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"So you're saying you were put under the Imperius Curse last night?" Ron asked, looking fearful.

The group of friends were all sat in the Hospital Wing. They had all crowded around and sat around Ron's bed who had obtained the most serious injuries. Everyone else was recovering nicely, it was only the scars of what happened that remained now.

Robyn nodded, looking worried herself. "Yes. And last year too."

"B-But Dumbledore's figuring it out, isn't he?" Neville stuttered, looking terrified for his friend.

"He's trying but it's hard. Both times lead to a dead end. We have no leads on who it could be. No evidence. Nothing." Robyn sighed, defeated.

"Well, couldn't Dumbledore just look at your memories to find out who had cast the curse?" Ginny asked.

Robyn shook her head, smiling lightly. "If only it were that simple. Plus if I had saw the person who had done it, they would've been in Azkaban long ago."

"Maybe they modified your memory? Only allowing you to remember certain parts." Noah suggested.

Hermione sent him a sharp look. The group were still wary about him, some still disliking and hating him, but they all couldn't deny that he had helped them fight last night and so they kept all remarks to themselves. "If that was the case, then why didn't they modify her memories completely so that Robyn couldn't remember being put under the Imperius Curse?" Hermione said.

Noah shrugged. "It was just a guess."

Luna nodded. "A good one too." She smiled at him, her voice light and airy.

"I just can't wait till we catch the idiot that tried to hurt you on multiple occasions." Ginny muttered, cracking her knuckles.

Robyn smiled and shook her head at the red head.

For the first time, Harry spoke up. "What if they weren't trying to hurt you?"

Robyn turned to her boyfriend, slightly confused, but debated the possibility. "It's possible."

Harry held up his hand. "Hear me out. On both occasions Voldemort was involved-" Nearly everyone flinched at hearing his name, but Harry was too preoccupied to notice. "The first time, they just wanted you in that maze. If they wanted you to attack me, you would have done, but you didn't. If they wanted you hurt then surely they would have kept you under the curse to make sure you got hurt, but they didn't."

Robyn shook her head. "Yeah but last night I hurt some of you."

"Yes but you mentioned only feeling the need to get the Prophecy, and Ginny was in the way of you getting it, so you attacked. The same with Professor Lupin-"

Everyone was listening, none of them wore skeptical looks yet. "What are you getting at, Harry?"

"Information. Who ever put you under the curse wanted that Prophecy to get information. Who ever put you under that curse works for Voldemort." Harry explained, watching Robyn with a worried look.

Robyn felt her stomach dropped. But then a spark lit up in her eyes. Information. Who had come up to her earlier in the year claiming they knew who had done it...Malfoy.

Robyn jumped to her feet. She wasn't going to tell the others about Malfoy just yet as it could all just be talk. "I'll see you guys later." Robyn barely waved her hand before running out of the Hospital Wing.

Fortunately, Malfoy wasn't too hard to find. Robyn just waited down by the Slytherin Common Room and she soon saw his tall, looming figure approaching.

"Malfoy," She called, her voice echoing down the corridor. Thankfully, he was alone. Robyn didn't think she would be able to deal with the dumbness of Crabbe and Goyle today.

Malfoy continued to strut over, his smirk not even faltering but in fact growing.

"Ah," Malfoy smirked. "I knew you would look for me eventually."

Robyn rolled her eyes. "Don't be so cocky." She retorted. "Now tell me what you know or I'll go to Dumbledore."

Malfoy laughed breezily, his smirk even lazy. "There is no evidence of me telling you anything."

Robyn felt herself getting angry. The way he was smirking at her, the way his hands were in his pockets, the way he just looked so casual boiled Robyn's blood.

Robyn pulled out her wand. "Who is doing this to me, Malfoy? You might be a Slytherin and you might be as arrogant as Professor Lockhart was but I still have some faith in humanity that you wouldn't want to watch someone get hurt while knowing the truth to prevent it."

Malfoy's face suddenly turned to stone. He took a few long strides towards Robyn. "Clearly you don't know anything about me then." He sneered at her. "Good luck figuring it out. You're going to need it." And he was smirking again, walking off towards the Common Room.

"At least tell me if it was a student or not?" Robyn shouted down to him, biting the bullet. It was a shot in the dark that she would actually get a clear answer from him but it was worth a try.

Suddenly, Malfoy spun around. "I thought that much was obvious." And then he disappeared into his Common Room.

So it was definitely a student. But who...?


The next day arrived slowly. Robyn was contemplating about going to Dumbledore about Malfoy, but where would that get her? Dumbledore had probably gathered it was a student as there was no signs of a Death Eater doing it. And if she told on Malfoy then maybe she would never get any more information about it from Malfoy and at the moment that's all she had too rely on.

". . . Though reports have not been confirmed, it is believed that You-Know-Who and several of his escaped Death Eaters gained entry to the Ministry of Magic Thursday evening where they were thwarted by Albus Dumbledore, newly reinstated Headmaster of Hogwarts, who has insisted for more than a year that You-Know-Who had returned on information given by The-Boy-Who-Lived- Ah ha! I knew it, you see, now you're the Boy-Who-Lived again."

Suddenly, Robyn was brought back into the current conversation. They were all in the Hospital Wing again, once again crowded around Ron's bed who was now the only one who had to stay. His wounds were healing though and were slowing turning into scars. They all had newspapers in their hands.

