Bokuto x Reader

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When Bokuto had asked you to go to the beach with him. You thought that you'd be spending your time playing and splashing around in the water. You made the mistake in thinking Bokuto was... normal... Turns out your boyfriend doesn't know how to swim, and he also invited his friends with him. So now here you stood at the beach in your bathing suit, the only girl, and being hovered by - oh excuse me protected by my boyfriend who was decked out in all sorts of different flottie accessories.

"Stay back! Don't worry y/n I'll protect you from the seagulls!"
"Bokuto why would you refer to us as seagulls?" Kuroo exclaimed exaggerating his hurt.
"You guys better watch out Bokuto resembles a shark more than an owl right now," I started to laugh, "he might eat you guys too like how a shark eats a seagull," I peered over Bokuto's shoulder and looked directly at the boys while I spoke. I'm assuming some of the boys were first years since I didn't recognize them, but the orange haired kid created some massive distance between himself and Bokuto. Seeing it made me laugh. Does he really think Bokuto would harm someone? I glanced at Bokuto decked out in flotties and laughed at my own thoughts.
"Bokuto, could you stop circling me now? I was hoping you could help me put some sunscreen on my back really quick that way we'll be ready for the water later, and don't worry I'll do your back next!" I said taking out my spray sunscreen. "Alright Alright Alright!" Bokuto swiped the bottle from my hands and began spraying the cold liquid onto my back. I jumped at the sudden action, but made a mental note to shock him as well. "Alright all done!" "Thanks Bokuto, here turn around-" "HEY!" Bokuto jumped at the sudden contact with the cold liquid inside my sunscreen bottle. I could help but laugh at the owl as he shot up. If only he jumped like that during games, then no one could block him. I continued to laugh, but my joy was short lived as I made eye contact with with my owl companion. Those eyes were the eyes of W A R

"Bokuto! Wait! Please put me down!" I shrieked from being carried by Bokuto like a sac of potatoes. It was rather ridiculous really, but that's what made being together so fun! Sure while I was screaming there were plenty of laughs from the both of us (and our observers). But my voiced concerns were unheard as I was thrown into the unforgiving ocean. I let out one last scream as I quickly fell into the moving water. It didn't take long for me to be fully submerged in water and to resurface to stare at the culprit of my current state. "Bokuto I'll get you for this," I swinted my eyes as I glared at my boyfriend. This is w a r!

"Hey Bokuto, y/n, you guys want shaved ice!" Kuroo yelled from the beach. "Hmm? Shaved ice!" Bokuto and I both turned our attention to Kuroo and almost in sync began to run to the beach. "Yeah what flavors would you like? Akashi, Dachi, and I are all going over to buy shaved ice for everyone." Kuroo continued as he searched his bag for what I assumed was a wallet. "Oh I love (favorite flavor)!" I shouted excited to have some flavored ice. It's going to be so refreshing! "Geez y/n have some imagination. (Favorite flavor) is such a basic flavor" Bokuto patted my back as he spoke. What did you just say. "Oh, and what flavor are you getting exactly?" I glared at Bokuto my words piercing his existence. "(Favorite flavor)" "I'm sorry what was that? I didn't quite hear you," "(favorite flavor)" Oh come on is there something wrong with my hearing! Why can't I understand what he's saying! "Ahaha sorry could you say it one more time?" Come on y/n listen up you can't miss it again!

I missed it again.

I glanced at Bokuto with a blank stare. I felt empty. I couldn't ask him to repeat himself again. I'd just feel bad. It looked like Bokuto had enough of my silence though because, "What I like (favorite flavor) so what if it's basic!" He crossed his arms and looked away. "But Bokuto, why'd you say my flavor choice was basic if you're getting the same thing..." He still didn't turn towards me but his words were enough to give me the message. "I just like to see when you get upset cause you look cute when you think..." •-• "you think I look cute?" "Well of course I do! You're lots of things! Akashi even says that he doesn't understand how a person with grades like yours hangs around me but I tell him it's cause of my awesomeness at volleyball! Hahaha!" I was up in flames at Bokuto's words. We had only been officially dating for a few months now, and I don't think I'll ever get used to his flattery. "You think I'm smart 🥺 and you think I'm cute🥺" I spoke as tears cascaded down my cheeks. Bokuto looked over at me, "Oh DANG y/n you okay! You're crying and your all red! Did you get burned! Here take my hat! I'll protect you from the sun!" Bokuto stood in front of me to "protect" me from the sun and his baseball cap fit snugly on my head. (I'm surprised it fit at all. I guess Bokuto's head is a big as mine...) I took this opportunity to hug my boyfriend although his flotties made it a bit difficult. "I love you Bokuto" I mumbled as I hugged him. "Huh? I love you too y/n!"

"The shaved ice is here you guys!" The short first year shouted.

"Ahahahah FINALLY!" Bokuto and I both dashed towards Kuroo who was in charge of our orders. "Oh sorry you two. They ran out of your flavors," NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Bokuto and y/n both felt as if their world was ending- "so I just got you some ice cream" Kuroo placed to ice cream bars in our hands. "Oh ho ho Ice cream! This is even better right y/n?" Bokuto held his fist out for a fist bump. "Yeah you bet!"

Akashi: I take back what I said about y/n being smart
Kuroo: what do you mean?
Akashi: she might get good grades in school, but clearly her head must not be screwed on right because she's dating Bokuto.
Kuroo: oh ho ho you saying this cause you like y/n too?!
Akashi: WHaT!
Bokuto: hey hey hey, What you guys talking about?
Kuroo: you are not going to beli-
Y/n: Hey you guys! Sorry but I've got to head out my mom is going to get home late and she needs me to make some dinner
Bokuto: Dinner! Can I come!
Y/n: no silly it's for my little brother and his friends. He's having a sleepover party, although he prefers me not yo call if that. He says it's too girly.
Bokuto: Do you need any help? I know how to make a killer stake!
Y/n: OOOOOOOO That sounds AMAZING!

Akashi: I guess Bokuto is having dinner at y/n's
Kuroo: now about this crush
Akashi: stop looking at me like that! I don't have a crush on y/n. She's simply a friend.
Kuroo: mhm
Kenma: It's obviously y/n's friend
Kuroo: now what makes you think that Kenma?
Kenma: there's a group photo as Akashi's Lock Screen with them all in it
Kuroo: really! Alright Akashi let me see your phone. We're going to set you up!
Akashi: stay back!

Y/n: No w a y! He finally asked you out! Eeeeeeeewweeee
F/n: Eeeeeeeeeeeeee

It's officially summer!!!!!!! Yay
This one shot was chaotic to say the least 😅 and it turned out longer than expected 😂 it may be due to my brain being all over the place at the moment ;P
I am planning on making more seasonal inspired one shots so be on the lookout for updates with your favorite Haikyuu boys! I'm hoping to write a lot this summer so let's goooooooo!
Until next time 💜😋✌️

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