(OS) Bokuto Kōtarō: Happy Vitamin

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(One-Shot) Bokuto Kōtarō: Happy Vitamin

For some people, happiness meant watching an old movie from their childhood. To others, it was scoring the final goal in a close match and winning the game for their team. One person might consider it as the times they gather with family to give thanks during the holiday season.

If you had to name your happiness, you would undoubtedly say it was the one and only owl-like man-child you adoringly called Taro-kun.

He made you feel like nobody else ever did before. You couldn't help but smile every time you saw him and consistently take care of him just like how he took care of you. It felt wrong to say he was your "other half." That was much too cheesy. No, Bokuto was something else. He was your flashlight that guided you through the dark. Sometimes you had to recharge him because he would feel down himself.

Now, thankfully, wasn't one of those times. If anything, it was almost like you struck him with lightning and his light could be seen from outer-space.

"(Y/N)-CHAAAAANN!" Bokuto shouted across the court, waving energetically. He wiggled like an adorable, little puppy as he beamed ear-to-ear upon seeing you enter the gym. Despite having practiced volleyball intensely nonstop for hours on end, he mustered enough energy to greet you with as much pep as he did that morning.

You laughed as you walked towards him, returning the smile. "Hi, Taro-kun~ How was practice?"

"It was great! You should've seen me, I was on fire today!" He bragged, closing his eyes and pointing to his chest with his thumb. "I'm telling you, (Y/N)-chan, you should go on and become our manager already. We can spend more time together that way."

You giggled at his enthusiasm as you came to a stop and rocked on your heels. "You know I love spending time with you—"

"I also know that you love me." He more than happily interjected.

"—buuuut I have other things to do after school like tutoring underclassmen." You gestured to the history, chemistry, and math books that made your arm muscles ache. "These aren't training weights, you know."

"I can use them for weight lifting." He suggested. Before you could protest he took your books in one arm and winked as he flexed the other. "These guns aren't just for show."

You laughed while other team members of Bokuto cringed and sweatdropped. Akaashi shook his head as he helped a first year put away the net. He was immune to your guys' constant public displays of affection at this point.

"An arcade is opening today." You said as you followed your boyfriend around, gathering his things. "It opened in a place that's on our walk home. We can stop by it to blow off some steam."

"Whoa, you're in a good mood today. Usually I'm the one trying to go on dates after school." He grinned, slinging on his backpack. Bokuto took your right hand in his and waved your guys' arms in the air to the rest of the people in the gym. "Bye! Me and (Y/N)-chan are going on a date!"

"Bye!" The rest echoed.

Your arm swung in time with Bokuto's as the two of you chattered on about your days. He whined cutely about the 'impossible to get a good grade on' math test that his 'evil' teacher gave out earlier that day. You comforted him by reminding him that he would ace the next test to even it out thanks to your tutoring skills.

The evening sky brought cooler weather with it, making you shiver as cold breezes nipped at your exposed skin. Your thin jacket meant for warmer temperatures did little to contain your body warmth. Not even Bokuto's ever exuding body heat could sate you.

"Wanna race?" Bokuto asked upon feeling you shiver against him. "It'll warm us up. First person to the arcade gets to pick what we eat."

Your jaw dropped. "What?"

Bokuto let go of your hand and put your books in his backpack then shifted it so it rested comfortably. "Okay. On the count of three."

You opened your mouth to protest then shut up. There was no changing your boyfriend's mind. Instead you readied yourself by tightening up your shoelaces.


You smirked; you could win this.


No, you would win this.


The two of you shot off like bullets from a gun, sprinting wildly down the steep hill. Your arms shot out to steady yourself as you hopped over curbs, laughing as Bokuto hooted in excitement. He continued to whoop and holler as he stayed in the lead, taunting you by saying that you were too slow.

"Na, na, na, na, na! You can't catch me!" He shouted in a sing-song voice. "Guess what, (Y/N)-chan? We're going to eat grilled meat again!"

