Sakusa x Child Reader

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Quick An
Y/n is a child in this one so this will go more so in the direction of fluff
This is not a romance Oneshot because y/n is a child in this, but don't worry there is always hope for a Sakusa x Reader where y/n isn't a kid 😂😂
I hope you enjoy and I hope I did a good job with Sakusa ><

One Pie Please

It has just finished raining, so Sasuka decided that he's take a walk around the nearby park. If he's lucky than no one should be there! Sakusa was at the park before he knew it and he bag an walking around. There was one nice look out spot that looked out on a nice section of the park, so naturally he made his way. He was simply minding his own business admiring nature when he turned to see-
"Will you take my mud pie!"
"Mud pie?" Sakusa cringed at the meer thought of the mud getting close not to mention this girl covered in said substance.
"Yup! It's homemade and everything!" She smiled up at the spiker.
"Here ya go" the young girl took hold of the boy's hand before placing her 'pie' into his. She smiled thinking that her pie would brighten his day. All Sakusa could do was watch in fear as the mud and who knows what else mooshed all over his clothes. He was almost paralyzed at the situation, but he also couldn't really get mad because the girl didn't mean any harm. Sakusa paniced because he didn't know what to do. With his clean hand he searched his pocket for some sort of wipe or disinfectant, but it was just his luck -_-. He had forgotten to grab new ones after he did some deep cleaning at his place. Sakusa began to inwardly panic (and please keep in mind that this entire situation occurred within minutes).
"Y/n!" A women's voice was heard.
The young girl, y/n, turned around and waved at the approaching woman.
"Hi mommy! I was giving this human a pie since he looked lonely!" She smiled the mother soon arriving beside the child.
"Now y/n, what have I told you about talking to and playing with strangers?"
Y/n smiled brightly as she recited her memorized knowledge, "stranger danger!"
"That's right," the mother patted her daughter's head.
"But he looked lonely!" Y/n said as she pointed at Sakusa who was still awkwardly standing there still trying to figure out what to do about his dirtied hand.
"Now y/n, you can't just give random people things especially mud pies," the mother started to explain, "you need to apologize to this young man okay sweetie?"
The young girl nodded; her head falling slightly. "I'm sorry," she started playing with the dirt on the ground, "I didn't mean to bother you."
Now Sakusa was in a weird spot. He still had the issue of his hand, but now he felt bad for this child who felt bad for him which is causing him to feel bad and oh my gosh my brain hurts! "Uh it's okay." Sakusa pushed out (still awkwardly)
Once his words registered, the girls eyes shot up and sparkled.
"You're not mad at me?" The girl said grabbing his already dirty hand.
Sakusa turned his head in the motion saying 'no' which made the girl smile.
"Look mommy he's not mad!" Y/n cheered as she hugged her mother's legs and pointed at Sakusa.
"That's good. I'm glad. Why don't you make mommy one of those delicious mud pies? You're making me feel left out," the mom said as she smiled at her daughter.
"Okay!" Y/n ran off (not to far lol) to a spot filled with mud and began forming her pies.
The mom then turned to Sakusa. "I'm sorry about that. Thank you for not getting mad at her. Y/n is typically very shy, so I'm always happy when other people are kind towards her (even though she shouldn't go up to random strangers - the mom thought)," she smiled at Sakusa.
"It's okay. She wasn't bothering me (aside from the fact that she smothered my hand in filthy mud - Sakusa thought)" he smiled at the woman.
She then starting looking for something in her bag, "I'm sorry about the mud. I know there aren't any bathrooms close by in this area of the park, so please take these wipes."
"Thank you," Sakusa couldn't be happier about this woman's disinfectant wipes! She happily handed him a packet before offering a smile.
"My name is (m/n) (l/n). It was a pleasure to meet you," she smiled sweetly at Sakusa.
"Sakusa," He simply said.
"Mommy! Here ya go!" Y/n appeared beside her mom with a mud pie in her hands.
"*gasp* wow that looks amazing!" She then pretended to eat the mud pie and wipe her hands clean with some wipes. The young girl smiled at her mother's actions.
"Alright we'll- phone rings - Ah it's work. Y/n honey stay in mommy's view okay?" Y/n's mother said as she stepped away to answer her phone.
