|Tsukishima Kei|[Another Chance] II

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;-; I'm sorry. But aren't you guys used to it already? Funny cause the last time I updated, I said thank you for 3k but now I'm thanking you guys for 4k ^^ (so yeah its been a while) Actually, I have had this draft for a long time now but I just hadn't found time to post it and I'm not just making up excuses.

Um I have nothing else to say except: WARNING. INNOCENT SOULS, THERE IS A SCENE...
or you can keep reading cause there are hungry people out there. 😉
Your POV:
Day after day flowers appeared by my front door and day after day, I would throw them away.
Keep going until your tired Tsukishima because I won't get tired of rejecting your forgiveness.

Once I arrived in front of the office building I work in, I felt a grip on my left wrist.

Only turning my head halfway to my shoulder, I spoke. "What do you want Tsukishima."
For a while there was nothing but silence. I felt his presence near my ear but I showed no reaction.
"You. I want you. I'm sorry so please come back to me."

He must've swallowed a lot of his pride to say something like that. I turned completely to face him. I smiled a sweet smile and took my hand away from him. That sweet smile of mine disappeared and I walked inside the building.

Good for him. He learnt to swallow his pride for apologies like that. Doesn't change the fact that his voice had no feeling and that his eyes had no intent of wanting me. He didn't even follow me into the building so how can he expect me to believe in him once again.

Betrayal is the worst reason to break up with someone and trust me, I have been left for horrible reasons by horrible people.

~During work~

Alright. I've almost finished the essay for my boss. After this I need to sort out some of the files for the new hotel branch. And then after this I need to-

My thoughts were rudely interrupted by my coworker.
"So (y/n), you wanna go eat dinner with me after work? And maybe do something after that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
"You're disgusting Oikawa-san. And didn't I tell you to stop talking to me?" I didn't even turn to look at him as I competed the essay.

I got up to organise the files when suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I rolled my eyes in frustration and tried to escape from his cage.
"(Y/n)-chan~ why can't you feel the same way?" He released me and when I faced him, he was pouting like a child.
I sighed. "Because I don't, alright? Go pick on another girl because literally everyone here wants you to do them." I walked away and continued the work I was assigned with. 


I lost track of time because Oikawa-san kept bugging me. It was pretty dark already and very quiet.

As I was walking down the streets, I kept getting the creepy feeling that I was being followed. But when I turned to look behind me, no one was there.

I wanted to go home quickly so I decided that I would go through an ally way for a shortcut. Bad idea.

Half way through the ally, I got pinned against the wall and had my bag taken. I began to scream but my mouth was covered by a hand.

"Lookie here. What a nice looking woman." One of the three guys said. He began to chuckle.
Suddenly my shirt was ripped off me and my skirt was pulled down leaving me in my underwear.

"Damn! We hit the jackpot boys! Look how sexy you are." They all licked their lips.
Tears were flooding my face as I was loosing hope.

One of them grabbed one of my breasts and fondled it. Another went down to my legs and began kissing my inner thighs. The last one grappled my face and attempted to plant a kiss on me but I was squirming so he had a difficult time.

With my hands still pinned, I couldn't do anything. And I'm the state in was in, I couldn't call for help or my job will be on the line. So what can I do? Who is there to help me. Tears kept flooding my face as they started to take off my underwear.

Suddenly one of the pervs was knocked unconscious. Then another one. Then another one.
When my hands were free I instantly covered myself and looked up to see who my saviour was. But it was too dark so I had no idea.

They gave me their jacket seeing my shirt ripped up. After that, they put down a set of flowers and walked off.
I quickly put on my skirt and the jacket. It smelt comforting. Who had this nice sent? Picking up the flowers, I ran to catch my saviour. But there was no one there.

I checked the flowers to see if there was a note and it seemed like there was. It said "please don't throw this one away too"
Was it Tsukishima? The jacket smells so familiar. I hope I'm wrong but I'm not too sure.

~Next day at work~

I still felt violated. I still felt the disgusting hands that roamed my body. It felt horrible.
Sitting at my desk, I once again felt his arms wrap around me. I rolled my eyes. I wasn't in the mood to have him play around again.

"Oikawa, let go. Please. I'm not in the mood right now." But instead of leaving me alone, he just squeezed tighter.
"Thank you (y/n). I hope you liked the flowers."
I froze in shock as he lightly kissed my cheek and walked away...


What is with me and cliff hangers? i think it's cause when i end the story, I cringe so hard and you guys might as well. Oh well. You all probably cringe at this whole thing cause I know my friends do ;) sup guys

I can't be asked for a part three. Do you guys want me to do anything? let me know :)

Anyways, bai

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