Monster High Fright On

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At the maul Haley,Luna,Lagoona, Clawdeen,Frankie,Cleo and Ghoula were waiting for Draculuara and Clawd to show up."Where is she,We are going to miss Twihard four,At the Theater ." Said Frankie  while look for her to show up."We could save you a spot in line."Said Toralei."Really."said a shock Frankie."We would,But we won't,Spoiler alert we are not freinds."Toralei said before her and her friends leave.
"Draculuara said she will be her soon,It was a emergency ."Clawdeen said while looking from her Icoffin. "I hope she is ok."said Lagoona. "We can not wait to see this movie you guys are talking about,It must be really great."said Haley with a smile,Same with Luna.
"You'll guys are going to love it,and maybe after the 4 we can show you the first,second and third."Cleo said to them. "We would like that Cleo."Said Luna. Draculuara came with clawd care some shopping bags."The emergency was."said Frankie."Are these fabulous,Last minute sale,The savings were worth a die for."Replied Draculuara,While taking out to dress.
The Ghouls stare at her and Haley said."Those are beautiful Draculuara."
"Yay,Beutiful."Said Luna.
"Thank you."Replied Draculuara. "Let's go to get in line."said Frankie.
They all started walking to the movie theater. When they got there,Their was two sepret long lines. Werewoles and Vampire's and Toralei and her friends.
Then all of them were staring at the group and they started muttering and laughing."What are there muttering about."Lagoona asked."Why are they looking at Draculuara."Haley said.
"It's because she is dating me,They think our kind should be together and be friends."Clawd told Haley."I think it's that their looking at.Lagoona pointed below at Draculuara shoe. At the bottom of Draculuara sho it was a piece of toilet paper.Both vampire werewolves and Toralei laugh at her.
A huge tactical out of the theater's door
The theater is now open,Please one at a time.The line run into the theater trampling the ghouls,haley and Luna in progress.
"Maybe we should see a later show."Lagoona and Clawdeen asked.
"Yay."Haley,Luna and Frankie agreed.

At the Vampitheater

Miss.Bloodgood called for a special announcement. Haley and luna  at at the bottom with their Ghouls friends.
"I wonder what is this going to be about."Frankie asked."Hey as long we are missing class I am good."Duece said with a smile for missing class."My sources told me is going to be epic.Spectra told them floating thrown Manny and Manny shivered.
"They probably want to give me award."Cleo said."For."Haley and Luna asked Cleo."For being me."Cleo replied to Haley and Luna. "Hey Clawdeen, Clawd Is that your sister."Draculuara said point to a younger werewolf.
"Oh,Yay, Hey Howleen over here."Clawdeen said waving her hand.Her sister went up to her."Do you want to sit with us."Clawdeen ask her sister."Aww sitting with my older sister as if how embarrassing."Howleen said back to her sister and walking away.
The students monster ohhhh at that.
"Is that my backpack."Clawdeen said as she saw a familiar back on her sisters back."Yay your old one."howleen told her sister."Did you painted it."Clawdeen ask back."Yay more my style,Do you like it."Howleen told her sister and went to find a place to sit.Clawdeen Growls."Can you believe her."Clawdeen said to her freinds. "Come on, she just want to be like her older sister."Draculuara told Clawdeen.
Hey,You don't want to get middle of this."Clawd told Draculuara."I got the bite Mark's  to prove it."He continued lifting his foot."Setldown,Headmistress Bloodgood have bit short of anoument to give him."Miss Crabgrass said in the microphone.When Haley and Luna first meet Crabgrass they senes something off about her.Then Miss Bloodgood came in rideing on her Horse Nightmare. She begin talking
"Monster High has long stud for diversity and equality and harmony for all monsters species,We are the only school of our kind and our success has not gone unnoticed,Which is way,The school board have disused to expand Monster High."She announced.
Every student began to mumble.
"Expanded."said both Haley and Luna.
Starting Monday,We will be opening our doors to Vampire Belfly Prep and the werewolves of Crescent Moon high.She said while revealing the school's banners.

