Chapter Thirty-Five

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Filch lead Harry up to the second floor of the castle, which proved to be very frustrating as Filch had a knack for looking behind his shoulder meaning Harry had to jump behind statues or scramble into classrooms in order not to get caught.

Harry's head was still reeling from talking to Remus and Sirius only moments before about his dad.

Harry couldn't explain the feeling in his chest at the moment. It was both heavy and light. He felt relief and disappointment. Relief that James cleared up his act and stopped being a bully and disappointment that he didn't stop bullying Snape. But then something chimed in Harry's head; Harry, your dad was no saint. But Snape attacked your dad just as much.

Before his mind could continue to wonder, murmurs and chaos echoed in his ears and he looked up to see a gathering crowd.

Trying to act like the scene wasn't new to him, Harry pushed his way to the front to see Umbridge staring sadistically at Fred and George who were smirking back at the women.

Filch soon entered the crowd and approached Umbridge while Umbridge stared on at the twins in triumphant. "So! You think it's funny to turn the school corridor into a swamp, do you? Create wild fireworks storming the school, do you?"

Harry couldn't contain his grin and suppressed a laugh. Trust Fred and George to lighten the atmosphere in these dark times.

Soon Harry was met by Robyn, Ron and Hermione.

Harry instantly grabbed Robyn's hand which the brunette squeezed gently in return.

Ron looked like he was fighting back the urge to burst out laughing while trying not to imagine what Molly Weasley would say to him when she found out he allowed Fred and George to do this.

Hermione had both a mixture of amusement and disapproving etched on her face.

"Well, I did." George quipped with a big grin on his face.

This only seemed to delight Umbridge more. Robyn felt sick at the idea of what Umbridge was thinking about doing to the twins. "Well, you two are going to learn what happens to wrongdoers in my school!" Umbridge's shrilly voice echoed through the corridor.

The scene had got even bigger. More and more students were stopping and Harry even saw a few Professors in the growing crowd as well.

Fred looked at his brother. "You know what? No, I don't think we are." He shook his head.

George nodded at his brother, his smirk growing. "I believe it's time to test our talents in the real world."

Umbridge looked furious but Fred pulled out his wand and yelled "Accio Brooms!" before anything could be said.

"What do you two think you're doing?" Umbridge demanded, giving up on trying to keep her voice sickly sweet.

George grinned mischievously. "We are making a daring escape, if you don't mind? Watch out now!"

Suddenly, two brooms flew into the two red heads hands and they wasted no time by mounting them and flying into the air, still grinning from ear to ear.

Harry's Firebolt flew through the crowd as well and Harry instinctively held his arm out to catch it. George winked at Harry and Harry grinned back.

"Time for our greatest invention!" Fred held out what looked like an egg. He threw it into the air and it exploded into a firework of a small multicolored, hyaena laughing Goblin.

Umbridge stumbled back, shocked as half the school laughed.

Robyn laughed. "This is bloody brilliant!"

Umbridge looked beyond furious now and whipped out her wand and fired a spell at the Goblin. The spell only rebounded and in its place now flew two fire-crackling Goblins. They began to wreak havoc by tearing down portraits. Umbridge screamed in outrage.

George turned to the students. "Those looking to purchase Portable Swamps, and other fine joke items look no further than number ninety-three Diagon Alley. Weasley's Wizard Wheezes."

Fred turned to Peeves the Poltergeist and grinned maliciously. "Peeves, give 'em hell!"

Peeves the Poltergeist, master of mayhem, who answered to no one saluted the Weasley brothers and joined the Goblins.

The students thundered into an applause. Harry held up his Firebolt in triumphant as the two brothers flew out the window into the freedom of the world.

Harry turned, and was shocked to see Professor McGonagall smiling and lightly applauding as well.

Harry turned to Robyn and they grinned at each other.

"Well," Robyn began, grinning. "I don't think they will be coming back any time soon, do you?"


Yet again it was time for another exam. It was nightfall and well past midnight but the fifth years were still awake and at the top of the Astronomy tower.

The students stared into their telescopes, watching the glittering night sky twinkle, only glancing down to mark something on their parchment.

The tiredness was weighing down on their eyes but they did their best efforts to stay alert and focused during the exam.

Miraculously, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Robyn were placed so they were all sitting together.

They had about twenty minutes of the exam left and Robyn had nearly completed her chart. She loved Astronomy but it was still one of those subjects she struggled with but she felt she had done enough to scrape an Acceptable maybe even an Exceeds Expectations.

Robyn risked a glance at her friends charts. Hermione looked like she was near enough done and Robyn was confident her bushy haired friend had bargained herself an Outstanding.

