Chapter 7: the final battle

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Just north of the continent, Risky's hideout was located underneath a volcano. Sky finally dropped off Ben and Shantae, "okay you two, we're here" the bird trainer said. The two guardians jumped off, "thanks Sky we'll see you in a little bit" Shantae said as she and Ben looked down.
They saw a large pool of water, and underneath it the only way to gain entry was through a pipe. "Ready?" Ben asked, the half genie nodded, "ready" the two then jumped in.

Shantae went into Mermaid mode while Ben went full Omni and used Jet Ray's Petagia wings. "Lets go!" He yelled as they went under, rushing through the pipe. On the other said was a long underwater tunnel filled with Risky's tinker bar pirates. Along with those weird cycloptic fish, "don't think so" Ben said before releasing a electric pulse in the water. This had managed to shock half of the enemies.

Shantae had shot the rest with her bubble blasts, still remarkably powerful how a bubble could do that. "Man Risky really has this place under wraps" Shantae commented, "too many tinker bats".

Ben then Miss aimed one of Jet Ray's neuroshock eye beams and accidentally hit a cage. Then out of it came three little star fish who surrounded the two. Then started firing bubbles and blasted all of Risky's henchmen. "Looks like they're on our side" Ben said, both then swam through the tunnels until they reached a large pipe and went through.

Once they got out the other side they saw that Risky's hideout was inside a volcano. Due to the Lava being everywhere, "okay... she really isn't playing around" Ben commented, "shall we?".

Shantae nodded then both ran through the gauntlet that was the lair, once they ran out of ground Shantae switched to her Harpy form and started flying. When lava shot up from the magma sea he used Arctiguana's power to freeze it into stone.

At a few points the two had to handle tinker bats loaded onto a bizarre looking lizard monster spitting up round boulders. Wasn't really a hard thing to beat, once they got past all that they had ended up in a fairly large room. And with another door that had Risky behind it, "well, she's back there" Ben said, "you ready?" He asked.

"I've dealt with her before, I can handle her. So yes I'm ready" she declared, the two then approached the door then stopped. "Just in case... we don't make it" Shantae gave Ben a kiss on the lips to which he returned.

"Ready?", "ready!!" The two busted the door down to reveal the pirate herself. "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE RISKY!" The half genie yelled, "so you little brats managed to find my tinker factory did you?" Risky asked.

"Where did you hide the dynamo?!" Ben asked turning his arm into something similar to Tyrannopede. She chuckled, "you shall see soon enough, it's in the tender loving care of Tinker bats" the pirate answered. "They're working effortlessly to unlock the dynamo's full potential. It's beyond anything your shortsighted uncle could even dream of".

"But until it's complete, I WON'T ALLOW EITHER OF YOU TO INTERFERE!!!!" She yelled. "Easy enough, two of us one of you" Ben said going full Omni.

The pirate shot a charge with her blunderbuss, only after Shantae chanted Phase Bubble and an orb formed around Her and Ben allowing the bullet to phase through them. Omni then grew CannonBolt's armor then gestured Shantae to wrap her pony tail around his arm.

Then she swung him around like a sling and launched Ben towards Risky. A near direct hit Ben missed by a hair the. Hit the wall behind Risky, only to bounce off and get her in the back

While she was down Shantae took her chance and blasted her with her flame thrower attack. Ben then uncurled and spat up a Ball Weevil gooey ball and rolled around on top of it. "Coming through" he called out heading to Risky in a now elephant sized ball.

She tried to get out of the way but ultimately the organic bomb got her in the face. Ben then landed next to Shantae, and the two saw Risky going for her gun.

Problem for her was Ben had already grabbed it with Upchuck's tongue and pulled it into his mouth. "Hey give that back!!" She yelled, "gladly" the alien replied as his cheeks puffed up.

And then he puked it back out as a plasma charge at her, "how can this be happening?" She asked then jumped high into the darkened above. Then came down from above riding an anchor wit which Ben had easily caught with Humungosaur's hands. "I'm loosing to that brat, and you weird shapeshifting... whatever you are!!" She yelled then started dropping bombs on them.

Shantae just used her sword spell again to make the explosives combust prematurely. "Simple, heroes always rise to the occasion and triumph at every victory" Ben said, then turned his torso into Terraspin's and blasted her with a tornado. Shantae then turned into her dragon form then repeatedly slash and burn Risky from all sides.