Y/n simply nodded before returning her attention to the boy in front of her. The two staired at each other for a moment in silence before the young child spoke up.
"What's your name?"
"How old are you?"
"Wow you're old."
"What's your name?"
"My name's y/n!"
"How old are you?"
"I'm 3 and a half!" Y/n held up three of her fingers as she boasted about her age.
"Do you like volleyball?"
"Hmm? I don't know what that is but I like mochi!" Y/n smiled up at Sakusa happy that she had someone to talk to other than the loud kids at the daycare or her boring babysitter.
"Volleyball is a sport," Sakusa tried to explain what volleyball was the young child, but y/n just staired at his confused. "It's a game. You know with a ball." Sakusa squatted down to be at her level as he made out the general shape of a volleyball with his hands. She looked at him amazed and totally intrigued. "Oooh how do you play?!" Y/n said now wanting to give this volleyball game a try. "Uh let's see where should I sta-" Sakusa's words were cut off my y/n's mother.
"Y/n, mommy got a call from work and they need me a little earlier today," the woman said as she lowered herself to the three and a half year old's height. "Do you want to go to the daycare today or would you like Irene to watch you today?" The mother asked trying to hold onto some hope that her wonderful daughter would be happy with one of those options, but y/n simply shook her head no. "Aww what's wrong?"
"I don't like Irene," y/n mumbled.
"But Irene is such a nice girl!"
"Irene is boring," y/n retorted a frown replacing the smile from before.
Her mom sighed determined to try and convince y/n that Irene could be fun. "Well you can't be home by yourself and Irene can play with you."
"Nuh uh," y/n shook her head. "Why can't you stay with me?"
Her mom sighed feeling bad about having to leave for work early. "I stay with you every morning, but mommy needs to work just like daddy so you can have a sorts of delicious foods and have lots and lots of fun," she nuzzled her daughter as she spoke hoping to turn that frown upside down.
"Can Sakusa watch me?" Y/n said as she pointed to the high schooler who was still beside them.
The mom stood up as she turned her attention to Sakusa. She looked him over before beginning to speak. "So your name is Sakusa, right?" Sakusa nodded at her question. "You in school?" He nodded once again. "Are you a part of a club or no?" "Yes, I'm a part of a volleyball club." "Hmm, do you like kids?" Sakusa paused at this statement. In a regular circumstance he would've said no in a heart beat, but looking into y/n's hopeful eyes made him question on whether or not he should say yes or no. "Well do you like kids Sakusa?" "Yes" he nodded as he spoke. He decided that he'd make an exception for y/n since she looks like she needs the help. Her mother nodded before speaking again, "what position in volleyball do you play?" "I'm the ace." "Oh that's interesting. My husband is one of those commentators, and he'll be at this year's spring nationals. Neither of us has really had the chance to take her to watch though, so she hasn't seem volleyball before. That and the only TV she likes is cartoon." Sakusa nodded as the woman spoke. (When is she going to stop talking - Sakusa thought). "Now to get back on point, I know it's short notice, but would you mind watching my daughter y/n at our home? She's a very sweet girl and she loves to play with her toys," y/n's mother said. Her motherly instincts telling her that Sakusa seemed like a good kid, so she was willing to let him watch her daughter if he wanted. "You'd be payed of course!" She added. "Sure," "great! Here's my number and this is my husbands number and this is the address. We're actually a walking distance from the park,"
All the while Mrs. (l/n) talked y/n couldn't contain her smile as she walked in between Sakusa and her mother holding both of their hands. Once they arrived at y/n's home, the mother let them in before leaving for work. That left Sakusa with a three and a half year old girl with no idea how to take care of a kid.

What'd I get myself into?

Sakusa: see this is a volleyball
Y/n: oh wow!
Sakusa: here I'll show you a video of my playing
Y/n: you play volleyball?!
Sakusa: yeah
Y/n: that's soooooooo COOL! You're AWESOME Sakusa!
Sakusa: thanks

Would you guys like more of Sakusa and 3&1/2 year old y/n or would you prefer a regular Sakusa x y/n? Please let me know because I had a lot of fun with this one and wouldn't mind writing more for this character! Until next time readers and keep reading 💜😋✌️

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