Chapter 15

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The look on Ava's face was priceless as she stared at Nicholas. She honestly was very confused, why would her father want to do that to her. If he knew that killing her would kill him as well? It doesn't make any sense at all. Maybe he doesn't know this information. She needed to find out more, like how Nicholas knew this and if it is even true. She wasn't even sure if she could trust what he was saying right now, considering the last time they saw each other he threatened to kill her. She needed to talk to him now because if she didn't she would forever be lost.

Ava pulled Nicholas to another corner of the room, while Lucas turned his attention to the others an awkward silence falling over them. Matt watched the four of them, well, mostly Ava. He wishes he could get in her head to see what she was thinking. He's not even sure how she could be so calm during a time like this. If Matt's parents were planning to kill him for so long, he wouldn't know what he would do.

He frowned as he thought of his parents, flashbacks running through his mind of their lifeless bodies lying on the floor. His hands covered in their blood, a pool of the substance around his knees as he kneeled beside them.

Matt had no other memories of that day. Only of both of his parents laying lifeless in his arms. He wasn't even sure how he became what he is today. He didn't remember who his sire was until now, Aron, he does remember that he was bitten that same day, by him, which led him to believe he himself killed his parents. Everyone else believed that as well, except for Ava. She knew that he didn't do it.

Matt was so lost in his own thoughts he had blocked out the entire conversation that was going on before him. He looked over at Ava who was staring at him, a frown on her face and fluttering in her chest. She looked away quickly ashamed of herself for feeling the way she did about Matt. She wasn't sure what it was, but she was sure that her crush was coming back to life and she hated herself for it.

The boy, had killed her mother, even though she was working with Roman she was still her mother. He has also told her that he liked her, then just disappeared the day after. When they were twelve the day Matt's parents had died, a few hours before Matt told her how he felt, she felt the same way, but nothing ever happened, so when he left it hurt even not than it should have.

"Matt?" Lucas asked, snapping his fingers in front of his face.

"Yeah, what?" Matt said, snapping his head away from Ava and towards Lucas.

"Were you even listening?" He asked, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

Matt shook his head shamefully. His eyes traveling to the floor.

Lucas shook his head, "Anyways Nicholas can you repeat everything you just said?"

"Okay, well. Henry is on his way here with around twenty vampires. He plans to capture Ava, and bring her back to Roman" Nicholas stated.

"Okay, we know that already. Why don't you explain to us why the hell you are here and how Ava is the 'link' in your family?" Matt spoke up, growing slightly annoyed with the boy since he providing no actual explanation for any of this.

"Alright, pretty boy no need to get your panties in a twist" Nicholas smirked. Matt growled, his eyes glowing a dark red.

"Matt , he's not worth it," Drew whispered in his ear from beside him.

Matt sighed and nodded his head, keeping his mouth shut, he continued to listen to Nicholas who was attempting to explain things.

"Okay, so Roman is completely unaware of this information. I had just found out myself that Ava was the 'link', so if you die, that means me, Roman, and Storm we die too. However, the link can be broken by you Ava, if you find the object that links you to the entire blood line and smash it into your own blood it will break the link"

Ava was confused now more then ever, she glanced at everyone else trying to see if they understood what he had said. Storm was staring at the floor in despair, Lucas was glancing around at everyone as well, his arms crossed over his chest. Matt was still glaring at Nicholas, and Drew just had a plain expression on his face, as if none of this bothered him.

"How am I suppose to find this item if I have no idea what it is?" Ava pipped up, everyone's eyes turning to her.

Nicholas opened his mouth to speak, but blood flowed out of his mouth instead. A purtred look upon his face as a wooden peg punctured his heart from behind. He fell to the ground, earning a scream from Storm's and Ava's mouth. Lucas, Matt, and Drew looked at his lifeless body in shock.

"Nothing personal Nichloas, you just knew too much" the voice belonging to the person who had just killed Nicholas. They step out from the shadows a growl leaving Ava's mouth as she laid eyes on the person.

"Henry," she muttered clenching her fists.

"Hello Ava, how has my lovely daughter been?" He cooed a smile forming on his face.

"I'm not your daughter. You don't plan to kill your own daughter for fifteen years. Why didn't you just kill me when you had the chance, instead of pretending that you and Mia actually loved me for so long" she spat, taking a few steps towards him.

Henry chuckled scratching the light beard on his chin, "Well Ava the worst kind of pain is in fact mentally, but I actually did love you like a daughter but I didn't love you more then I loved my life. If we didn't agree to raise you up Roman would have killed us. See he only trusted us with you, because he knew we would not disobey him. But now that Mia is dead, I have different plans" his eyes travel to Matt, whose own were glowing red, each word Henry uttered making him more angry.

Within a few seconds the vampire's that Roman had given him filled in the room. A few of them holding Matt down.

"Let him go" Ava yelled, trying to run towards him, but a muscular vampire held her arms together. A few others holding down the rest of the team as well.

"Well, well, well Matt. I actually never thought this day would come, first you disobey Roman's orders, then you come and kill my wife, so I'll make your death slow and painful" Henry whispered, leaning towards him, the same wooden peg that he killed Nicholas within his hands, hovering over Matt's chest.

