Chapter Thirty-Three

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Robyn had rushed back to the Common Room after what happened but did not speak of it to Hermione, Ron or Harry.

Instead she acted as normal as she could and continued on with her work with the trio, joining in on the conversation where she felt appropriate.

Worry churned in her stomach as she had no where to turn. She could no longer tell Dumbledore about anything so she couldn't utter a word about what Malfoy had said to her.

The next few weeks were hard. Robyn was trying to avoid not only Noah but Malfoy as well.

It was hard though as Noah seemed to be popping up all over the place and trying to talk to Robyn.

And she couldn't exactly avoid Malfoy as he was in her lessons and would send her nasty smirks throughout them which distracted her immensely.

She just wished it could be sorted already. But now she was even further from finding out about what happened last year...


Harry was once again in Snape's office for another Occlumency lesson. He was sitting across from Snape as usual.

Harry was already breathing hard as they had already tried it a few times but Snape didn't allow Harry to recover fully before he cast the spell again.

Memories and images flashed in front of their eyes and Harry tried to fight it.

Harry saw Hagrid smiling down at him.

Then Harry saw his eleven year old self grinning as he held his wand for the first time, remembering how he felt a rush of warmth spread to every molecule of his being.

And then Harry gasped, trying now more than ever to fight off the spell but it wasn't working.

He tried to create barriers; to push Snape out but to no avail, he was forced to stare at the memory of Voldemort staring wickedly at a one year old Harry, his wand pointed at Harry's scarless forehead.

Harry heard himself groan, it sounded oddly distant. A sudden power had come over him and this time, he fought back harder.

Images flashed before their eyes but this time they were going faster and backwards. They were not Harry's memories but Snape's.

They saw a skinny teenager with jet black hair being laughed at by school girls as he walked down the corridors. The boy was a young Snape and the corridors were those of Hogwarts.

Suddenly, Harry was pulled out of Snape's head and brought harshly back to Snape's office.

Snape studied Harry, looking surprised, almost fearful.

Harry shook his hazy head and let the room fall back into focus. His breathing was fast and uneven and his clothes were sticking to him. They had been at it for hours and Harry was growing tired. He didn't notice the looks Snape had send him.

"Well, that was certainly an improvement, Potter." Snape drawled slowly and Harry was surprised he hadn't been given a detention for entering Snape's mind.

Suddenly, Malfoy burst into the classroom out of breath, giving no time for Harry to reply.

Malfoy did a double take at the unlikely image of Harry and Snape sitting together.

Snape seemed to read Draco's mind as he quickly and coolly said; "It's alright, Draco. Potter's here for Remedial Potions."

Harry normally would have come up with some quick remark but he wasn't really paying attention to the conversation going on as he was more focused on regulating his breathing and heart rate while trying to remove the image of a young Snape from his mind.

"Right. Professor, the headmistress needs your help. The entire third floor has just exploded with fireworks that won't die." Draco said, clearly buying on to Snape's lie.

Harry, despite himself, felt a smile creep on to his face as Snape darted for the door. This must be the doings of Fred and George, Harry thought.

"Potter, we'll resume this lesson tomorrow!" Snape said as he moved past Draco.

Malfoy turned to Harry with a smirk and mouthed 'Remedial Potions?' before following in Snape's wake.

The door closed leaving Harry quite alone.

Harry sighed, feeling pure exhaustion weigh down on him before standing up, ready to leave.

Harry headed for the door about the leave when he eyes caught on to a blue light sparkling from the back of Snape's classroom.

A Pensieve sat on the desk at the back of the class room. Harry, ominously, walked towards it.

He knew what it was as he had encountered a Pensieve in his fourth year in Dumbledore's office.

Harry looked down at it, the silver-white liquid-gas, swirled around elegantly, entrancing him.

Harry knew it was a place to store memories; a place to hide your thoughts away from your mind. Which meant that Snape put the memories in there to hide them from Harry, in case he broke into Snape's mind which he had successfully done that lesson.

Harry leant in closer to try to get a glimpse of the memory without delving fully into it, but Harry didn't seem to have realised how close the liquid-gas was to him and soon his nose touched the surface of it.

Then, without warning, Harry felt himself falling into the memory and landing in a bright room, a great contrast to Snape's dark and dull dungeon. Harry blinked a couple of times to get his emerald eyes to adjust.

