Chapter 12

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Ava glanced over at Matt, who was staring intently at her. She had just woken up and she wasn't sure how long she was asleep. However, she surely remembers what she did before she blacked out. She had almost killed Matt, and she was okay with that. Sure, part of her felt regret, but the majority of her wanted to rip him to shreds.

She looked around the room. A random boy with golden hair was talking to another with baby blue hair. She and Matt sat across from each other, and she was sure of one thing, she couldn't trust anyone in this room. She restrained herself from attacking Matt. She wanted to so badly, but she sensed that the golden boy was hybrid as well, and he could kill her in seconds. 

She was so lost in her own thoughts, she hadn't noticed tat blue-haired boy had kneeled down in front of her.

"Are you okay? Ava?" he asked.

She only nodded her head, she didn't trust her voice right now enough to open her mouth.

Drew took Ava's hand and led her to the bathroom in order to help her clean her blood-stained hands.

Drew sat her on the closed toilet seat, while he searched for a rag. "So Ava, do you remember anything that happened?"

Ava nodded once more, earning a look from Drew. "Did you forget how to talk?" he joked, flashing a boyish smile at her.

"No" she mumbled.

Drew sighed, "Okay I guess we should start with introductions. I'm Drew, Matt's best friend. And I saved your life, mostly. And the one with the golden hair, that's Lucas, my younger brother. And I'm sure you know Matt, you know the boy you impaled."

Ava only nodded again for the third time. Her mind running crazy with thoughts.

"Why did you impale him by the way?" He inquired. 

Ava sighed, "He killed my mother, he deserves to die." Her voice got darker as she spoke.

Drew looked at her, he stopped cleaning her hands, slightly scared by her tone.

Everyone has a dark side, he guessed her's was just shining through. 

"Ava, Matt only killed your mom because she and your dad were working with Roman, and also because you gave him human blood, but that's beside the point. They were planning to use your blood to heal Roman, then kill you. They have been killing off half-bloods for years, you are the last human-vampire half-blood left," Drew revealed.

Ava's eyes widened, "What?" she whispered. This whole time her parents were trying to kill her, all those years of happy memories, were all a lie. She wanted to cry, but no tears came out. So she did the only thing she could do, she screamed.

Matt and Lucas rushed into the doorway to see Ava rocking back and forth, her hands over her ears, and her eyes screwed shut.

Drew groaned, blood dripping out his ears. Matt walked over to Ava, he bent down to her, "Ava, Ava, hey relax" he told her placing a hand on her leg.

Lucas ran over to Drew, helping him stand up. "You alright?" he asked his older brother. Drew nodded even though he was in excruciating pain.

Ava opened her closed eyes, she saw Matt in front of her, but this time, she didn't feel the urge to kill him, this time, the sight of him had comforted her. "Relax you're okay," He said smiling lightly. 

Ava frowned, she wrapped her arms around him, embracing him into a tight meaningful hug. "I'm so sorry Matt."

Matt smiled, stroking her tangled curly hair. "It's okay, nothing you do can be unforgivable, at least not to me," he whispered.

Lucas let the couple, or at least he thought they were a couple, have their moment. He helped Drew to the living room. He sat him on the couch, handing him a towel to put in his ears. "Are you sure you are okay?" Lucas asked him.

Drew laughed, "Yeah I'm fine, I was just too close to her when she screamed. You know I have sensitive ears, plus super hearing. This has happened before, it stops after a few minutes."

Lucas nodded. He leaned forward and ran a hand through his hair.

Drew stared at him, "Why are you so concerned about me? I thought you hated me?"

Lucas sighed, "I don't hate you, at least not anymore. I just put on an act because I wanted you to know that you leaving hurt. I went to this dark place, and for a while, I wanted to give up. I was alone, and I had to survive from everyone who was trying to kill me."

Drew stared at him again, not really sure what to say. "I'm sorry".

Lucas nodded his head.

"I want you to know that I never forgot you, Lucas. I thought about you every day, and it was hard for me to leave as well. But I had no choice, it was either I join Knox or they would kill you and make me watch," Drew continued.

Lucas's eyes widened, "I had no idea," he whispered.

Before Drew could respond, Matt walked in."Okay what are we going to do about her?" he said.

The two turned their attention towards him. His eyes widened, "Sorry did I interrupt something?"

Drew shook his head, "No, what's wrong?"

"Well firstly, I think she is going through blood withdrawal, she is whispering weird things, and her fangs and eyes are starting to glow."

Lucas sighed, "I have animal blood stored in my basement, I'll go get some," he stated before exiting the room.

Matt awkwardly stuck his hands in his pockets. He currently didn't know where he and Drew stood since he didn't listen to him at all about killing Roman.

"Hey," he said sitting next to him.

"Hey," he said dryly.

Matt sighed, "Look, Drew, I'm sorry okay. I know we should have killed Roman on the spot, but I couldn't have Ava hate me."

Drew laughed pathetically, "It's always about you Matt. Do you have any idea what I went through when I was in there? He killed my only friend in there, right in front of me. As punishments, he would have the servants burn my skin. See," Drew pulled up his shirt to reveal a brand mark all over his skin, a letter A printed into his back multiple times.

Matt sucked in air sharply. He had no idea Roman could be so cruel, the only thing they did to him when he disobeyed an order was restricted his blood privileges. "Drew, I had no idea," he said.

"Of course, you didn't, because nothing really matters to you unless it has something to do with yourself. I honestly don't know why I even listened to you. I should have killed Roman myself. "

Matt opened his mouth to speak when the doorbell rang. Lucas had just come up the stairs from the basement when the bell rang. He looked confusedly over at Matt and Drew, them both returning the look. Lucas placed the blood on a coffee table, grabbing the gun underneath it.

He walked slowly towards the front door, Matt and Drew followed him. He signaled for them to go on the other side of the door. He held the gun up. He sensed that the person outside the door was hybrid like him, only they were a human-vampire hybrid like Ava. He looked over at Drew and Matt, for they had sensed it too.

Lucas opened the door, pointing the gun at the person standing there. He slowly dropped the gun when he saw her face. "Ava?" he asked stunned. The woman laughed. She looked exactly like Ava, only her hair was fiery red, and her eyes were hazel, just like Ava's mother Mia.

"No, but you're close enough I'm her twin sister, Storm."

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