRUSH!”Bokuto beamed patting Akaashi’s back proudly. “Serenity mind helping me with this”Kaori called. “Yeah”Serenity nodded hurrying over quickly, to help put up the net.

She carefully tied the rope around the pole, Yukie filling up the water bottles. “I brought snacks”Serenity says when she was finished. She pulled out a few healthy snacks, and some chips along with some melon buns and Bokuto’s favorite food. “SERENITY-CHAN YOUR THE BEST!”Bokuto yelled a big smile on his face as he ran over. He took the food from her, and immediately pulled the wrapper off of it, taking a bite. She passed the other boys some snacks, keeping the chips out of reach for when practice was over, not wanting them to eat junk food, but Bokuto was an exception due to the fact that he practically snatched the snack she brought him out of her hand. “Here”Serenity says giving them flavored water, to ease their taste buds with some fruit. “Wow, this is good!”Komi grinned looking at his bottle of flavored water which was strawberry kiwi flavored.

“I see why you like these Serenity”Akaashi says looking at his. “Your gonna be a great Manager when were gone Serenity”Kaori praised looking down at her. “Th-Thank you Kaori....”Serenity smiles looking down shyly. “I agree with Kaori, remember we’ll still be around just call if you need us in the near future”Yukie smiled. “Right”Serenity nodded. She walked over to the coach, talking with him, getting a curious look from Akaashi, recognizing the nervous look on her face. “Hm...”Akaashi blinked. Serenity smiled wide, when she got a nod of affirmation from the coach. “Thank you!”Serenity beamed. She ran over to Kaori and Yukie, talking excitedly to them, looking beyond happy. “She’s happy So nothing is clearly wrong..”Akaashi stared. Serenity watched the boys practice, staying silent, standing between Kaori and Yukie. Akaashi set the ball to Bokuto, who spiked it down.

A smile spread across her face, seeing the happy grin on Bokuto’s face. When break time came around, she walked beside Yukie, carrying towels, giving one to Akaashi, then handing him his water bottle out of the cooler. “You don’t have anymore flavored water”Komi asked sadly. “I’ll try and bring a cooler full tomorrow”Serenity laughed looming amused. “She’s gonna be excellent when we’re gone”Kaori smiled watching Serenity a bit intently. “Agreed, we made the right choice in choosing a manager, glad that Ariel girl wasn’t chosen, or else the boys would be distracted by flirting girls”Yukie nodded. Serenity handed Konoha his towel, then his water bottle, before moving onto Akaashi. “Thanks”Akaashi nodded glancing away. “Just doing my duty!”Serenity beamed her eyes twinkling. He stared down at her, then looked away his cheeks a bit red.

Once practice finished, Serenity changed back into the school uniform, and put her shoes on. She waved to the boys, and hurried away, Kaori walking her home tonight. “Good job today”Kaori praised. “Thank you”Serenity blushed looking down. The duo walked towards Serenity’s place in silence, Kaori glancing around silently making sure Kora or any of his bratty goons weren’t following or didn’t appear. “This is my place”Serenity says. “Okay Cya tomorrow”Kaori waved walking away. Serenity waved back to her, and walked inside. “Hey”Auntie Judy greeted smiling at her. “Hey Auntie Judy”Serenity smiled. “How was being a manager?”Auntie Judy asked. “It was amazing, the boys are so chaotic but fun”Serenity beamed. She sat down for dinner, gulping down her food, before hurrying upstairs going straight to bed too excited to go to practice tomorrow.

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