Once Harry could stop wincing from the harsh daylight, he noticed he was in the Great Hall but instead of the four long tables like usual, hundreds of individual ones stood, occupied by students scribbling on parchment.

They were doing an exam.

Harry turned around, wondering why Snape would want to hide this from him.

Harry looked down at the students and he saw a skinny, jet black haired fifteen years old, feverishly writing with his nose about an inch above the parchment.

It was Snape again and Harry wondered angrily why he always criticised Hermione for being a know-it-all when he was one too.

Harry turned away and looked around. He heard a 'Spsss!'

Harry turned again and about six desks away he saw a young, good looking teenager grinning forward at someone. Harry's eyes widened as he studied that face. He had saw that face many times in the photo album Hagrid had given him years ago. He had even met the man himself and helped him escape getting his soul sucked out by Dementors. It was a fifteen-year-old Sirius Black.

"Sirius!" Harry exclaimed, grinning, walking over to his godfather.

No one made a move as Harry's loud voice echoed through the silent Hall and Harry was reminded that this was a memory and no one could hear or see him.

Harry's eyes followed the path where Sirius was looking. About three desks forward, a boy with unruly jet-black hair sat. He wore glasses and was the spitting image of Harry.

Harry felt his mouth drop open and he walked forward slowly; cautiously.

Harry knelt down in front of his fathers desk and, embarrassingly, felt his eyes well up with tears. A grin stretched across his face even though his heart ached in longing.

"D . . . Dad?"

Harry jumped as a much younger Professor Flitwick called out; "That's time! Accio!" And with a wave of his wand, all the parchment flew towards him.

James Potter leaned back, stretched and then turned in his seat, grinning.

"Thank you, everyone. You're free." The younger Professor Flitwick continued and everyone jumped up out of their seats and rushed to leave.

Harry watched as James jumped over the three desks, one at a time, to meet a grinning Sirius.

Harry quickly followed, watching them intently. Suddenly, two other students joined James and Sirius.

Harry felt himself smile again, one of the students were Remus Lupin, looking young and healthy. The other was Peter Pettigrew.

Harry felt anger bubble inside of him as he stared at Peter. His stomach turned, making him feel sick but Harry knew it was only a memory and no matter how much he tried, no damage could be inflicted upon the traitor.

"I loved question ten. 'Give five signs that identify a werewolf.'" Sirius said, grinning.

"Yeah, that was a tough one." Remus said, sarcastically.

Sirius continued to grin, checking off his fingers as he said; "Well, one: he's sitting besides me. Two: he's wearing a pair of my borrowed socks. Three, he's ugly! Four: his name is Remus Lup-"

"Would you shut up. Tell the school, why don't you?" James hissed, though his hazel eyes were alight with amusement.

Harry watched them all, his heart light and his face hurting from smiling so much.

Peter looked serious. "I only got two signs." He muttered.

Sirius rolled his eyes. "You moron! You only hang out with one once a month."

Abruptly, the scene dissolved around Harry and soon Harry found himself outside on the Hogwarts grounds, still in Snape's memory.

Harry followed and watched as James and Sirius walked side by side. Lupin was right beside them, his hands in his pockets, gazing out at nothing. Peter clumsily followed after them.

Harry couldn't take his eyes off them.

James pulled out a Golden Snitch and started casually releasing it and quickly catching it.

Peter watched James, amazed and applauded everytime James caught it.

Harry's heart leaped. Was James a Seeker like him too?

"Prongs, put that thing away, before you make Wormtail wet himself." Sirius smirked, but patted Peter on the shoulder to let him know he was joking.

"Lets do something. Is there a full moon tonight?" James asked, turning to Remus.

"Not for another two weeks." Lupin answered and Harry noticed how sad and uncomfortable he looked about it.

"Can't we find a spell or something to make it come out?"

"No, but I got something better. Look." Sirius pointed at Snape, who was about a hundred yards away at the foot of the the lake, blasting flies out of the air with his wand.

"Snivellus." James smirked and then turned to Sirius, his eyes sparkling. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

Harry watched the two of them curiously and took note on how Remus and Peter seemed to not want to get involved with what Sirius and James were planning.

"It's bullying time!" Sirius said, grinning maliciously.

Harry felt his heart drop slightly at those words and watched as Sirius and James began to trek over to Snape.

