|Samwara Daichi|[Here Again]

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I'm actually listening to a haikyuu opening while writing this. How suitable it is.

Hello lovely people!!! How are you? Good? Good
And to all of you who didn't answer my question..............meh
Second POV:
Your middle school crush was always there for you and it pained you whenever you realised that you could never have the courage to tell him how you feel.

You knew him since middle school. The first time you met was quite painful.

It's the end of the first week back from the summer break in middle school and you were rushing to get home because you had to just had to watch the latest episode of (f/anime).

You were running beside the volleyball gym, rushing to get to the gate. But you didn't realise the volleyball flying out the door coming straight at you. You turned your head in time to see the ball as it smacks you in the face. You feel yourself falling on the solid ground.

Good thing it didn't hit you are or you would have been knocked unconscious. As you look up in a slight daze, you hear quick footsteps coming towards you. A boy, who must've been the one running, crouches over you with a panicked expression.

"Oh no! Um excuse me, are you alright?" The boy seems to be in his third year like you.

He helped you get up and you attempted to walk by yourself on your two feet. However it wasn't as easy due to the fact that a ball just and flying at you will a lot of force.

"C-complet-tely f-fine" I was still dizzy from the accident which caused me to collapse however this time I didn't hit the floor. Instead I fell into the boy's arms.

"A-are you alright?" I looked up at the voice's owner when my heart began to beat furiously. "I-I-I-I'm....alright...." I was embarrassed with the fact that I am in this state. "T-thank you..."

After that incident, I began to hang out with Daichi more often. I began to see the small things about him that make him adorable. Before I knew it, I was falling for the guy.

I grew so close to him so when I found out we were parting, going to different high schools, I was extremely upset. I wouldn't be seeing him anymore. I hated that part of it.
I didn't really ask about which school he was going to do I don't know.

When I arrived at (random high school/n), I didn't make any friends. I became so distant and lonely. My grades fell as I locked myself in my room more often just playing video games and watching anime. My parents thought I was getting bullied even though I wasn't, so they decided it would be best if I moved school. And it just happened to be Karasuno.

Flash forward
I will be spending the next two years of high school here and I hope I can just get a fresh start.
I don't want to be a disappointment to my parents just because of what happened in middle school.

Looking back on it, it's quite silly to have gotten that sad over some guy I could never find the courage to confess to.


I was walking around the grounds of Karasuno during the after school club activities to get a feel of what's around here. I spotted a gym and started to walk towards it. Before I could take a peek inside, I saw a ball flying at me. I didn't have time to dodge it so it hit me. I thought that this was going to be just like that time in middle school. When I got hit with the ball and fell over.

That's what happened...kinda.
The ball hit me. ✅
I began to fall towards the ground.✅
I hit the solid ground.❎

Before I could get any closer to the floor, I felt a pair of strong arms catch me bridal style. My vision was a bit blurred thanks to the ball. But when I looked up I kind of recognised the man who saved me from falling.
"Thank yo--"

My vision began to return and I couldn't believe the person right before me. "D-Daichi?" I felt my heart skip a beat. "I-it's really you!" I was filled with joy in his presence.

He gave me his gentle smile. I guess he hasn't changed at all. I released myself from his arms and stoop up on my own two feet. "This is just like that time huh." I pointed out.
" yes but this time I caught you before you could hurt yourself."
"Yeah, you did. So thank you!" I gave him a cheery smile that seemed to make him blush. Knowing that made me blush so we both were red like the sun had attacked us.

We began to catch up after all the time we've lost just as if it happened yesterday. We didn't even seem to notice how dark it had gotten and how quiet the volleyball gym was.
"Huh? Those guys didn't even tell us that school was over." Daichi began to have this dark aura surround him.
"U-um D-Daich, c-calm down ok?" He looked at me, surprised at my frightened face. "Oh, I'm sorry (y/n). I didn't mean to..." he looked down. I began to laugh at his reaction.
"Hahaha! Daichi, you so cute~"
He instantly blushed 50 shades of red making my laugh even more.

He looked over at me smiling at my childishness. "Hey, do you mind if I walk you home?" My heart leaped.
"No. I don't mind at all."
Yes yes yes!!!
I hope you guys have enjoined this chapter of Haikyuu X Reader.
Was that too formal?

I'm not really sure who to do next...

I'll talk to you guys later! See ya.

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