|Kuroo Tesuro|[A planned meeting]

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I'm sorry that I havnt been active as much. I was extremely busy with an essay for school. I had to write 1500 and for me, that's a lot. (Even though the last part to this story was like 1200 words. But no one needs to put that matter into consideration)
And maybe because I just found out about this game called Mystic Messanger >////<
It's so addicting and I recommend it to you all... this is a haikyuu book... not a MM one... sorry...

Nevertheless, I am here and I am hoping to give all you patient readers yet another one shot. I was gonna do a lemon but...nah. Sorry Lai-Chan. Maybe next time.
Second POV:
You were on your way to the volleyball gym at Nekoma High School to give your cousin, Kenma-kun, his school bag he left in the classroom. You had no idea how exactly he managed to forget it. Probably because of his addiction to video games. He was too into the current game he was playing that he didn't notice he walked away without his bag.

Little did you know that it was all part of the plan...

You finally arrived at the volleyball gym and made your way towards Kenma. You weren't really friends with everyone else here however you think you're acquainted with some guys. Maybe?

Your cousin was standing next to a tall guy with black messy hair. He looked pretty intimidating but really hot at the same time.

"Kenma-kun!" He heard your voice and turned his head towards you. He looked pretty confused at first but then noticed the bag you were holding. "You left your bag in the classroom silly!" You laughed at his forgetfulness. He smiled slightly hiding the smirk in his head. "Thank you (y/n). I appreciate the fact that you got it for me..." His eyes made it's way to the tall guy with the black hair who was poking at Kenma's arm.

"Hey Kenma, who's this girl? What's her name? Are you two together? She's really cute. Will you tell me her name? Introduce me too."

Kenma's POV:
Good. He fell for her. Things are going as planned...
All I have to do is make him desperate for her. Then the two can just do the rest themselves.
Why am I even doing this for them?

I pretended not to hear all Kuroo's questions and said goodbye to (y/n). I looked up at the captain and he looked annoyed and disappointed.

Just as (y/n) was about to walk out the gym door, he ran towards her and began to say something that I didn't quite catch. Well, apart from this one thing...

Well, looks like he was really desperate.

Your POV:
"Um excuse me." I looked behind me and saw the tall guy from earlier catching up to me.

"Um... hello" I said shyly. I was a bit confused to why he began speaking to me.

"I know this is a but strange but... can I get your name? And maybe your number?" I said nothing due to the fact that I was a bit shocked. I never really had any friends apart from Kenma because I'm not really good with other people.

He began to worry a bit. "Oh uh. Please don't find me creepy. I just want to know you better. Besides," a playful smirk appeared on his face. "Don't you want to know me too?"

From the comer of my eye I saw Kenma-kun face palming for some reason.

"I guess... I'm (l/n) (f/n). Nice to meet you." I smiled cheerfully. "I'm Kuroo Tesuro. Let's have some fun some time alright?"


What did he mean by that? I hope he didn't mean that. Or do I hope he meant that.
Eh? What am I thinking? I just met the guy. That would be weird. He doesn't mean it in that way obviously. Right?

I realise that he was staring at me and that got me a bit embarrassed. So I bowed and said my goodbyes while running back to the main school building.

I grinned. This will be fun...

(Time skip to tomorrow, after school)

I sat on the bench with the two coaches as I watch my high school volleyball team play a practice match. I didn't know much about the sport but I could tell that they were really good. I heard they once made it to nationals.

I watched as a player saves the ball. Kenma-kun then throws the ball up for Kuroo-san to hit it. Yay! They scored a point!

I notice the tall third year look at me after scoring a point, hoping for some praise which I kindly give him as well as the other members.

Point after point. Save after save. Block after block. He just keeps looking at me waiting for a praise. He seems like a cat and I'm his master. I chuckled at the thought of him.

When the match ended, I rushed over to them. "You were all really really good! I was amazed! I heard that we had a strong team though I didn't really expect this. ^///^" I gave them a smile and said I had to go home.

Kuroo's POV:
Hmm. She said nice things that weren't directed specifically at me. We will have to work on that...

Once again I ran after her. I caught up next to her and began walking, not saying a word while I waited for her to notice me.

She turned her head towards me and looked confused. "Kuroo-San? What are you doing here. Don't you have to go home. Kenma-kun said your house was in the other direction."

"Ok first of all, you can just call me Kuroo. Or maybe Tetsuro. I don't mind" I winked at her earning a flustered look on her face.
"Ok...T-Te-Tet-Tets- Kuroo." Haha! So cute~

"Good girl. Second, I want to walk with you home so I hope you don't mind. You'll have to get used to it anyways~"

"Why's that?" She questioned
"I want to be with you more." She was now painted a deep shade of red.

Your POV:
"I want to be with you more."
Um... how can I cover this massive patch of red on my face? T-T
He saw it didn't he? I can't stop freaking out!!! My heart is getting louder and louder. HALP!!

Am I over reacting? I should just calm down for a minute and think.

So does he mean it as in "I want you to be my girlfriend" or "I want to get to know you before I ask you to become my girlfriend" or"I wanna hook up with you" or "you're pretty cool! Let's hang out once in a while! We can be great friends"

Let's just say I hope it's not the last one...

He was still looking at me. "Hmm? I-is there something o-on my face?" I wish I hadn't of stuttered.

He grinned slightly "yeah. A gorgeous woman's face." He stopped walking and took my left wrist. I turned back unable to understand why he stopped all of a sudden. "What's wrong, Kuroo?"

"I can't help it (y/n). I want something that could be too much to ask for."his eyes travelled to mine. I give him a reassuring smile not knowing what he is asking for. "I'm sure you'll get your gift this Christmas."

He smirked playfully. He brought my hand up to his face and kissed the back of my hand, never taking his eyes off me. "I want to get to know you, (y/n). You might not believe it but, I just really really like you. Ever since the day I saw you, I didn't want you to go anywhere but in my arms. I know we have just met so that's why I want to get to know you to confirm what I feel. Actually, I don't need to confirm it. I know what you are to me." He pulled me towards him. So close that I could hear his heartbeat.

He whispered into my ear "but if that would make you uncomfortable, then I understand..." his grip on me began to loosen. I didn't want him to go anywhere. So I kissed him. He was shocked at first but then took this as a "yes" to his statement.
And it was a "yes".

He drove me to his place where things got a bit more... pleasurable.
Haiii. I gave you guys one that goes beyond 1,000 words. Like it? Good ^^

If you want, I could make a continuation. If you guys tell me that is.

I just want season 4 to hurry up and give us all haikyuu. They can't just give us a 10 episode season, right? My heart. T-T

Bye guys! Thanks and bye.
Merry Christmas!

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