But then Harry began to convince himself that maybe Snape deserved it? Maybe he had done something to James and Sirius before? Harry hoped that was the case.

Lupin sighed as James and Sirius pulled out their wands. Peter looked slightly scared.

"Alright, Snivellus! You know what time it is!" James called tauntingly over to Snape.

Snape's head darted around, almost expecting it. Sirius and James towered over him.

Lupin and Peter stood back, not getting involved.

Harry stood next to his father and watched as Snape pulled out his wand but James was quicker.

"Expelliarmus!" James bellowed and Snape's wand flew out of his hand and landed a few feet behind him.

Snape rushed after it and the sound of Sirius' bark like laugh met Harry's ears.

Controlling his laughter, Sirius now had his wand pointed at Snape's back, who was still rushing to grab his wand. "Impedimenta!"

The spell hit Snape in the back, sending him launching forward and landing right in front of his wand, face flat in the mud.

Snape looked up and glared furiously back at James and Sirius as laughter from fellow classmates echoed around them.

Harry didn't know why his father and Sirius were doing this but again, Harry reminded himself it was a memory and therefore could do nothing.

"I swear, I'll -" but Snape didn't get time to finish.

"Hey! What did I teach you about swearing? Scourify!" James said, sending yet another Jinx at Snape.

A large soap bubble came out of Snape's mouth.

"Leave him alone!" Yelled an unknown voice.

Harry turned and gasped. Marching up to them was a girl with thick dark red hair and brilliant green eyes. It was Lily Evans. Harry's mother.

James' face instantly softened. "Alright, alright. We'll leave the worm alone."

But Lily wasn't backing down that easily and Harry was surprised to see her glaring at James with loathing. "You bully! What has he done to you?!"

James's eyes snapped back to Snape. "Well, he kind of exist -"

"You're pathetic!" Lily yelled, disgusted.

Harry watched in pure shock. Harry knew Sirius and Lupin didn't have the best relationship with Snape but he never expected his father to act like this.

He never expected for Lily to hate James so much.

Sirius gave a bark-like laugh and James gave him a stern look which was ignored.

Snape scrambled up.

"You're lucky Evans saved you this time, Snivellus."

Harry expected Snape to at least send Lily a thankful look but he was soon told wrong as Snape glowered at Lily. "I don't need help from a filthy Mudblood!"

Both Lily and James whipped around to stare at him in anger.

"Fine." Lily yelled, though Harry noticed the hurt in her voice.

"Oh that's it, Snivellus!" James said and in a flash he pulled out his wand again and sent a jet of light at Snape that made him fly into the air, upside down.

Everyone around the group laughed as Snape's skinny, pale bare chest was exposed.

"Put him down, Potter!" Lily yelled.

"But he called you a You-Know-What!" James countered back defiantly.

"I don't need a bully helping me! Put him down."

"Fine." With a flick of James' wand, Snape fell to the floor.

Lily marched away without another word.

Harry's mouth had dropped open again and his mind was reeling with questions. This was definitely not how he imagined his parents to be like...

James watched Lily walk away, an adoring look on his face. "So what do you think the chances of her going out with me are now?" James asked Sirius next to him.

"Oh, it's a sure thing." Sirius said as he put his arm around James and began to laugh. James rolled his eyes.

Before Harry could watch what happened next and before he could marvel on what just happened, a hand roughly grabbed his shoulder and soon Harry was zooming out of the memory and back into the dungeon.

Harry gasped in shock and saw Professor Snape standing next to him, not at all looking pleased. "Having fun, Potter?" Snape drawled.

Snape grabbed a fistfull of Harry's robes and began dragging him to the door of the classroom.

Before Harry could think of uttering a word, Snape threw him against the door. Harry looked fearfully at Snape.

"You will repeat this to no one, Potter!" Snape's voice was dangerously calm and low.

"No, of course not, sir-"

"Get out! Don't ever come back here again!"

With that, Snape released Harry and Harry stumbled out the door, his mind still reeling.

Guilt hung heavy in his chest. For the first time in his life, he felt truly sorry for Snape. Harry knew all too well what it was like to be humiliated and bullied in front of a crowd. He knew what it was like to be an outcast.

He just never expected his father to be the one doing the bullying...

(I know this chapter is based on Harry again but I can't not include this. Plus I love Harry, so yeah. But don't worry, you'll get more of Robyn's story as well. Well I hope you like it. Until next time...)

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