Kenma x Reader

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I'm back!
I hope you enjoy this time with our favorite gaming cat 💜 (I'm sorry if people seem out of character >< I'm trying my best to keep their personalities, but let's just say that for Kenma y/n brings out his emotions :)))))

I waited on the bleachers for Kenma since Kuroo grabbed him for practice before we could meet up after classes. I was watching a play through of Resident Evil 2 since a new updated version of the original was released not to long ago. I was enjoying the commentary when my fun got interrupted.
"Watch out!"
"Huh?" I looked up momentarily to see a ball coming straight towards me. I tried to "dodge" the incoming volleyball, but all I was able to do in the little amount of time was turn my head and somewhat use my arm as a shield. I can't believe I forgot that Bokuto and his team were coming to have a practice match. No wonder Kuroo wouldn't let Kenma skip one day of practice. I winced when the ball came in contact, my arm was able to provide enough protection for my head though. At first I didn't feel anything, but then a stinging pain started to spread throughout my arm. Oh don't cry y/n. Please hold in the tears! You do not want to cry even though your body is telling you too! I did my best to focus on preventing tears not wanting the boys to feel bad for an obvious mistake.
"Hey are you okay?" Kuroo appeared in my line of vision with Bokuto popping up behind him.
"Yeah sorry about that y/n, I get a little carried away when I spike for an audience."
"It's okay you guys really. I'm just going to wait for Kenma outside that way I don't get in anybody's way" I waved them off forcing a bright smile despite my body's want to cry on the spot from the immense pain in my arm.
"Hey are you sur-"
"Bye see you guys later" I waved goodbye as I scurried out of the gym.
I let out a sigh of relief when I was out of sight and just in time too. My tears began flowing down my face as I made my way over to a far away school bench. I held my arm and took deep breaths. The stinging feeling slowly began to fade away as I rested. I wish this was only the first and last time I would be attacked by one of Bokuto's spikes, but it's not 😭 it happens so often I'm surprised I've lived this long😭. I stared at the ground in front of me reminiscing my past encounters with deflected runaway volleyballs. I really just need to wait outside for Kenma from now on. After that thought (which was "decided" since the first time I was hit so we all know I'll be back in the gym next time -_-) I resumed my video and continued to wait for my favorite gaming cat.

It didn't feel like too long of a wait when I saw Kenma leaving the gym. "Hey Kenma over here!" I waved him over excited to start playing Resident Evil 5 with him. It would be our first play through of the game and I was beyond excited! Kenma jogged over to me and we both started to walk to his place. Since it was Friday I'd be able to spend the night which meant we'd be able to play all night.

*at Kenma's house*
Kenma was reaching to open his door when he spoke up, "oh Kuroo said he might come over later."
"Okie that sounds good! We still playing 5 though right?"
"Yeah of course"
Kenma went to turn on his switch which already had re5 downloaded and ready to play. We both grabbed our controllers and started the coop story.
Naturally the two of us were completely emerged in the game, so we didn't heart he door open. At this point in time Kenma and I were in some dark cave running away from zombies. Kenma was carrying a light so we could see and I was in charge of add clear which wasn't very effective. •-• sorry Kenma :(
We were both running through a tunnel when we reached a gate. To open it one of us had to crank a lever so that the other person could get through. Kenma took the lead and started to open the gate allowing me to pass through. I started running towards the light at the end of the tunnel leaving Kenma behind with a hoard of barely damaged zombies. "Hurry up y/n there's too many of them"
"I'm going I'm going!"
"Hurry up and turn the lever!"
I started to aggressively turn the stick on my controller to open the gate again. "Come on Kenma! Get out of there" at my words the gate opened just enough for Kenma to slide under allowing me to drop the gate blocking the enemies from the dark tunnel. "Alright!" We both shouted as we gave each other high fives. What we didn't notice was a certain someone at the door taking pictures •.•
Not long after our challenge were we swamped with another swarm of enemies. To put it simply, we spent the majority of the game running away from things and reviving each other. We eventually made it to a giant bug boss.

It was the easiest boss 0-0

After our victory though I noticed how the door to Kenma's room was cracked. I specifically remembered closing it.... I think? "Kenma didn't we close your door?" I whispered pointing towards his door. "Hmm? Yeah I think" he paused the game to look. We both slowly and quietly made our way towards the door. Kenma took the lead as I followed close behind looking over his shoulder. We heard some noises coming from the kitchen. I grabbed Kenma's hand totally thinking that this was the end of us. I felt Kenma give my hand a reassuring squeeze before we continued towards the kitchen. Deep breaths y/n Kenma will protect you. I silently prayed that this was a false alarm and it's an animal that got in through an open window or something. Kenma peaked his head into the kitchen to see???????? I didn't know what he saw. He just stopped for a second dumbfounded. "Kenma?" I whispered clearly worried. I was about to move over and see into the kitchen when Kenma suddenly jumped into the kitchen! "Kenma!" I jumped from his sudden action and ran into the kitchen to see who he had tackled.
It was
Kuroo looked up at me from the floor giving me one of his smiles, "oh hey y/n how's it going?"
I looked at him confused. Why had Kenma tackled him? When did Kuroo even get here? And - wait is that pizza!
"Kuroo you brought pizza and didn't tell us?!" I ran over to the kitchen table where two boxes of pizza lay. I quickly grabbed myself a slice to feed my hunger. I actually wasn't aware of how hungry I was until I saw the pizza to be honest. I noticed Kenma and Kuroo exchange a few words as they both got up off the ground, but I was to into my pizza to pay attention or care what they were saying.
Eventually Kuroo and Kenma joined me at the table to eat. We all had a great time from what I could tell. Kuroo said he wanted to see us play, so Kenma and I went back to playing re5. The whole night was a lot of fun! Kuroo left around midnight saying that he needed to do something at home before he forgot which left Kenma and me. :) we both kept playing for a bit until it got pretty late. Kenma let me take his bed, so I helped him set up a sleeping bag and pillow so he'd be comfortable. So far that night felt like any other night that you'd spend over at Kenma's, but this one had something up it's sleeve.
Kenma and I were discussing lore from re and any other thing that would come to mind causing us to get a bit off topic, like one does at such a late hour.

