Chapter 2

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His dark brown eyes connected with her's. A sly smile forming on his lips as he stared at her. Oscar followed her gaze and saw him as well, he instantly tensed up once he laid eyes on him. Matt slowly walked to their table, ignoring the glares everyone gave him as he did. He looked completely different, his hair a newly dyed chestnut brown, his skin pale and his Aurora ice cold. Yet he was still the boy she knew three years ago, only his entire appearance has changed.

"Hey Ava, how have you been?" Matt asked her, his eyes traveling up and down her face.

She was completely frozen, it was like she didn't understand a word he just said, her mouth closed shut and no words forming in her mind. He licked his lips before giving her a confused look.

"Um if you don't mind we are kind of on a date here" Oscar pipped up.

Matt turned towards him his eyebrows raising, "I'm sorry I didn't even see you there buddy". He flashed a cheeky smile at him while Oscar balled his fists.

"Listen 'buddy', if you don't leave us alone-"

Matt laughed, "You'll what, you couldn't hurt me if you tried".

He looked over at Ava once more before making his exit, not before throwing a wink her way once he exits. Everyone's eyes lingered on them for a second before going back to their own meals.

"What a jerk," Oscar said to her, but she was not paying any attention to what he said, only the boy she saw a few moments ago who made her heart race in a way it never had before.

"I got to go," Ava said to him, then instantly ran out the dinner. She searched for Matt, but he was nowhere to be found.


"No way" Lauren yelled jumping up and down.

"Why are you excited about this?" Ava questioned sitting with her legs crossed on her bright pink bed.

"Well since you told me in your 'I'm in love voice' how he made your heart race and all that junk that means that you still like him" Lauren yelled once more smiling like a wild kid.

Ava rolled her eyes and threw a pillow at her "Okay, I don't like him, and I don't have an 'I'm in love voice'".

Lauren scoffed, "Firstly, that really hurt, and second why else would your heart race like that?".

Ava sighed, "Maybe because I was nervous and or anxious when I saw him, I mean it has been three years Lauren, don't you think you would act the same?".

Lauren only shrugged and threw the pillow back at her resulting in a giggle fit.

"Besides, did you forget that I have a boyfriend which so happens to be your brother?" Ava states.

"Stepbrother, and trust me, I would love to forget to get that sometimes, you're too good for him , anyways come on let's get ready the party starts in an hour," Lauren said pulling Ava to her walk in closet.

"I look ridiculous" Ava muttered in front of the mirror.

Lauren forced her into a crop top with a high-waisted leather skirt with combat boots.

"No, you look hot" Lauren smiled.

"Now let's do the rest of you," she pulled her into a chair and fixed her hair and makeup. Ava officially looked ridiculous, but she thanked her anyway.


"Your boyfriend always goes out for these parties doesn't he?" Ava asked once they pulled up into Nathan's driveway, bright lights shining through the window, electric music booming.

"He's not my boyfriend, I hate his guts" Lauren spat.

Aba almost laughed, "Yet when you see him, you start sucking his face off right?".

Lauren only rolled her eyes and parked the car.

"Try not to embarrass yourself again tonight?" Lauren said as they walked up to the front door.

"I make no promises" Ava smiled.

The front door opened before Lauren could respond. Revealing a slightly drunk Nathan, a beer in his hand, him barely able to stand upright. "Hey, it's my two favorite girls," he slurred.

Lauren walked and immediately started to kiss him like Ava predicted. She found her way away from them to find herself a drink.

Oscar didn't come tonight since he and Nathan weren't on good terms right now, Nathan didn't invite him. He actually never told Ava what happened between them, but from what she heard they were like best friends, but then some girl came in between them.

Only an hour later, the room went silent, when the front door opened, only for Matt Wesley to walk in by himself. He wore a black leather jacket with a white shirt and dark jeans with some converses. He smiled weirdly at his peers before making eye contact once again with Ava. All eyes were on him, some of the teens whispering to one another, probably gossiping about him. He strolled towards her, his dark brown eyes never leaving her's. A dashing smile on his face once he stood in front of Ava, they were only a few feet apart. "We meet again Avaline" his eyes roaming up and down her outfit, his eyes widened as if he approved.

"Don't call me that" Ava spat, hating that name so much.

"So you aren't mute then when I last saw you could barely speak, now you're back to your feisty self. Tell me were you not able to speak because your boyfriend was right there, or was it because of my dashing looks?" he smirked, his attitude oozing with confidence.

Ava rolled her eyes and chose to ignore him, taking a sip of her third beer tonight.

