Rueful Hesitation

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Yang's pov

I stepped out onto the patio or whatever it's called to see Rubt laying there, bending over i tickled her face with my hair making her giggle.

Standing up straight i sat beside her as she sat up. Y/N suddenly appeared in front of me making jump, he laughed slightly as i placed a hand on my chest and sighed.

Ruby: You okay?

Me: Yeah. I just felt something on my hand

Ruby: Really...?

She backed up slightly as i leaned back on my hands and looked out into the view as the sun was rising.

Y/N: With how good you're getting at lying you could become a politician

Ruby: I... I saw that picture in your room

Me: Oh, right.

Ruby: Who was that with Mom?

Me: No clue, i was planning on asking dad when we eventually get home

Ruby: Anyway, what're you doing up?

Me: Can't fall back asleep

?: Well thankfully...

Hearing a few footsteps i turned my head to see Weiss walking towards us with a tray of coffee.

Weiss: That's why coffee exists.

She handed me a mug before going over to Ruby as she held her arms up to cover herself.

Ruby: No, please!

Weiss: Don't worry. I added blasphemous amounts of sugar and cream for you

Ruby: Yes! Nice Weiss strikes again

Weiss: I will pour this on you, and it will burn.

Rubt calmed down, no longer grinning before Weiss gave her the mug of coffee. I took a sip of mine as Y/N walked over to Weiss and placed a hand on his chin.

Y/N: Hmm... she looks familiar. Kinda reminds me of Willow but less stuck up

Me: Can't believe we're actually in Mistral

Y/N: I know, there weren't enough dead bandits in our path. Think we should go back and finish off Raven?

Shaking my head at him, Ruby turned to me as she held her mug in both hands

Ruby: That's what you can't believe?

Me: Well, yeah! And all the other magic and stuff, but... Okay, you know what i mean!

Weiss: I honestly wasn't sure if i'd ever see you two again

Y/N: I probably should've told you about Magic, Maidens and the Relics

Me: What, wait?

Weiss: Well i was stuck over in Atlas so it all seems kinda grimm

Y/N looked to me and raised an eyebrow, i returned his look although i was confused and surprised. How does he know about all of that?

Ruby: Yeah... I just wish Blake could be here with us

Me: Yeah, well, she made her choice

They looked to eachother as i placed my mug down before Weiss turned her gaze to me

Weiss: What's that supposed to mean?

Me: I mean she could've been here if she just stuck around. It's no big deal, though. Just proves where her priorities lie

Ruby: Don't you want her here?

Me: Why would i want her here?

I looked to Ruby as Y/N chuckled and rubbed his hands together, he came over and squatted beside us

Y/N: Got a grudge huh? This is great, a new goal for you and you've got your best pal here to help you

Ruby: Are you... still mad at her for leaving?

Me: What gave you that idea, that i need your help with this?

Y/N: Hey, woah. Chill out with the hostility there kiddo

Ruby: I didn't me-

Me: Just shut up!

I scowled at Y/N who was beside Ruby... Oh, she thinks i was talking to her. Her expression dropped before i got up and walked away, Y/N following beside me.

Y/N: Y'know, i thought you were smarter then this. Knew how to play your cards right

Me: I don't want anything to do with Blake, so don't "help" me towards any goal with her

Y/N: What's with the air quotes? Acting as if i haven't helped you or something. I got you to your sister didn't i?

Getting to my room i slammed the door shut as he appeared in front of me, crossing his arms with an expecting look on his face.

Me: Help? You shot my mom's arm off! You ruined any chance i had with ever finding out why she left me!

Y/N: She deserves any hard ships thrown at her, and besides. Now you two share something in common

Me: ...I don't need the help of some long dead psychopath! Either get out my head or shut up and stay out my way

He began laughing as crossed my arms, a look of disinterest on my face as he bent over and placed his hands on his knees.

Y/N: No no, you see. I'm the hero, the person who was going to make Remnant into the place it so rightfully deserves to be. Not some psychopath who runs around, mindlessly killing people. I'm not like you, your uncle, any of your little friends or your child killing bandit of a mom, but fine. I'll leave you alone, but you'll need my help again and just see if i'll give it to you

He disappeared before is sighed and sat on my bed, hiding my face in my hands i pulled away my prosthetic one and looked at it.

Why do I keep pushing people away from me? Y/N is a... questionable guy but he's done nothing but help me although he has to have a motivation to do all this.

Maybe he wants to make me do something after he does so many things for me. Whatever it is i'll have to find out... and I've got the perfect tool to do so.

(Lemme know what you think)

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