Stealing From... The Assholes

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Yang's pov

Sneaking toward the wall i jumped from the bridge, managing to grab the wall. Shimmying along i saw Y/N appear above me as he walked along the top.

Y/N: So there's a few guys down there, all armed, spotlights... oh, and an airship... defended by a Paladin

Me: That's not good... I took down a paladin but only with the help of the others

Y/N: Ooh, you gotta punch it!

Me: What, punch it?

Y/N: Yeah yeah, right arm. Give it a good ole punch, i'll be able to help you then!

Looking up to him he smiled so i sighed. He helped me this far, too late to not trust him now. I pulled myself up and scoped out the base.

Seeing the Paladin i hesitanted before leaping over the wall, someone heard me and turned around before pointing at me

Guard: Intruder!

Sirens went off so i quickly ran up to the Paladin, it turned and went to grab me but j ducked under it before punching it.

The mech froze before it opened and he pilot was kicked out by something, i heard a chuckle eminate from it which quickly turned into a laugh

?: Oh, i feel like a fat guy. A fat guy with huge fucking guns!

Y/N? The mech grabbed me and pulled me into the cockpit before it shut, i sae the displays as the guns began wirring on the mech.

Seeing his face appear on a screen i looked to him as he laughed

Y/N: Just sit back and watch me mow these stuck up pricks down!

The guns began firing as the soldiers ducked for cover, a slot opened up before a few missiles fired out and blew some things.

Me: What about the airship!?

Y/N: I'm working on hacking through their subsystems, it's like playing Tetris... hello, what are you?

The mech destroyed some cover before grabbing a soldier, she looked at us in fear before Y/N ran forward a bit then dropped and kicked her

He aimed the guns and begsn began firing at them, an airship flew in and aimed at us although Y/N grabbed a chunk of debree.

The top half began spinning as i tried not to get nautious before he threw the debree while i held my mouth.

The debree lodged into the airship amking it crash into the main building, said building began to shake as Y/N was doing... something.

Me: Um... what's going on?!

Y/N: D-Don't worry about it... get on the airship now

Me: I thought you said-


The cockpit opened before a panel came up and attached to my wris, it quickly let go so i ran towards the airship while rubbing my wrist.

Hopping inside i saw the base split open, Y/N took control of my hand and placed it on the panel before the airship flashed a light blue.

Y/N: Next stop Atlas!

It quickly took off as i stumbled, finding a seat and strapping myself in. He began flying as i looked out the window to see a massive mech coming out the base!?

?: You think you can run!?

The mech aimed at us so i quickly covered my face but i heard Y/N laugh. Moving my arms i watched to see the Mech flash a ligjt blue.

It quickly fell to it's knees before crashing into the ocean as we flew away, a look of utter confusion on my face.

Y/N: Haha...! The look on their faces would've been priceless!

Me: What did... what did you do?

Y/N: I hacked into the base and took control of the mech, then i turned it off and watched it all unravel from the seams

Me: So, you can hack into things?

Y/N: ...

Me: Stupid question. Better one is, do you have control of all Atlas tech now?

Y/N: Not all, just the tech at that base. Those jackoffs thought it'd save time to just link everything to the same processor, it does but if someone gets in then they're fucked.

Nodding i looked out the front window, still in slight disbelief from earlier tiday. I glanced to Y/N and saw him sitting beside me with a carefree smile.

Maybe i shouldn't tell him what i saw, it'd make the tension between him and Ozpin... more bearable for me, although if he collects them all then we're dead.

Me: What if i told you... collecting all the relics is a bad idea?

Y/N: I'd call you a complete douche nozzle and vent you out an airlock

Me: What's an airlock?

Y/N: It's this idea i was toying with. Basically it... ah nevermind, it'd be lost on you. Just know that if my plan goes as intended, you'll know what an airlock is

Me: And what is this plan?

Y/N: Well i'll try to bring back Summer, that's the last step. I just need three of the relics, creation to give her a body, choice to give her rational thought and knowledge give her all her memories back

Looking to him in surprise he continued to look out the window as he leaned back on... well nothing since he can't interact with anything.

Me: You really loved her, didn't you?

Y/N: Loved her? No, i still love her...

(Lemme know what you think)

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