"Come on Ava, you've barely said a word to me. At least tell me how you have been?" Matt said, his voice almost sounding sincere.

She looked around for someone that could help me escape this conversation, she found no one, everyone was either dancing, drunkenly kissing, or staring at them.

Matt examined her face before talking once more, "You're scared of me, aren't you?" his voice low and deep.

Her eyes connected with his suddenly feeling a weird sensation, his eyes staring intently into her's.

"Tell me what you are feeling right now," he stated, his voice dripping with authority.

"Nervous" the words fell out of her mouth, she didn't feel in control of her body anymore.

"You do not feel nervous anymore, you want to talk to me, you feel drawn towards me-" before Matt finished talking, Ava slapped him straight across the face, the sound ringing through the party.

Once again everyone attention was pulled away from each other, only their eyes were on her this time.

"Leave me the hell alone" Ava warned him in a low voice before walking away.

She heard Matt chuckle as she walked away.

A few drinks and a few hours later, Ava was dancing crazily on the dance floor. She swayed my hips to the music until someone approached her from behind.

"You like to play hard to get don't you" He whispered in her ear.

His hot breath hitting her neck, no space between them. She knew who it was already, but she refused to respond, she was afraid she would say something stupid like she normally did when she was drunk.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Matt asked me, his voice sounding almost hurt.

"We used to be close, the three of us, now it's like you guys want to be nowhere near me, what happened?" He whispered before turning her around to face him.

His eyes weren't their usual dark brown, but they were a light gray. She had never seen him like this before, his face was expressionless, but hse could hear his heart beating extremely fast. His eyes traveled down to her lips and back up to her eyes before he placed his chapped lips on hers. At this moment she completely forgot about everything, and she didn't know if it was the alcohol influencing her actions, but she started to kiss him back. Her hands traveling to his hair, gripping it tightly. He had a firm grip on her waist, his kiss filled with passion. A few moments later he let go, but her eyes remained closed, licking her lips lightly.

"You don't know how long I wanted to do that, too bad you won't remember it" He sighed.

"What?" she questioned.

He didn't respond, his eyes traveled to where a man was standing, a hood over his head completely covering his identity. Matt's eyes widened them turning a bright red, he growled lowly as if he knew who that man was.

"Let's go," he said lowly to her, placing a hand behind Ava's back, leading her towards the back door.

"Wait where are you going?" Lauren called out to them when they passed her on a bright orange couch.

"I'm just taking her home" Matt stated bluntly.

"I think I can handle that Wesly," Lauren said coldly.

"It's alright, you seem preoccupied-" he glanced over to Nathan, who drunkenly dancing on a table, "Trust me I got this" he smiled.

"That's my point, I don't trust you Matt" Lauren spat.

She must have been drunk as well because just this morning she was talking about forgiveness, yet her she is.

"Whatever" Matt rolled his eyes and walked Ava out the back.

Matt took her hand in his and brought her to his car. His hand was ice cold, "Why are so cold?" she said giggling slightly.

Matt ignored her question and pulled out of the driveway and onto the street. After a few minutes of silence, a car beeped behind them. Matt told him to go around, but he kept creeping up on them.

When he made a turn, they followed them as well, "Crap" Matt muttered recognizing the car.

"What's going on Matt?" Ava asked.

"Just hold on tight," Matt said before putting full force on the gas pedal.

Matt twisted and turned, but the car kept following them. It was pitch black outside and it was hard for her to see what was going on. Finally, Matt took a back road which led them under a bridge.

They heard the car drive over them, "Who the hell were they?" Ava yelled at him.

Matt sighed, "Just some old friends of mine," he vaguely responded.

"Friends? Then why were they chasing us?" She said.

Matt just ignored what she said, and started the car once more bringing her back home. Matt dropped her at her front door and rang the bell, he disappeared instantly afterward.

"Ava do you have any idea what time it is?" Ava's mom yelled at her once she opened the door.

Sge received a lecture from the both of them, but she wasn't listening. The only thing she could think about was Matt.

Little did she know that night he climbed through her window. He walked over to her and placed a hand on her forehead while she was sleeping.

"I'm sorry," he whispered before kissing her forehead and leaving the room.

He wiped her memory, or at least he thought he did, but she would remember everything from tonight.

-Look at #Mava in that cute pic. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I want you to tell me who you support ? Mava (Ava and Matt), Loore (Oscar and Ava), Lathan (Lauren and Nathan), or all of them?. Thanks for reading hope you stick around.


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