"You're no better than me Henry. You really think that I don't know that you have been working with Aron behind Romans back?" Matt spat, a small smile playing on his lips as he looked at Henry's face. A frown upon his lips as Matt spoke.

"I don't know what you are talking about" Henry lied, he placed the peg over Matt stomach ready to puncture it.

"Don't play dumb Henry. I know that you have been working with Ava's uncle to kill Roman. You don't care about him, and you never did. You just worked for him so you could get your little cash from Aron. I'm sure your wife did the same, you both didn't care about Ava at all, you just wanted money" Matt continued.

"I'm warning you Matt, one more word and I'll kill you right now."

"Go ahead, I have nothing to live for anyways." Matt mumbled glancing over at Ava, her eyes glowing red, her fangs forming in her mouth, black veins forming on her face, she was ready to bite Henry's head off, but Lucas beat her to it.

Lucas's growled, his eyes were a light yellow, fangs forming in his mouth as well as he bit into Henry neck, ripping the veins out of it. Henry fell to the ground, a long silence following after.

Fear in everyone's eyes as to what he had done, but he did do it and that's when all hell broke loose.

The vampires jumped on top of everyone. Then each earning their own battle.

One hissed at Ava, which she returned. He jumped towards her, but she moved to the side easily dodging his attack. The vampire stumbled, but then turned around about to kick Ava's but she grabbed his foot a twisted it, causing him to groan out in pain. She then took a bite of his leg, earning another groan from him. Ava took this chance to snap his neck, but once she did that another one came up behind her, wrapping an arm around her neck, but she elbowed her in the stomach and took a bite out of her neck.

The rest of them were struggling with their own battles considering the vampires were new bloods they were extremely strong. Ava decided to help Storm even though the two weren't exactly fond of each other.

"Look, I'm sorry about earlier" Ava said as she punched one in the face.

"It's fine, I guess. I probably would have acted the same way too, if some random girl came in here claiming she was my sister, and missed my boyfriend" Storm said while twisting someone's arm.

"Matt isn't my boyfriend" Ava said, pressing her back against her sisters.

"Really, cause I kind of got that vibe from him. He really cares about you, no wonder why he didn't want to get back together with me" Storm said, kicking a new blood in the stomach.

"You guys really dated?" Ava asked, snapping a new bloods neck and glancing over at Matt who was fearless, killing other vampires.

"Yeah, but it was only for a few months. I did really love him, but I've always been in love with Drew" Storm admitted.

Ava was speechless, she wondered why Storm as telling her all these things when they had just met only a few hours ago. "Then why did you date him in the first place?" She asked growing slightly angry at her sister.

"To make Drew jealous, I wanted to get closer to him, but I was always afraid to tell him how I felt" Storm said kneeing a man in the stomach then scratching his face.

"What the hell? Why would you use Matt like that?" Ava almost screamed, turning her attention towards Storm leaving her completely open.

"I didn't use Matt, it was a mutual relationship, Matt knew about my feelings towards Drew, but he couldn't help falling in love with me. It's only because I love like you Ava, he's in love with you" Storm stated, smiling at her slightly, before blocking a vampire from attacking her sister.

Ava didn't say anything after that, not exactly sure how to feel after hearing that information. She just continued to fight trying not to think about it too much.

After the five of them had finally finished off the new bloods, they walked over to Henry who was lying on the floor, slowly dying. The bite Lucas gave him still fresh, blood dripping from in.

"Please..." He cried. He wanted them to end his misery, just end his life now instead on going through this pain.

Ava bent down towards the man that raised her, a frown on her face. She snapped his neck, which instantly killed him. Even though he was a horrible person, part of Ava still loved him and her mother even though they were working with Roman they were still the closest thing to family that she ever had.

Drew placed a hand on her shoulder a sympathetic smile on his face. Ava sighed and got up, trying to push away her own thoughts, her eyes landing on her cousin's lifeless body in the corner, she frowns, she didn't know him well, but he still tried to help her, so she was internally grateful.

"So what do we do now?" Lucas asked, holding his shoulder in pain.

"I guess we try to figure out what that time is that makes Ava the link, because we can't kill Roman without killing her and me in the process" Storm said, biting lightly on her lip ring.

"Matt what were you talking about earlier, who's Aron?" Drew spoke up, everyone's eyes turning towards Matt who was looking at the ground.

"He's nobody, just forget about it" He muttered, pushing past all of them and exiting the house.

Ava sighed and followed after him leaving the rest alone.


Aron stood over the lifeless body on the ground. His light gray eyes scanning the young boy on the ground, he sighed wiping His body stains hands on the boys T-shirt, the same T-shirt he had got him for a birthday a long time ago. He smirked, bringing his hands to his mouth, wiping it off on the back in hi hand. He retracted his teeth back into his mouth, the dryness of his throat had completely disappeared. "Nothing personally son, I just can't have you get in the way of my spot, rightfully the leader of Knox, and eventually all of Sydney. I hope you'll forgive me one day Oscar" He whispered before marking his body with his signature A into his forearm.

"Oscar, I'm home" A feminine voice sounded from first floor.

"Time for lunch" Aron said, hissing , and vampire speeding away.

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