Chapter 17

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"What?" Lucas whispered, his mouth slightly ajar and eyes wide.

"I linked Ava to our family. It was when I was at a point in my life where I hated myself and her. I hated her for getting to live a privileged life, while I had to live in that hell hole with the devil himself. I thought that if I did this I would rid the world of our putrid family, I thought I was doing everyone a favor."

"Storm, do you even realize what you have done?" He paused, restraining himself from pouncing on her, resisting the urge to kill her right now. "Ava... she has gone through a lot as well. I know that Roman was horrible to you, but you didn't have to basically kill your own sister, " He said walking over to her and taking a seat next to her on the small couch in the room.

"Why didn't you just finish it before? You had all this time and you didn't do it. Why not?" Lucas spoke up after a few moment's of silence.

"I-I just couldn't- I couldn't do it. And by the time I realized what I had done it was too late. You should end the search for the necklace, because I lost it a long time ago" Storm spoke, her voice cracking as her fragile voice let her mouth.

"Wait, it was a necklace? Which one?" Lucas asked.

"It was exactly like this one-" Storm paused, she reached into her shirt and pulled out a sliver heart chain, half of it was missing, on the front it said 'Sisters-'. "Roman had given us these necklaces when we were born, it had been in our family for generations, considering we come from a long line of twin sisters. Ava's had the rest of the phrase spelt out on it, but I had taken it away from her before Roman sent her away. It must still be somewhere in his house because that's where I had lost it"

Lucas eyes widened as he realized what he had to do. "Storm did you use the entire necklace to create the link?" Storm nodded in response. "So if we use half of the necklace to break it, maybe it will work?"

"No, we need to go back to Knox, we need to get that necklace."


Aron smirked as he looked up at the house. It was still dingy and gray like he had remembered. He couldn't wait to step inside and see the look on his brothers face, even though he had banished him a long time ago. He was still grateful that he did, he couldn't have handled another moment of torture in there. The endless suffering he had to endure when he was forced to whip and brand vampires, marking them as Roman's, it was unbearable. However, he had started to use his own branding, 'A'. He used this for when he was ready to take over Knox, those vampires he marked would be loyal to him.

He took a few steps forward, only for a sharp shock to rage through his body. Electricity flowed through his veins and pierced his bones. A loud grunt escaped his lips and he flew back, the shock sending him a few feet into a nearby tree. A blue field lit up around the house while a ecstatic Roman exited and stood on the porch steps. "It works well, thank you Avid," Roman cooed the vampire standing behind him who bows his head and entered back into the house.

"Hello Brother, it's been awhile" Aron smirked. He stood up and dusted the dirt of his suit.

"Yes, it has been. A thousand years since you last tried to kill me, and take over Knox? Am I wrong?" Roman smiled, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the narrow doorway.

Aron shook his head, "No, Brother, you are not wrong. Now, why don't you stop acting childish and break the barrier, so we have a mature conversation."

A loud laugh left Roman's mouth, "And why would I do that? I think watching you get electrified is much more fun."

"Roman, we both know that you are dying. And if you don't let me in, there is no way I can help you." Aron tried.

Roman contemplated for a second, "Only Ava's blood can help me, you know that" he stated. He had to admit he was interested in what his bother having to say.

"There is another way to help you, but if you don't let me in, I won't be able to."

Roman sighed. He didn't trust his brother at all, but he needed to do something because if he didn't he would be dead very soon. He looked down at the hand behind his back, the dark gray color flowing up his arm. He hissed in pain, cursing underneath his breath before he looked back at his brother.

"Avid, take down the force field!" Roman called behind him.

A mischievous grin grew on Aron's face, for now Knox would finally his.


"No, you're lying to me!" Ava screamed, her hands balled into fists, her eyes slowly changing to red as her anger grew.

"Ava I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do it- I just- I wanted to be back at Roman, and didn't care the cost even if it was killing myself and my own sister. However, I'm not that person anymore. I know we just met, but I care a lot about you Ava. You are my sister, you're the only family I have left." Storm cried invisible tears, she tried to reach out to Ava who only stepped back, advising her sister's eyes.

"You're not my sister. Sister's don't sell each other off. Look, I get it, life was hell for you in there, but you had no right to basically kill me. What I am supposed to do now? You have linked me to this entire messed up family, and I have no fucking idea how to break it?" Ava screamed, her voice reaching its maximum power, almost causing Drew's ears to bleed again.

The three other guys in the room just watched from a distance as the two sisters tried to work this out, even though it wasn't going well.

"I can't believe Storm would do something like this" Drew spoke up, his eyes never leaving the red haired girl.

"Me neither," Lucas said. Matt nodded in agreement, considering he didn't trust his voice to speak right now. He was still trying to get over the fact that he knows that Ava feels the same way about him. After so long it finally happened, and he had to pinch himself to make sure he was dreaming.

"Do you think we should do something?" Drew asked, glancing over at the brunet and dirty blonde boys beside him.

"Probably, before they start clawing each other's eyes out-" A loud crash sound cut Lucas off, "And there goes another lamp" he sighed, earning a little chuckled from Matt.

"Alright break it up you two, " Matt said, grabbing an Ava's arm and pulling her closer to him. Drew doing the same to Storm.

"Can you guys just make up, so we can go look for the other necklace?" Lucas inquired.

Ava and Storm responded at the same time, their yells jumbling together, causing them to scream louder at the other to shut up.

"Alright, both of you shut up" Drew yelled, the authority in his voice caused both of their mouths to snap shut.

"Okay, now, Ava tell Storm how you feel" Matt said softly.

Ava sighed, "This is ridiculous, " she said, looking up at him. He gave her a pleading look, she sighed once more then turned to Storm. "Betrayed, angry, like I want to rip her head off and-"

Drew cut her off, "Okay, we get the picture, Storm?"

"Regretful. I really am sorry Ava. I never meant to hurt you, I really just want us to start over. I want to be your sister, for real this time. Make up for our last fourteen years" Strom pleaded, her hazel doe eyes filled with hope.

Ava stared at Storm. It was hard for her to open up and easily trust people after what Henry, Mia, and Roman had done to her, but more then anything else, she needed family right now. Ava nodded and walked over to her sister, wrapping her in a tight hug.

Lucas, Matt and Drew smiled in victory. "Okay, now that that is done, we need to get that necklace, from Knox" Matt said the last part slowly, the last part hitting him like a ton of bricks.

"How can we even be sure the necklace is still there?" Lucas asked glancing at everyone else.

"We can't," Matt sighed running a hand through his dark brown hair.

"So let's wing it." Ava smiled.

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