Every student began talking to each othe when they heard the News.
"Other werewolves."said Draculuara.
"Other Vampire's."both claws and clawdeen replied
Those three are nervous when they heard that.
Bloodgood begins talking again."The emerging of these schools are the first step on the larger coues emerging of all monsters schools,And avently normie society."
"Yay." Jackson was the only one cheering Intel in stop. The students began mumble to each other again.Nightmare stumps her hooves on the floor to be quiet.
"Which is way I chosen,A special group of students,The ones with the most
ghoulish spirts,To preyform a welcome commitment.
As the headlights are spinning around to show who is that group
"Ha ha I wonder who those poor souls are." Said Cleo.Then the lights stop on us. "The Fearleading Team."Announced Bloodgood.

Later at the Cafeteria
Haley and Luna were with there friends to get ready for the two new school's. Wow cool streamers Lagoona
Asked Frankie."Atchley that is our lunch,You want some Kelp."Lagoona said as Gil ate one of them and burped.
"Hehe I am good."replied Frankie.
"Um Cleo those poster don't look welcoming."Luna said as she look at Cleo posters she is making. Welcome them,No I want to show my New subjects who is their new queen is,Come on Ghoula let's put this up in every hallway.Cleo said as she and Ghoula left with the posters. "Wait so how is going to lead us."Frankie asked.
"Um it can't be Um vampire and werewolf."Clawdeen said as she points at her and Draculuara.
"Um maybe it should be you,Your the one that is sparking for this."Draculuara  told Frankie.
"Me,Leader,Wow this is so voltages."Frankie said so excitedly.
"Frankie,Werewolves and Vampire's ,Don't get your hopes up High Ok."Draculuara said to Frankie while putting her magazine down that she was reading. "There has being a feud  for thousand years,I think streamers and balloons fix all that "
"Hey,You too are freinds."Said Luna
"Umm yay,Because." Clawdeen try to say. Because you go to Monster High,Were you can be yourself with Freaky Flaws and all.Fankie said as Clawdeen and Draculuara look at each other,She is right.Frankie continue."That is way we need to welcome the new students with open arms."Frankie arm come off and flow out of a window. "You guys Frankie is right.I mean look at Lagoona and Gil there fresh water and salt water,But this school brought them to gather."Haley agreed with Frankie.
Their are right you guy,Even my parents sent me away,But they can't change me so I am back.Said Gil.
"See you guys just this school can bring people together,like you two and Gil and Lagoona,Who might now this might."Luna said to Clawdeen and Draculuara. Well we will help in set up tomorrow,But I don't think we should get to close,In chase thier is trouble.Said Clawdeen. I won't let anything go wrong,But I need some help.As they were about to leave.The door open reveled Abby with Frankie hand."Need a hand,Ha I made joke."ask Abby.Haley and Luna laugh a little bit.

A week later Monday

Haley and Luna were at the school steps at the entrance with their Ghouls friends. "You like sigh,Trying not to make it flowery."Said Abby with a sigh she made saying Hi."It's a good sigh Abby."replied Luna.Abby smiled at Luna.Clawdeen smells the air "Werewolves."She said looking at the forest.They saw them running and howling.Then saw cars coming up and Vampire's coming out "Vampire's."Draculuara said.Cleo went to talk to them but the Vampire's give her their car keys and told her to park them in the back.
Both new students came up on the steps on different sides.They look at each other and start Growling and Hissing at each other."Welcome to Monster High,Yay."Frankie said exactly."Hey."both Haley and Luna replied."Guys."Frankie told the others.
They mumble their welcoming.
A blond vampire said to this Big and handsome Werewolf."Hoooh...You smell,Time to take baths with soup and water instead with your tongues.He and the Vampire's laughed and the werewolves Growls at them."Nice one Bram."Said a purple hair vampire. "Thank you Glory."Bram replied back to his girlfriend. "Hey this is our therf now Vamp-poser." Said the big Werewolf.The werewolves laugh and the Vampire's hiss at them.
"Atchley It's."Haley said stepping up to them so a fight won't break out. "Your collar is a bit to tied..stipulation to your brain."Bram replied back to the big Werewolf."Now that is not a nice thing to say."Said Frankie. "Grrr I got a lot of blood plumping throw my fists."said the big werewolf with holding up his fists.
"Hey if you are going to Monsters High,You need to learn to get along look at Clawdeen and Draculuara they are best friends."Frankie told them.
"Best Friends." Both werewolf and Vampire replied staring at Clawdeen and Draculuara.
"Frankie I don't like at them staring at us so fanglery."said Draculuara griping Clawdeen arm.
"Easy,easy,pack let's get inside,No reason to start trouble on our first day."
Said a white skin werewolf.He head inside and the werewolves followed him.Draculuara said to Frankie the Vampire's nead to be invited inside.