Ron looked like he was doing quite well, though much more behind than Robyn, she felt he had passed and earned himself an Acceptable.

Robyn was disappointed to see that Harry was the furthest away from completing his chart out of the small group. But although he was behind, Robyn was happy to see that he had done well and could still catch up in the time he had.

Harry looked back into his telescope and noticed movement down at the grounds. Harry glanced at the examiner and then tilted his telescope down so he could get a clearer look.

The commotion was happening down at Hagrid Hut and Harry felt a pang of fear for the friendly Half-Giant.

Umbridge and five other wizards were banging on Hagrid's door, their wands out and ready.

Fangs barking echoed through the silent night and soon Harry saw Hagrid open his door to see who would bother him at such a late time.

"Ten minutes, I suggest you hurry if you're not past Saturn yet." The examiner said, and Harry jumped and looked down at his work.

He went to continue with his work when suddenly there was a large bang and a blinding flash of light.

Robyn glanced up too and then she and Harry both rushed for their telescopes and watched as the wizards surrounded Hagrid.

Robyn gasped at Umbridge's dirty play as they began to relentlessly attack Hagrid without reason or motive.

"No!" Harry exclaimed, his face morphed into horror.

The class stirred and looked confused at Harry's outburst. They soon noticed what Harry was looking at, rendering them all speechless.

Hermione covered her mouth in shock.

Harry continued to watch as did the rest of the class. Jet after jet of light was fired at Hagrid. They all hit him in the chest but the spells and hexes ricocheted off him, like bullets on metal.

The spells continued and while the class was gripped with fear and horror, it seemed only to be making Hagrid angry.

Suddenly, Fang rushed forward, wanting to protect his loyal owner but a flash of light from Umbridge left Fang motionless on the ground.

"Fang!" Ron and Robyn yelled in despair.

Students crowded around the windows, looking down at the fight.

Suddenly, Robyn was by Harry's side and gripping his hand tightly. He knew she was scared for Hagrid. He was too. Harry gently squeezed Robyn's hand back, hopefully providing some reassurance.

They all watched as each spell rebounded off Hagrid.

The spells from the other wizards were becoming less and less. They were growing tired. But Umbridge was still giving it her all and sending spell after spell rocketing at Hagrid.

Finally, it seemed Hagrid had had enough. The quartet always saw Hagrid as a calm, kind being but it seemed now they were testing his patience. The last straw being Fang getting hurt.

Hagrid grabbed one of the wizards with laughable ease and picked them up, throwing them into another unsuspecting wizard, the both of them collapsing on the floor.

Umbridge and another Auror stood together and fired their wands, side by side. A long un-breaking jet stream of red wrapped around Hagrid and then Hagrid began to scream. It was a unnerving sound and tears immediately sprung in Robyn's eyes.

Abruptly, Harry's hand left Robyn's and he was running out of the classroom and down the long spiral staircase. His mind was a whirl and frenzy of fear and anger.

A hand suddenly grabbed his and he spun around to see Robyn there, tears cascading down her beautiful face. "If you want to help him, you can't do it alone."

Harry didn't really want to allow Robyn to go with him in case she got hurt but his time was running out. He smiled and nodded and with their hands still intertwined, they began running again.

They could still hear Hagrid's roar-like scream causing their panic to rise more.

Again, soon another pair of hands grabbed Harry.

"Let me go! I've got to help him!" Harry said, his desperation to get to Hagrid seeping into his voice.

"Harry, no! They'll get you too!" It was Hermione. She sounded worried.

"I don't care!" Harry yelled and broke free of Hermione's grasp.

"We'll be fine!" Robyn yelled to Hermione as they set off running again.

Finally, the pair reached the ground floor at last. The Great Hall was in sight and they pushed on quicker to help get to the exit.

Just as they turned a corner, the pair of them crashed into Professor McGonagall.

"Potter! Thompson! What are you doing out here at night?" McGonagall asked, after getting over her shock.

Robyn didn't think she had ever seen Harry so relieved to see Professor McGonagall. "Professor! Umbridge's attacking Hagrid!"

McGonagall did a double take and stared intently at Harry, trying to see a flicker of hesitation. "What? You're sure?"

Robyn nodded her head vigoriously, her body trembling. "Yes! She and five other wizards."

Professor McGonagall's face fell, a look of devastation crossing it.

Without a word, McGonagall hurried down the corridor towards the Great Hall. Harry and Robyn spared a glance at each other before running after her, feeling that things might just be saved and that Hagrid might just be fine.