"We ate that on our last date!" You cried in protest between pants. The difference between you two continuously grew, favoring Bokuto's chances of winning. "Why can't we get chicken shish kabobs or maybe even some tacos for once?"

"Tacos has five letters and so does loser!" He cawed, leaping in the air.


Predictably, Bokuto reached the arcade first. He skidded to a stop and hunched over with his hands on his knees as he fought to catch his breath. Your boyfriend laughed at you as you flew down the streets and nearly ran into him. You held onto the wall as you gasped for air, barely managing a smile while Bokuto doubled over in laughter.

"You should've seen your face! You were all like—" He dramatically widened his eyes and opened his mouth in and 'o' shape. "—like Ponyo!"

"I'm—" wheeze "—not—" wheeze "—Ponyo!"

Bokuto chuckled at your protesting and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. "It doesn't matter if you're Ponyo or not. What matters is how good this place's grilled meat is!"

Twenty minutes later, you and Bokuto sprung up from your table where a mountain of empty plates that once held grilled meat laid stacked on top of each other. Bokuto decided to be 'gentlemanly' by letting you pick out the first game after having finished your plate (which, to be honest, only became vacant since he picked pieces off of your plate.)

"Square up." You smirked as you loaded your tokens into a huge, blue machine that displayed men fighting using shuriken on the sides of it.

He shook his head as he inserted his own tokens. "You're going to get pwned."

"We'll see about that, Taro-kun~" You sang.

The game let out a high-pitched beeping tune as it loaded before heavy metal blew out from its speakers. Both of you jumped in surprise, letting out the squeakiest of yelps. The timidity swiftly exhausted as the bright flames of enthusiasm emerged from within. You selected the monk holding a staff made of ice and Bokuto chose the main warrior whose nunchucks glowed up.

"START!" The nasally voiced narrator yelled.

The characters sprung to life and your fingers jabbed the buttons underneath them at the speed of lightning. Bokuto narrowed his eyes in concentration as he tried to match your moves, navigating his warrior across the screen the dodge the barrage of icicles your monk relentlessly flung his way. After just two rounds you were named victorious, thus making you throw your arms up as you cheered and Bokuto fall to his knees as he held onto the arcade machine.

You bent down next to him and set your hand on his back as you patted him. If you didn't act quick enough he would go into his emo mode. "That was pretty fun, right? I can't wait to play the other games here. I saw a Whack-a-Mole!" He didn't budge — you already had to cash in your compliment card. "C'mon, Taro-kun~ Where else am I going to find another super hot, super talented, super volleyball star with awesome biceps that'll play with me?"

He tilted his head up, showing you his pouted lips. "There is no other super hot, talented, volleyball star with biceps like mine."

You grinned. "I know there isn't." You held your hands out to him and helped pull him onto his feet. "C'mon!"

Bokuto smiled. "First one there gets to pick the next game!"


~Extended Ending~

"WE'RE SO DEAD!" You shrieked as you ran faster than you ever had before in your life. "I CAN'T BELIEVE WE FORGOT ABOUT CURFEW!"

Bokuto held your hand as he pulled you along, forcing your legs to work twice as hard to keep up with his own much longer ones. "I SEE YOUR HOUSE!"

The two of you barreled through your front yard, nearly tripping as you climbed the deck. You could see your parents' silhouettes through the window. Hopefully they hadn't seen you yet.

"Bye, Taro-kun," you whispered, standing on your tiptoes to kiss him.

Bokuto held onto the back of your head as you kissed then let you go with a dopey grin. He intertwined his fingers with yours and held your hands against him. Then to your horror, he exclaimed in his normal loud-ass voice, "See ya, (Y/N)-chan!"

You paled in terror as the front door swung open and your dad stood in the threshold. "(Y/N)," he growled.

Your boyfriend waved. "Yeah, see you!" He turned tail and took off, leaving you alone to face your dad.


"In the house. Now."



Author's Note

If you want to join a fun sports anime club where you can talk to other Haikyuu fans check out thesportsanimeclub !

Lots of love, Cora-chan <3

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