They are in science class.Luna Haley and Ghoula where doing good on there chemicals. "Good job Ghoula Haley and Luna doing it nice and slow and remember science is fun."Mr.Hackington said.
"Borning,Let's get cooking."said Heath as he use his finger to make it go faster.
"Ghhhh."Ghoula moaned.
She is right you must go slow.Luna told Heath. But this Creature with tentacles as a mouth came out of heath project and barf green stuff and eye balls.The bell rings and Draculuara said."Mr harington is right science is fun."
Frankie is trying to get some of the new vampires girls to let them join the fear squad it took some confiding but Cleo give in

At the gym

It was fearleading practice and the new vampires came a Glory said."Ok enough Chit chat and do so drill's".Cleo got mad "Who mummified and made you leader."Cleo asked. Haley and Luna went to talk to Clawd and don't want to see this.He was playing basketball with the white werewolf from early with the Big werewolf watching them."Hey Clawd."both Haley and Luna said
"Hey,Haley and Luna I want you guys meet my friends from my childhood."Said Clawd as he going to introduce the two werewolves.
"This is Romulus and the other one Name Dougey but every one calls him doug."Clawd told Haley and Luna."Hey Romulus and Doug."Both Haley and Luna said to the two New Werewolves.
"Hey."Said Doug."It is nice to meet you and you Ladies are Wiches right."Said romulus as he sakes their hands."Yes we are....Ohh we should be getting back,It is Nice seeing you guy's."Haley said.As her and Luna went back to Practice.Luna wave back at them.
As they went back Romulus can't not stop looking at Luna and Dougey can not stop looking at Haley.

Later on

Haley and Luna and there Ghoulfreinds were walking in the hallway.They were talking about the new transfer students and when they were about to go down the hallway Clawdeen stop them and smells the air.
"We can not go down their,The werewolves have marked as their territory,Just me you don't want to go down their."Clawdeen said.They all back up a bit but Draculuara step on a werewolf foot he growl at her."Did I see you growl at this vampire,Don't forget your place or I will make you remember."Treaten Bram. They both growl and hiss at each other. Haley,Luna Frankie and Abby sneak away to talk to Bloodgood.
When they are at her Office.They told her what is happening.
"I was afraid this would happen.Their freaten by each other not surprising by their history with each other."Bloodgood said."We need them to relax and let their guard down."said Frankie.Haley said."lets have a dance."
"Yay."Luna agreed. "That is a great idea Haley but were should we have it."asked  Bloodgood
I now were said Frankie as she told them were and they agreed on it.

At the cemetery
At the party on one was dancing.
There are to sides werewolf and vampire."No one is dancing." said Frankie  with disappointment.
"Maybe this is not a good idea after all."Sighs Frankie.
"I got an idea."Said Haley as she went and grab a male Vampire"You." And drag him to the dance floor and went to  grab a female werewolf and drag her to the dance floor."Dance with her"Haley told them and it work they start dancing with each other."Yes,That's it you guys,Do what haley is doing."Frankie said to her friends. They did that and every Werewolf and vampire are dance laughing and geting along.

