Chapter 8

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When Ava opened her eyes, she thought she was dead, considering a bright light blinded her as she opened them, however it was only a hospital light. She groaned, her neck sore. She reached up to touch it only to find it punctured. "What the hell?" she whispered. She barely remembered what happened and she intended to find out. She looked over at the monitor to see a flat line, but that couldn't be possible that would that she was in fact dead. She was sure now that this was a dream and she would wake up any second, but it never happened. She looked down at her hands, not even recognizing them. They were pale and crumpled. She grazed her tongue over something growing in her mouth. "Fangs?" she said frightened. "Oh god, what is happening to me?" she screamed. Her throat burned, it begged for blood, wanting the soothing substance to cool it.

"Ava, you're awake?!" her dad smiled as he walked into the room. She hissed at him, hearing the blood flow through his veins, she could just imagine what his blood tasted like. "Ava relaxes, I have your animal blood see?" he said cautiously, he handed it to her. She moaned in pleasure as the warm substance traveled down her throat quenching her thirst. She finished the entire bag and begged for more.

"Dad's what's happening to me?" she cried, yet no tears formed in her eyes. Her father sighed and moved next to her bed, placing his hand into hers.

"You're transitioning, Ava honey, you're becoming a vampire" he frowned.

Her eyebrows furrowed, "What?, you can't be serious"

Her father nodded, the frown still present on his face. "Ava do you remember what happened?".

Ava shook her head, "No, not really. It's all kinds of fuzzy".

"Dig deep Ava I need to know what happened" her father pleaded. His wife was in fact dead and he needed to know what happened to her.

"I can't" Ava whispered, her entire body was just different and she couldn't wrap her mind around the fact that she would have to live this way forever.

Her father sighed once more, "Ava, it's really important that you remember Ava. I need to know how your mother died"

Ava froze, "W-what?, no, no she can't be dead."

Her father nodded, tears brimming in his eyes. "Ava, I need to tell you something. Do you remember when you saw your biological father?"

Ava nodded as he continued, "Well, he was a vampire. But your mother, she wasn't. So when you were born half vampire, you almost killed your mother. But now the bite wound in your mother's neck was shown that she was bitten by a vampire, and by the wounds in your neck, I can say it was the same vampire that bit you. The bite didn't kill you because you were already part vampire, so it only triggered it. So now I have to ask you, do know if your biological father did this?"

Ava's eyes widened, "Dad, how am I suppose to know that. I told you that I don't remember anything. How could you keep this a secret from me, though? All this time and you just decide not to tell me that I was part vampire", she screamed but her father covered her mouth. Her room was a private room, but people were still passing by, he couldn't risk people finding out that she was here, at least not yet.

"We thought that you wouldn't believe us, and not telling you would keep you away from the supernatural world. We just wanted to keep you safe, " he cried.

Ava's face softened and she squeezed his hand tight, " So is there anything else you want to tell me. I'm kind of new to this stuff."

Her father smiled, "There's a lot to explain, but we got time".


Matt stared down at the gas at his feet. He picked it up and dumped it all over his body. He couldn't live with himself after doing what he did. He killed Ava's mother, and he probably killed her too. He didn't wait around to see that, he took off as soon as he realized what he did. He was disgusted with himself. He needed to end it now before he caused any more pain and suffering. He lit the match about to throw it on the ground when Drew knocked him over crushed the match before it touched Matt. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Drew screamed at him. Matt only stared blankly at the floor.

"Matt?!" he yelled smacking his face lightly. "I killed Ava's Mom, Drew, I'm a killer. I probably killed Ava too. God know's what happened to her, " he whimpered, not tears came down as he sobbed. He hit the ground next to him, then gripped his hair tightly. Drew's face softened, he took a seat next to him and exhaled deeply.

"You drank human blood didn't you?" Drew asked.

Matt nodded rocking back and forth.

"You want to tell me what happened?" he asked him.

Matt shook his head no placing his head in his hands.

Drew wrapped his arms around his friend, knowing he needed the comfort. Matt sobbed in his arms, them two sitting there in the middle of the woods under the dark skyline. The only sounds were crickets, owls and Matt sobs.


Oscar sat in the hospital chair, his heart heavy in his chest. He didn't know how to feel about Ava right now, but, for one thing, he hoped she was okay. "Hey, what happened?" Lauren runs over to Oscar. He sat there tears were in his eyes, they are being a light pink as well as his face. Lauren sat down next to him and interlaced her fingers with his, giving his hand a light squeeze.

"I found Ava and her mom in a pool of blood. Deep bite marks on their neck as if some animal attacked them" Oscar whispered.

Lauren gasped, tear forming in her own eyes, "Oh god?, are they alright?".

"Ava's mom, s-she didn't make it, " he stammered, his eyes falling to his feet as tears slipped from their sockets.

"N-no. Not Misses Moore" Lauren cried her head falling into Oscar's shoulder. She covered her face with her other hand, not being able to speak.

After a few moments, she spoke up, asking a question that was burning her inside out. "What about Ava?".

Oscar sighed, "She hasn't woken up yet".

Suddenly there was a scream from Ava's room. They both sprang out of their seats and into the room. Dr. Moore was whimpering on the floor, his daughter lay on the hospital bed. Her skin pale, her eyelids covering her dark brown eyes. The flat line rang through the room. "No?!" Lauren screamed, she ran over to the bed, grabbing Ava's hand and sobbing softly. "Wake up, please wake up, " she cried. Oscar struggled to pull Lauren away from the bed, for he was on the verge of a breakdown himself. He was sure that what he had been feeling the past few days was not how he felt. He loved Ava and these memories, were, in fact, his own.

A few minutes earlier

"Okay, Ava, you need to pretend to be dead" her father said to her.

"What? Why?" she questioned.

"Your friends are out there and they can't know that you are a vampire. So you need to pretend to be dead, so I can sneak you out of here. You need to go Sydney to meet your real father. He will accept you into Knox in Sydney and you will be safe."

Ava furrowed her eyebrows, "Dad, you're not making any sense. I can't go to Sydney. I can stay here, I don't have to tell them, I can keep the secret" she begged. The last thing she wanted to do was to move half-way across the world.

"I'm sorry Ava, but you have no choice. And I'm not allowed to go with you. We made a promise with your dad that when you turned eighteen, or if you turned into a vampire before that you would have to go live with him."

"This is not fair. My life is here, I can't just leave." This killed her father to do this, but he knew that if she didn't go she would be killed beforehand.

"I'm so sorry Ava. But I want you to know that your mother and I we love you dearly"

Ava nodded her head, "Okay, now time for the show, " he said before letting out a crucial scream calling everyone's attention to Ava's room. Ava closed her eyes, for the next time she opened them she wouldn't be in a Blue Field anymore. 

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