I was staring up at his ceiling, mg eyes having somewhat adjusted to the darkness in the room.
"You're always into ships and things aren't you "
"Yup that's true, but I can't help it when I see a perfect pairing"
"Yeah I do you feel about... going out with someone"
"Hmmmmmm well honestly I'm down for it as long as it's a good guy, but Kenma you know I'm not speaking from experience. I mean it's not like anyone's ever asked me out, so I don't really know."
"Will you go out with me"
Did Kenma just ask me out?
Is he serious? Or is this all a figment of my imagination?! Has the sleep deprivation effected him or me?!
"Are you serious?" C r a p! I said that out loud!
"Yes, y/n will you go out with me"
I froze. This was just so shocking. I couldn't believe Kenma was asking me out! And so confidently! I mean of course I had a crush on the guy, but I just figured Kenma only saw me as a gaming buddy.
Speak gosh darn it y/n speak for goodness sake! Before you screw this up!
I sat up in the bed and looked down towards where I could barely make out Kenma. I looked at him as I spoke, "kenma, of course I'll go out with you"
There was a moment of silence between us.
"Uh kenma? Are you okay?"
"Do you want to go out somewhere?"
"Huh? Right now?"
"No of course not"
"Oh! Then yeah I'd love to! Oh Kenma do you want to watch the new Sonic movie with me!"
"Yup you know the blue hedgehog"
"Alrighty then! It's a date" I couldn't contain my smile as I laid bag down.

A date (><)

"Good night Kenma"
"Goodnight y/n"
"Thanks for asking me out"
"No problem"

Hope you enjoyed and until next time 💜✌️😋
(Ps I'm almost done with the newest chapter of the ukai x reader story if any of you are readers;)

Extra Bonus: Kenma's POV
I held y/n's hand as I made my way towards the kitchen. I knew that if anyone threatening was actually in the kitchen I'd tell y/n to run. I took a deep breath as I slowly poked my head into the kitchen to see
I stared at him slightly confused about to speak when I noticed the phone in his hand. On it was a picture of y/n and me. It was from today when we were playing. I was shocked that Kuroo not only saw me truly expressive with someone, but had the evidence to prove it! I mean come on I was smiling like an idiot giving y/n a high five completely unaware of anything else!!! I haven't told anyone about my crush on y/n not even Kuroo, and here he was with solid proof of my affection.
C r a p
Kuroo smirked at me, and I knew I had to act. I felt y/n about to move so naturally I jumped Kuroo to take his phone. I wasn't able to get my hands on his phone though before y/n stepped in. -_-

After Kuroo said hello to y/n, she went to grab some pizza. I'll admit I was hungry too, but I had some important business I needed to settle. -_-
"Kuroo stay out of this."
Kuroo smirked at my words. Ugh why did I get a friend that was so maniacal? "Ah ta tah as your friend, I believe it's my duty to help you in your trial"
"Trial? It's just like beating a level in a game...she's just the final boss...who could beat me to a pulp if I make the wrong move..." I stared at Kuroo now aware of how challenging this "level" could be. "Now if you take my advice, I'd ask her out tonight." "What why?" I whisked back at Kuroo not wanting y/n who was eating to hear us. "Kenma Kenma Kenma, she's obviously into you so just make your move. It'll be fine trust me" Kuroo patted my back and went to join y/n in eating pizza.

Maybe I should take on this challenge.
*determined cat face*

Extra Extra bonus;)
Kuroo: Yyyyyyy/nnnnnnnn
Y/n: Hmm? What is it?
Kuroo: I know a little secret that I think you'd like to hear
Y/n: •-0
Kuroo: why are you looking at me like that?
Y/n: 0-•
Kuroo: Listen y/n Kenma has-
Kenma: what are you guys doing
Y/n: Kuroo was about to tell me something about y-
Kuroo: your! New hat! Yeah I was about to tell y/n about the new hat you got!
Y/n: seriously that was it
Kuroo: yeah sorry to get your hopes up y/n
Y/n: it's fine it's not like I you hit me with a volleyball or something
Kuroo: speaking of volleyball, Kenma, are you going to stay for some after practice practice today?
Kenma: no
Kuroo: whaaaaaat whyyyyyy
Kenma: I don't need to tell you
Kuroo: *gasp* I'm so hurt
Kenma: •-•
Kuroo: don't roll your eyes; you're breaking my heart
Y/n: •-•
Kuroo: not you too y/n?!
Y/n: listen I don't know what's going on with you guys but Kenma can't do an extra practice after practice because we're both going to go watch the new Sonic movie after regular practice!
Kuroo: guys are... dating?!
Y/n: yup!
Y/n: oh my gosh Kuroo are you alright?! Kenma help he's on the floor for some reason! What's wrong?!
Kenma: he'll be fine. See you after practice?
Y/n: right on

Kuroo: how? Where? But most importantly W H E N????????

Kenma: that's for me to know and for you to never find out

Kuroo: you asked her out that one night didn't you 😏
Kenma: •-•
Kuroo: yup that's all I needed to know. See you at practice world class setter

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