With Haley
Haley was dancing but she bump into someone and it was Doug."Sorry about that."Haley said."Its ok...Hey you want to Dance."Doug said to Haley."Sure."Haley said blushing a little bit. They start dancing with each other.

With Luna
Luna was dancing and she heard something behind her."Hey." Said a voice.She turn around and saw it was Romulus."Do you want to dance."Asked Romulus.Luna blushes and said."Yes."
And they dance with each other.
When the Dance is over everyone went home.

At monster high everything is fine but a strange blond heir man came name Van Helsing.Haley and Luna did not trust him and talk to someone from where their from and they said they will be they will be there.
At night Haley and Luna used the invisible clock and sneak in to Monster High.They spied on Crabgrass that is disguise as Bloodgood and Van Helsing.Haley hid her clock and they got capture.When they woke up in a cage somewhere in the catacombs.
"So our Witches are awake."said Van Helsing.You will not get away with this.Luna told Van Helsing. "Yay,Our friends will realize that something is wrong."Haley said to him.
No they won't.Replied Van Helsing before he left.
Haley pulled out a bottle of leaves and both of her a luna put a leave under their tongues to get their animal formers.

2 days later
Their forms came Haley is a snake

and Luna form is a Raven

They escape throw the bars and try away out the catacombs and they saw  some people."Bloodgood,Frankie,Abby,Draculuara,Howleen."Both Haley and Luna shouted their names."Haley,Luna you guys are ok."said Frankie exited that her friends are ok and not hurt.What happen to you guys.Both Abby and Draculuara asked there two Friends.
"We will explain everything later,But first we need to get out of here."Luna told them.
"Luna is right we need to get out of here."Miss Bloodgood told her students.
As they continued to find away out they were save by Operetta Clawdeen and Clawd.
They rushed to the gym where the werewolves and Vampire's were about to fight.
"Stop it."Shouted Draculuara.
"Don't do it."shouted Howleen
Stoping them from starting a fight.
"Draculuara."Said Bram
Howleen,The Vampire's did not take you.Said Romulus. "No,It was Van Helsing.Howleen told them."Van Helsing,but way.Asked a vey shock Glory. Becaues he dosen't understand Monster High was about.Said Miss Bloodgood.  "AND He was a monster hunter and a witch hunter."Said a voice
Every Monster turn around at the door entrance there stood 10 people

"You guys made it."Haley said exactly to see them again.
Daddy shouted Luna as she ran and hug him. "I am glad that you are ok."Xenophilius said while hugging his little girl. "Wait what doo you mean mo ster and witch hunter." Asked Dougey he was happy that Haley is ok.
"Back where we are from he hunted monsters and witches and after a few years he dissapeared." Kingsley Shackleblot told them. When everyone heard  this they were scared and angery. Everyone set a plan to get Crabgrass and Van Helsing. When Crabgrass and Van Helsing came back with the school board.When they saw the party and the werewolf and vampire geting along."Good job,Better then we hope."Said one of the school board.
Hegri and Doug closed the door when Crabgrass and Van Helsing entered the gym."I belive you stole my look."Miss Bloodgood said to Crabgrass.  Everyone start come to them.
"Everyone back off." Shouted Van Helsing revealing his choat."Be careful those are dangerous."Frankie told them .T"hat's right I have weaknesses for any monster and Witches so now we will take are leave."said Van Helsing
As he and Crabgrass where about to leave. Mister Helsing before you leave I want you met my boyfriend Duece.Cleo said to him before everyone close their.
"Please to meet you."Duece interdust himself while taking his shades of and turning them to stone.Everyone start cheering."Hey let's get this party started." Shouted Holt as he started working as a dj.Everyone started dancing and Fred an George did the mini Fire works they made and everyone loves them.Luna was dancing with Romulus and Haley was dancing with Doug and they both start kissing each other.Remus and Xenophilius were happy that they found some body to love.The other witches took the statue of Crabgrass and Van Helsing to Askerbam.
Every thing is awesome.

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