Y/N, The Hero

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Yang's pov

Y/N: You know, your dad looks familiar

Looking to him as i raised an eyebrow he adopted a confused expression

Y/N: What? He does

I turned my gaze to dad who was making breakfast, sighing i leaned my arms on the table while Y/N walked over to him and looked around him.

Me: His name is Taiyang Xiao Long...

Y/N: "Taiyang" I know that name, it's on the tip of my tounge... damn, it's gonna drive me crazy

Me: Dad... did you ever know someone called Y/N?

He froze before turning to me, Y/N looked around him and tried to figure out where he knew him from.

Tai: Yeah, i did. Back when i was a student at Beacon. He was my...

Y/N: He's gonna say i'm his hero

Tai: My hero

Y/N: You idiots always say me. Still can't remember who he is though

Dad came over and placed breakfast down on the table before sitting across from me

Tai: We would have this thing where whenever he saw me he'd punch me in the face. It didn't matter if he was busy, he'd always make time for me

I looked to Y/N in shock but his expression didn't change until he saw me making him shrug

Y/N: Still nothing, I punched my mother for crissake

Tai: There was this one time he got me while i was drinking from a mug... He found me in the corner of the library and bam, right in the kisser

Y/N: Small Wang Taiyang! Yeah, i remember now! He lost his towel in the changing rooms and then we took pictures and stuffed it in his rocket locker.

Tai: Why did you want to know?

Me: Oh, i just heard the name and i was curious. He um... sounds like a nice guy?

Tai: He was, believe it or not he used to date Summer

My eyes widened upon i news, Y/N looked at dad with a pissed expression and quickly approached him.

Y/N: You don't talk about her. Hey, cupcake, hit your dad for me

Me: What?

Tai: Yeah, a few years before Yang was born they went off somewhere then Summer came back

Me: I um... i'm gonna get some fresh air

Getting up from my seat i walked out the house and into the front garden, taking a few breaths i saw Y/N appear in front of me.

Me: You dated my step mom!?

Y/N: Why do you care? She wasn't your real mom.

Me: That doesn't matter, she actually raised me unlike my real mom

Y/N: Well i could be saying, "your dad dated my ex" so we're even

I sighed before sitting on the ground, Y/N 'sat' down which looked like he was sitting in a throne as he crossed one leg over the other and rested his arms on "arm rests"

Me: How old are you anyway?

Y/N: Well i was 38

Me: Jeez, you're as old as my dad

Y/N: No no, he's as old as me.

Me: Whatever

He looked at me and sighed before leaning forward in his 'seat'.

Y/N: I'm sensing some hostility, which is a shame because you and me, we gotta work together. I can take you to the top, i just gotta know where the hell the top is

Me: I want to find my sister

Y/N: Okay, great. I can do that, just need her name, what she looks like and i need to get to Mistral

Me: Why Mistral?

Y/N: All my stuff's there cupca-

Me: Could you stop calling me that? My name is Yang

Y/N:... Yang, all my stuff is at Mistral. My base and-and shit like that. Trust me, when you see it you'll wish you lived there

Taking a deep breath i looked to him before nodding making him smile and stand up, excited

Y/N: You won't regret this cu- Yang. It's just gonna be you and me, two people with great hair, kicking ass

He held up his hand for a high five so i went to do it however my hand went straight through his

Me: Well, that was unsatisfying

Y/N: Yeah. Did not think of that

He sat back down and looked out into the woods. Was dad serious about this guy? The first chance i get i need to find a way to get rid of him

Me: By the way... how are you here?

Y/N: Well you know how your arm feels real and everything?

Me: Yeah

Y/N: It's because it got connected to you, it's all hooked up with your brains and whatnot. Since i had an A.I of myself made and put in my arm, i'm in your brain

Me: What!?

Y/N: Relax, i'm sure i'm only hooked up to your ears and eyes... maybe. Henderson you were a genius but a total asshole, glad i left you in a Deathstalker cave

Me: Why did you do that!?

He looked to me before scoffing and folding his arms, flickering slightly for some reason.

Y/N: He was a major racist. Owned and ran a kitten fighting ring

Me: Is... is that what i think it is?

Y/N: Only if you're imagining a grown man stepping into a ring with a kitten and pummelling it for twelve minutes.

Me: Oh, well just... ugh. Screw that guy

Y/N: Yeah, no, definitely screw that guy. I mean, in all fairness, it was very entertaining, but yeah, total asshole.

I shuddered before he stood up and stretched his arms above his head

Y/N: Well, this had been a good little talk. You're going places, kid. I can't wait to help ya get there.

He did finger guns at me before he disappeared. I sighed before sitting up and going over to the shed.

Pushing the door open i looked to see Bumbleebee underneath a tarp. I'll find you soon Ruby

(Lemme know what you think)

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