"Ready to give up?" She asked the self proclaimed queen of the seven seas, Risky grunted. Then held up a small rocket, "say good..." she was cut off when Ben had thrown a small blue gel like object at her. And then it exploded...

The pirate then fell to the ground completely out cold.

"Ben and Shantae; 6! Risky; 0!!!" The two yelled as they highfived each other, then they turned to Risky. "Give up Risky Boots, this is the end" Shantae said. "Ha!" Risky laughed as the two heard some gears click together, "now I'll introduce you two to the final phase of my plan".

The room then shot upwards and at the top was a giant brain made out of gears. "What... what is it!?" The half genie asked sort of scared while her alien boyfriend shielded her if the thing tried anything.

"Meet the new and improved Dynamo!" risky yelled, "what have you dont to it!?" Ben asked. "My tinker bats have increased its potential in every way possible. My moment of victory has arrived!" risky said.

"Watch as I turn your precious genie realm inside out!", the pirate then jumped off the mechanism. Leaving Shantae and Ben to the Dynamo, "she's going to open a gateway to the genie realm, we've got to destroy the Dynamo and quick" Shantae exclaimed.

Omni nodded, then turned his eyes into Gray Matter and looked at the machine. "I have an idea, fallow my lead" he said then started running around with the girl on his back. The brain's gaze was focused on them and he turned to fallow the two. "Uh Ben, the thing's still fallowing us" Shantae said pointing to it.

"Exactly, look at the two bolts in its head" Ben pointed out, she looked and saw that they were starting to spin out and come loose. "Oh... those to bolts... their starting to come out" she said, once the bolt was fully out. Omni stopped and four saw small pillars rise from the floor, "Hit em... HARD!!!" He yelled then started punching one with Armadrillo's arms.

And with each punch felt like a thousand smaller ones because of his jackhammer like arms. Shantae then proceeded to hit the pillar behind them, at each hit the pillars seemed to glow brighter. Once those two pillars were lit up they jumped over and did the same thing with the other ones.

Once all four had lit up the bolt that had come loose exploded right out of the Dynamo's head. "Hey it worked" The half genie said, "great not the other way" Ben said as the two had dashed in the other direction making the bolt on the other side of the thing's brain come loose.

As the four pillars rose up again Ben threw Shantae into the air and flew behind her. The genie had went into Harpy form, then sent down a whole flurry of sharp feathers to the pillars. Whilst Omni had used Ball Weevil's powers to spit thousands upon thousands of explosive gooey balls. And after Astrodactyl's jet pack to send a ring of energy downs and explode all the pillars.

With both bolts blown off the dynamo finally broke down and shut down.

"Wow, we deactivated the Dynamo just in time" the half genie said impressed with their handy work. "We've stopped evil in its tracks like six or seven times in one day" Ben said. "If we could do that What can't we do?" He asked, just then a blue light appeared.

As it turned out, Shantae had been communicating with an entity from the genie realm. And the two were transported to the realm, along with the Dynamo for some reason.

"On behalf of all the genie realm, we thank you... however... the corruption of our magic..." the entity said sounding weaker. "Has... begun... do what you must... to ensure peace and happiness" it said. Before Risky came in and the Dynamo came back to life, turning the whole plane of magic dark and evil.

Then genies that had been nearby turned to the same color paler as Shantae when she turned bad. "Oh no, this must've been what Risky was planning. She wanted an opening to the genie realm so the Dynamo would emit the dark magic here and turn the place from good to evil" Ben said.

"That's right handsome, now all of you, bow to me for I am your supreme ruler and obey my ever command" Risky said as all the now dark genies raised their hands charging up dark magic. Then they started throwing orbs of magic energy at Ben and Shantae, "thanks for the hand" Risky said before jumping away.

"Ben look out" the half genie said pulling the alien powered hero out of the way. Then both of them started dodging the magic projectiles, but the way they were dodging... looked almost as if they were.


"What do we do, it's either we destroy the genie realm along with all the other genies inside including my mother... or... I don't know" Shantae asked crying. "Don't worry we'll figure something ou... WATCH OUT!!!" He pulled her close to avoid a nearby energy attack.

"Thanks... oh no" The two had jumped and accidentally landed on a dark genie and she turned into an orb of dark magic. Ben then picked it up with Feedback's arm and threw it at the dynamo as its force field stopped moving to reveal an opening.

