Confronting The "Killer"

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Yang's pov

Leaning back i pivoted on my hand and kicked towards Mercury, he raised his knee in defense before i kicked off him and landed on my feet.

My arm still hadn't come back online making things more difficult for me, hearing a crash i turned to see the tall guy being launched through a wall.

Nora sparked with electricity before she calmed down and feel to one knee in exhaustion, light a shined through the windows as i heard a voice.

It was the Haven police... guess we don't have to worry for much longer. Turning my gaze i saw Blake? She looked to us shocked as i did too.

What is she doing here? I... I can't, I mean after all this i'm...

Ruby: Yang, go!

Snapping out of it i nodded and ran towards the pit, Emerald doved towards me but i spun and kicked her, knocking her back.

Mercury grabbed my right arm but i let out a breath and detached my arm. Jumping down the hole i used my weapon occasionally to slow my fall.

I landed one knee, looking up as i stood up i saw Mom who had crystals disappearing from where her arm used to be.

Raven: Yang, just turn away... you don't have to go down this path

Me: No, you don't get to try and care now. I have a question for you... child killer

She froze when i uttered those words, whether she was reminded of what Y/N said or shocked upon the accusation.

Raven: What are you talking about?

Me: I learnt about Y/N, what you did to him

Raven: He was a diluded psychopath, his plans were too extreme

Me: He was right! Bandits just make the world worse. The world would be better off without bandits like you

Raven: You talk about things like you know him, no one knew him better Summer did.

Me: I know him because he's in my head!

She looked to me in shock before shaking her head as i clenched my fist.

Me: My arm came from him, there's an A.I of him in my head now

Digging into my pocket i pulled out Angel, she turned on as Mom was even more shocked.

Me: Angel, play back Y/N's last recording.

Angel: Beginning play back

The view changed to a flame filled out, he stumbled out as the door opened and fell to his knees as he supported himself with his hands.

Y/N looked up to see Mom. She stood there and held her mask in one hand and rested her other hand on her sword

Y/N: I-It wasn't supposed to end up like this... i could've brought order back to Remnant. I wasn't supposed to die at the hands of a CHILD KILLING PSYCHOPATH! You're a savage! You're a maniac! You are a bandit AND I, AM THE GOD DAMN HERO!

Raven: You're deluded

She quickly rushed at him before the feed shut off, Mom looked away as i turned Angel off and put her away

Me: Why is he calling you that!?

Raven: Because it's true! His... he adopted a girl who was the spring maiden. He strapped her to chair and drained her of magic constantly, when i finally freed her she was so scared of everything that i had no choice

Me:... Stop lying. You're just trying to trick me, he was right anyway. The world would be better off without you

Her expression quickly turned into a heart broken one, i walked past her as i heard a "woosh". There were a few foot steps before it disappeared.

Going into the vault i felt my eye twitch for some reason, holding the side of my head i saw Y/N appear in front of me.

Y/N: -Pid!

He stumbled forward, looking around in confusion before he saw me. He glanced back and forth between me and the relic before chuckling.

Y/N: Oh kiddo, the things we could do with this. I've been searching my whole life to find a way to get my hands on at least one relic...

He approached the relic and looked around it, reaching forward although his hand passed through it expectantly.

Me: Y/N... did you have a daughter?

Y/N: W-Where's this coming from? Besides it's not important, just grab this and now we only need the last three

Me: Just answer me, and was she a maiden?

Y/N:... I did. And she was, i wanted to keep her safe from anyone who wanted to use her powers which lead to me being a little too overprotective. Raven learnt about this and took her as some kind of bargaining tool, but in the end she... was killed at the hand of that bandit psychopath

I let out a deep breath before nodding, walking over to the relic as Y/N watched i picked it up making him grow a small smile.

Me: I'm sorry you had to lose her... i bet she was a great kid

Y/N: She was, you're a runner up to her though kid- Yang

Me: Thank you...

We walked out the vault as it shut behind us, holding it tightly we walked towards the elevator as i caught a glimpse of myself in it.

Me: What can this do?

Y/N: No clue, but it's the relic of knowledge so it could probably make you nearly as smart as me... maybe

Me: You said you were searching for them, what did you want to once you had them all?

Y/N: I was thinking world domination but i landed on... something a bit more selfish

Me: What was that?

Y/N: I... wanted to see if i could make a person, more specifically Summer. I wanted to bring her back

(Lemme know what you think)

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