Chapter 5

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"Please pick up" Ava whispered to herself. On the other line, it was ringing. Oscar had been ignoring her calls all day, and she needs to talk to him so badly.

"Hello," someone on the other line said, but it wasn't Oscar it was a girl's voice. She ended the call after that, not wanting to know who she was. Ava threw the phone on the floor and screamed in frustration into her pillow. Not even twenty-four hours since they broke up and he has already moved on.

"Ava sweetie are you alright?" her mother called through the door. She wiped away the few tears rolling down her face and replied.

"Yeah I'm fine, " Ava said before breaking into sobs.

"Can I come in?" she said.

"Nor am, I'm going to take a shower " she lied, sniffling in the process.

Her mother sighed, "Alright". Soon she heard the sound of her heels clicking away, then a tap on her window. Ava turned and saw Matt stooping down, smirking at her. He pointed to the lock on the window. Ava sighed and tried to calm herself down before walking over there and opening the window.

"Hey, have you been crying?" he asked concernedly, locking the window and then taking a seat on her bed.

"No" Ava lied wiping away her tears.

"You're lying" Matt stated, taking her hand in his and placed her next to him on her bed.

"Are you alright?" Matt asked her, caressing her hand. Ava shook her head and let out a shaky breath.

"Want to talk about it?" he said after a moment of silence.

She shook her head once more, "No, I just need a distraction, " she leaned in closer to him.

He smiled, "I can help you with that". He placed his lips on hers, and his hands on her waist. Ava reached up and tangled her hands in his hair.


"What the hell?" Lauren said as she walked into her living room. Where her brother was eating a red-head, face off.

Oscar pulled back and looked up her confused, "What's the problem?" he asked, his lips stained with bright red lipstick.

"The problem is that you're making out with some bimbo while you're dating my best friend?!" Lauren yelled her voice echoing down the hall.

"Excuse me-" the red head popped up.

"Was I talking to you 'the little mermaid'?" Lauren said.

"Hey, don't talk to her like that, she has a name. And what are you talking about?, I'm not dating Ava. She disgusts." Oscar spat.

"What the hell are you talking about. You're in love with my best friend. And I don't know what has gotten into you."

Oscar laughed, "I would never date that ugly witch, just even hearing her name makes my skin crawl. Come on Avery lets go upstairs to my room".

Lauren stopped them and pulled Avery away from Oscar and pushed her out the front door.

"Bye and never come back, " she slammed the door right in her face.

"Lauren what the hell is wrong with you?!" Oscar yelled.

"What's wrong with me?, what's wrong with you?, why are you acting like this?" Lauren said. Oscar's eyes burned bright orange before he sighed.

"Nothing is wrong with me, " he mumbled.

"Yeah, well you're attitude says something else. Why are you acting like you hate Ava? And making out with some bimbo on our couch. I thought you loved her?" Lauren said softly, placing her hand on his.

Oscar pulled his hand away, "I could never love a bitch like her" he muttered. That's when Lauren slapped him straight across the face. He rubbed his face over where he hit her and stared at her wide-eyed.

"I don't care if you're my brother or not, don't you ever disrespect Ava like that again or I'll do worse than a slap" she threatened him before walking out of the house.


"Ava we really need to talk" Ava's mother called outside her door an hour later. Ava broke apart from Matt and started searching for her shirt.

"Mom, can't we do this later? I'm kind of busy" Ava yelled.

"No, we need to talk now, if you don't open the door, I will use the spare key" Her mother responded firmly.

Ava whispered to Matt, "Go into my bathroom now". He obliged and ran into her bathroom with his bare chest exposed. Ava quickly fixed her hair and her shirt before opening her door to reveal her concerned mother.

"Hey Mom," Ava said calmly.

"Hey, are you okay?" her mother said, taking a seat on her bed.

"Yep, " she says, popping the 'p'. Her eyes widened when they land on Matt's shirt on the ground right next to her. She pushed it to the side under her chair with her foot. A loud noise came from the bathroom as if something had fallen.

"What was that?" her mother questioned.

Ava laughed nervously, "What noise? I didn't hear any noise."

Her mother raised her eyebrows, "Why are you acting so nervous? Wait is someone in here?. Are you hiding someone in here?" her mother jumped off of her bed and stomped over to her bathroom door.

"No Mom, wait" Ava tried to stop her, but her mother opened the bathroom door to find it empty.

Ava let out a sigh of relief, "See no one is in there the wind must have knocked something over. Now, what was that you wanted to tell me?" Ava said, her mother looking at her skeptical.

"It can wait" her mother stood up and walked towards her door, she turned and smiled at Ava.

"I won't tell your father about this, but tell whoever is in there that are going to have to pay for whatever they broke," she said before she shut the door behind her. Ava chuckled to herself before running into her bathroom.

"Matt?" she called and in return, she received a groan from her shower. She pulled back the curtain and found him laying there his skin turning gray.

"Oh my god what's happening to you?" Ava asked him. She picked him up and walked him to her bed.

"Nothing I'm fine, " he muttered laying back on her bed.

"No you are not you look like your dying. Tell me what you need to help you?" Ava said, placing her hand in his.

Matt chuckled, "You can't give me what I need Ava".

She furrowed her eyebrows, "What are you talking about?".

Matt sighed, "Okay, remember when I left three years ago?".

Ava nodded, "Well, it wasn't just because my parents died. It's because I was changing into something dangerous." he whispered.

"Matt you're not making any sense," Ava said.

Matt sighed, "Maybe it's better if I show you," he said. Ava looked at him confusedly, Matt took a deep breath before he closed his eyes. When he opened them again, they were dark red and his mouth started to change, bright white fangs dangling from his mouth, dark veins flowing through his face. Ava didn't scream, she didn't even move she just stared at him.

She reached up and placed a hand on his cheek, "You must think I'm a monster" Matt said his words more difficult to understand.

Ava smiled, "I think you're beautiful". She placed her lips on his, giving him a long and meaningful kiss.

"Do you need to feed is that why you're fading?" Ava asked once they separated.

Matt nodded, "Then feed on me" Ava stated.

"No, no, absolutely not" Matt objected.

"Why not?" Ava questioned.

"Because I could hurt you if I don't stop. And I don't think I would be able to".

Ava smiled slightly, "Alright, well let me find you a substitute".

Author Note:

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry, I haven't updated recently, I've been busy, but you can expect a new chapter every week from now on. Please vote and comment they really help. Hope you have a fantastic day, I love you all very much. Bye Lovelies.


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