"Yeah, listen to this: 'Harry Potter, a lone voice of truth, wrongfully perceived as being unbalanced, never wavered in his story. Forced to bear ridicule and slander . . .' Blaw, blaw, 'Hero.' Blaw, blaw! 'We love him again, and such and such." Ron read while rolling his eyes, his face looking bored.

Ron threw the paper into a pile of other papers with headings ranging from; You Know Who returns, Exclusive interview with Harry Potter, Dementors Abandon Azkaban, Lucius Malfoy A Death Eater! And Why Nobody Listened to Dumbledore.

Hermione threw her copy as well.

"Well, I told you they would all eventually come back begging for forgiveness." Hermione said.

"Now they have to eat a years worth of their own words." Ron continued.

Harry looked as if he was someplace else. Hermione slightly kicked him and brought him back to the world of the living. "Hey. Umbridge's gone for good, Dumbledore's back, and everyone knows that you told the truth." Hermione said lightly, smiling.

Ron nodded in agreement. "Plus, you fought off Malfoy's dad and sent him packing to Azkaban. Today's a good day."

"Plus, the world's going to know that Sirius was always an innocent man. The world's going to know what he did." Robyn added delicately, knowing Sirius was a sensitive subject for everyone but mostly Harry.

Harry smiled lightly, trying to put on a brave face but it just came out sad. "Yeah. I'll be back in a bit."

"Okay." Robyn smiled in understanding. She knew Harry needed some time to himself to collect his thoughts though that didn't stop the worry eating away at her insides.

Harry had already shown he can break in Dumbledore's office, so how long before it becomes too much again and what if this time, he can't find the peices to put himself back together again...

Harry walked, hands in his pockets, mindlessly as students packed the grounds of Hogwarts enjoying the end of the term.

Harry soon found himself at the edge of the lake and sat down.

He stared down at his reflection. His scar was sitting on his forehead as vividly as ever before. It seemed when people looked at him, they saw not the teenage boy behind the glasses begging for help, but the scar that had brought him his destiny. The scar had become him and he hated it. He wanted people to see him for who he was, not what he was expected to be.

Even Dumbledore was expecting him to play the hero...

It seemed the only people who were trying to help him were his friends but how long until he put more of them in danger? How long until he ruined someone else's life?

A sudden voice made Harry jump. "Hello Harry."

Harry whipped his head around. "Professor Lupin!"

Harry saw the tiredness on Lupin's face and the sadness in his eyes. But Lupin still managed to smile lightly. "It seems you keep forgetting I'm no longer your teacher. Mind if I sit with you?"

"Of course not."

"It's interesting that I find you here." Remus went on after sitting down next to Harry. "You know, this is where I first became friends with your father and Sirius. I was an eleven-year-old boy, who never had any friends, and never thought I would because of what I am. But then I met them, and I don't know how it happened, but I found myself with friends for the first time in my life. And when they found out . . . what I was, they stayed loyal and made my life worth living. You're not the only one suffering, Harry. I've lost them as well. Sirius was never the type to sit at home, while others went to battle in his place. He was an uncommonly loyal and brave friend. He would sacrifice his life without a second thought for me and your father . . . and you. He loved you Harry, as much as your mother and father do. It will get better with time." Remus placed a hand on Harry's shoulder.

Harry found he couldn't look Remus in he eyes and settled for staring back into the lake. "But he's gone."

"Yes. But you will meet again. Here, Sirius wanted you to have this." Lupin handed Harry a mirror. "It's a two-way mirror, Sirius had the other end. James and him use to use it when they were in separate detentions. It was your birthday present. Sirius wanted you to be able to talk to him whenever you wanted. You take care now, Harry. I will see you soon."

Remus stood up and left. Harry stared at the mirror, once again seeing his reflection. A sadness engulfed him. He felt empty; like he would never be happy again. It was as if a Dementor just swooped by him.

"Sirius . . . Sirius Black . . . Come back. Sirius . . ." Harry mumbled at the mirror, fighting back tears. Harry didn't know what he was expecting but no reflection of Sirius came.

A tear fell on to the mirror. And another. He was gone. Sirius was truly gone and never coming back...


Another day was gone and the end of term was getting closer and closer. Harry found himself at the highest tower, staring out into the sun set.

Harry couldn't even bring himself to think about the Dursley's. That was the least of his problems. He knew that the war had started. It was now he was going to have to try and be the brave warrior everyone thought he was. It was now he would have to do everything in his power to keep his friends safe...

Suddenly a hand fell on his shoulder. "It will be alright." Robyn smiled, though she seemed a little uncertain.

"Yeah it will be, when we find out the truth." Harry replied, his face morphed into determination.

Robyn pressed her lips to his cheek and rested her head on his shoulder while he wrapped his arm around her waist. "Dumbledore will figure it out."

Suddenly, Robyn caught sight of flaming red hair. The two turned to see Ron. "Just remember, you two are not alone."

"You still have a family. And no one is going to take us away from you." Hermione added, walking up to the three of them.

Harry felt a smile grow on his face and his heart warmed as he stared at his friends. He had to turn away though as he felt tears filling his eyes.

Together they looked out at the sunset and knew they would be okay. They knew they could face the upcoming challenges if they stuck together.

"Let the second war begin..."

(OMG! We have finally finished this book. I repeat, we have finally finished this book. Omg, only three more books to go guys. Are you excited, I know I am. Well I hope you enjoy. The next book should be out tomorrow. Until next time...)

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