Once they reached the grounds, flashes of coloured light filled the trees and surroundings, giving the environment an eerie and evil shadow. Hagrids yelling could still be heard.

Finally they reached the scene and Robyn had to cover her mouth to hide the sob that was threatening to escape her. McGonagall stopped dead, her eyes filling with rage and despair.

Each wizard and witch were firing still so relentlessly at Hagrid. The spells were still bouncing off Hagrid but the wizards were putting up a bigger fight and at that moment it seemed to wizards were coming over as victorious.

McGonagall pushed Harry and Robyn back. "The both of you wait here."

McGonagall marched towards the scene and Harry took a step back, pulling Robyn with him so they were covered by the shadows.

"Leave him alone! On what grounds are you attacking -"

Suddenly, four Stunning spells shot at McGonagall from all angles hitting her straight in the chest. Robyn screamed out as McGonagall glowed an eerie red before collapsing, quite still and unmoving.

Robyn could feel Harry leaving her side as he stumbled back in horror.

"COWARDS!" Hagrid bellowed and charged at the wizards with a fury no one had ever seen before.

With massive swings, he knocked each wizard down. Umbridge was the only one left now.

Hagrid glared at her, breathing hard.

Umbridge turned and ran away, up to the castle without looking back.

Robyn and Harry would normally have laughed at the sight but they stayed solemn and rushed up to Hagrid as the Half-Giant picked up Fang and gently placed the dog over his large shoulder.

"Hagrid!" Robyn yelled in relief when she saw the man was fine apart from a few scratches that littered his skin.

Hagrid looked shocked and scared which the pair picked up on immediately and looked at eachother. "Harry... Robyn...What are you doin' down 'ere? You have to git outta 'ere, 'fore she comes back with more."

Harry shook his head defiantly and Robyn could see tears glittering in his eyes whereas she let hers fall freely. "No! I'm coming with you."

Robyn's face morphed into shock as she looked at her boyfriend. She wanted to help Hagrid too but where would they go. "You what?"

Harry spared his girlfriend a look but ultimately said nothing.

Hagrid seemed as against the idea as Robyn. "NO! You're stayin' 'ere, that's what you are!"

Sadness was creeping into Harry's words now and Robyn couldn't help but feel her heart break when his voice cracked slightly. "No! I won't let her take you too!"

Hagrid sighed, a giant tear rolling down his bloodied face. He knelt down in front of the two and placed his huge hands upon their pathetic looking shoulders in comparison to his.

"Now listen to me, Harry; you have to be strong now. You comin' 'ith me isn't gonna 'elp. You have to take care of them. Yeh hear me?" Hagrid said, his voice becoming thick with emotion.

Harry looked up at the Astronomy tower behind him. He could barely see the figures of Hermione and Ron.

"It's gonna be okay . . ." Hagrid muttered and Robyn broke down crying then. When would she see Hagrid again?

Harry rushed forward and hugged Hagrid tightly. Hagrid held on to him, sniffled loudly, then stood up, securing Fang on his shoulder.

Robyn sent a watery smile Hagrid's way as the Half-Giant rubbed away his tears. "You'll be alright, won't you?"

Hagrid nodded, words failing to leave his tongue. Slowly, with one last look at the two Gryffindors, Hagrid turned and disappeared into the shadows of the Forbidden Forest.

Robyn collapsed into a mess of tears as Harry came to her side and hugged her tightly, kissing her forehead. "I hate that wicked Umbridge. She ruins everything!" Robyn sobbed.

Harry fought back his own tears, hatred covering his face at the mention of Umbridge. "Yeah, she does," Harry said. "But we should get back to the castle to tell them about Professor McGonagall."

"Yeah," Robyn said thickly, wiping away her tears. "You're right."

And as they walked up to the castle with heavy hearts, Robyn couldn't help but wonder why there was so much evil in the world and how long it would take until it finally coated the world in fear, anguish and war...

(So this is a pretty long chapter. For those of you who care, I got my results successfully. Now I'm not going to give my results but I did enough to get into college and am going onto the exact course I wanted too. I will say that I have to retake maths which sucks but I expected it because maths has always been my worse subject.

Although I'm doing what I want, I'm an absolutely shitting myself to start college. Legit im a nervous wreck. I am for everything. Like I get so anxious and nervous and worked up over the smallest things.

So I was wondering if you have any advice onto helping me with my nerves and anxiousness because it's causing me real problems. And you can help eachother out in the comments too! I've never been diagnosed with anxiety or panic attacks or anything like that but I do know my worrying makes me ill and I just need some general advice on what helps you.

Well this turned into something I wasn't expecting. I hope you enjoy the chapter. Until next time)

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