It hit and the thing started to loose power again, the genie then reappeared and fired once more. "If only there was a way to reverse all this" Ben said, then he accidentally misplaced his footing while dodging and nearly fell forward towards his magic girlfriend. She also lost balance and nearly fell back, once they got their footing back they were in a dipped position like dancers... with both their faces extremely close.

And for some reason Ben had glowed emerald green while Shantae glowed bright pink. "Hey what's going on" she asked, they took notice of the genies getting scared then out of what looked like desperation they charged up large orbs of dark magic. "Whatever dance... we may have been doing they recognized it as a powerful ability... and the final move" Ben said noticing their current position.

"Well want to give it a shot?" He asked, Shantae smirked "come here", the genies then threw and hit them with their blasts. Only for a bright flash of Emerald and pink, once the smoke dissipated in their place was a new entity.

It appeared as Shantae only her skin was pure black with multiple stars within, her clothes had gone from red to green and her eyes were glowing pure emerald. Her hair had turned pure white as some other parts of her body have. And on her mid section was the Omnitrix in a golden frame, "Shantae" the new entity yelled. With a voice that would shatter buildings if there were any near.


Risky then came back, "oh great, what happened now?" She asked visibly irritated. "What happened was the ancient fusion spell that takes two powerful entities such as a person who can have the powers of any alien life form in the universe... and a half genie with just as much power in her arsenal combine together to form an invincible fighting machine" Shantae X elaborated.

"Not if I have anything to say about it" Risky said as she was about to order the genies to attack. Only for the Celestialsapien powered genie to make her hand grow to enormous size and flicked her away in one foul swoop. "Not happening" the two now one then raises her hands and clapped together making the genies present turn good again.

"Now lets see the Dynamo turned everything evil by absorbing the light magic of the realm of magic and converted it into dark magic" Shantae X said. If they had a mouth they would smirk about now, "but let's see what happens when we reverse the polarity on you" they said before... walking... towards the machine.

It tried launching some gears at them only for the good genies to blast them away with light magic. They then grabbed the Dynamo and opened up the places where the light and dark shards were. Then they switched the two, once they did the Dynamo started to act funny.

All the dark magic in the genie realm was then absorbed into machine and bursted out in the form of a light magic explosion. Changing everything back to normal, "it worked" Shantae X said as the whole realm was converted back from dark to light.

The entity from before then reappeared, "thanks to both of you, for saving the genie realm and releasing us from Risky's control you have brought peace to our world again. As thanks we shall grant the daughter of the genies all the power of a full genie" it said as the two split back into two.

"You should take it, after all it's your realm" Ben said, then a genie came up to them. "Thank you for saving us, we are truly grateful, especially me" she said. "Thanks, but why do you seem familiar?" Shantae asked, the other genie giggled "you may have, but a mother never forgets" she said.

The half genie's eyes widened, "m-mommy?" She asked her eyes watering, "yes, I want you to know that I am proud of you. For saving all of us, both in your realm, and ours" she said. Then hovered over to Ben, "I've seen the way you two interact, and I give you my blessing" she said. He blushed, "please take care of my daughter, and show her all the happiness she needs" the mother said.

He smiled, "can do ma'am" he said, then they turned to see Shantae gaining the power of a full genie. In a flash she now had a vapor like tail like Amy other genie but had turned it back to legs.

"Wow this is awesome, I may still only be half genie, but I'm jut as strong as a normal one" she said. Ben smiled, "come on, we should go and take that thing away before it decides to come back to the living" Ben said gesturing to he destroyed Dynamo.

After using Loadstar's magnetic power they gathered up all the metal parts, and also Risky who had been nearby... she also had something metal on her IE her sword and blunderbuss.

"Okay be seeing you" the two said as Shantae used her new powers to open a portal back to their world and they walked through.

Back in Scuttle town a portal opened up in the center of town and out of it came Shantae and Ben. Along with the now broken Dynamo and Risky who was tied up.

"Good to be back" the half genie said, "yup" Ben replied, "I'll get my revenge, sooner or later" Risky declared. Only for her to be dragged away by the authorities, "nice job you two" Mimic said. "Thanks, all in a day's work" Ben said, "and there's still more work to be done. After all who says the barons won't stop?" Shantae said.

"Bad guys need do" Kevin said as he and Gwen walked up to them. "I think we'll enjoy our new lives here" Gwen said. "I couldn't agree more" Ben said putting his arm around Shantae's waist.

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