GRAND WINNER: New Year's Fiesta 2024

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The Failed Etherial

By- @sparklet11

Mocha & Magic buzzed with teeming coffeeholics and pastry lovers on the warm evening of the last day of the ambivalent year. Nestled at the heart of the enchanted city of Manchester, it was the ideal location for Ameera and her family to spend a somewhat-happy time, tasting the signature Mo-Ma cappuccinos and zaatar-filled pastries, while waiting to watch the flamboyant fireworks that illuminated the glum sky, through the glass panels. It had become a yearly ritual and that was the least the middle-class family could afford in terms of celebration.

Tahir rushed ahead of his parents to catch the corner seat, right next to the window to watch the mesmerizing fireworks better. It was the same every year that the family had memorized the order of the colours in which the fireworks appeared.

Ameera rendered to place the order like the obedient girl she had always been. Her dad couldn't be prouder of his princess as her mother spoke, "Next year, it should be from your pocket"

Ameera grinned and nodded in assurance. As she made her way through the overwhelming crowd of hysterical men and women towards the counter, a rush of adrenaline reminded her what was upcoming. The next year was not like the previous years. It was her graduation and her first step towards changing the broken lifestyle of her diligent family.

Being immigrants to this gorgeous land, their family struggled hard to meet ends. And their only hope was Ameera, the intellectual. The weight of anticipation and reliability her family held upon her made her sceptical to move forward to the next year.

"Four Mo-Ma cappuccinos, one with less sugar and four zaatar manakish,"

"And would you like to add something sweet to your tangy selection? Try our-"

"No, Thanks, "Ameera snapped the barista's excited advertisement. Though she could feel her dejection, the barista cheerfully entered the order into her system.

"Manners, child."

A firm, cacophonous voice addressed Ameera's abrupt behaviour. She swirled in the direction of the authoritative voice, to see a fair middle-aged woman beaming. And every aspect of that woman's appearance was eerie and incongruous. To be more precise, the woman wore a long velvety purple frock, her medium-length jet black hair parted sideways, shining with tints of silver. Her neck was barely visible, filled with all sorts of silver ornaments. Nobody would have seen such an incompatible sense of fashion like that of the woman's.

"None of your business," Ameera snarled.

"Careful, honey. Only you can see me."

Ameera scoffed at the coffee brewed. Did the psychotic woman think Ameera as a naïve silk cloth for her to weave her insensible fiction? Maybe.

"Nice try. But didn't work. "

"Ah! Now I realise why Julius recommended you. Your remarkable candidness. "

"Can you - "

"Miss!" The barista interrupted before Ameera could shut the woman.

"Who are you talking to? "

Ameera was dumbfounded. More like retaliated. She decided not to argue with the barista and make a fool of herself.

"Nothing," she retorted.

Ameera picked the cappuccino tray as the woman slowly put her hand around her neck.

"Good decision, honey! I am already loving you!" she squealed invisibly.

Ameera's hand quivered. She mustered the remaining colour left in her soul and questioned, "Who are you? "

The woman's eyes sparked after frightening the once-gutsy girl.

"Good start, child! "

Ameera placed her quivering tray in a stranger's table, turning deaf to the caused chaos, and shifted her gaze towards the mysterious-being.

The woman clasped Ameera's hand in her palm and said, "Congratulations! You are chosen to be an Etherial!"

"A what? "

"A magical being," she declared loftily, "Ameera, this doomed mortal world is not the only entity this earth holds. "

Unconsciously, they reached the brink of the cosy café.

"Let me show you," the woman beckoned like a tour-guide and opened the glass door.

Instead of the frisky new year eve's jostling street, the mortal world was replaced by what the woman wanted to show.

Ameera turned behind to see the café door but was met with awe after seeing glistening waves of the ocean that reached her leg.

How did an ocean containing a vibrant island appear out of the blue?

"Welcome to the land of Etheria!" the woman announced proudly.

The woman gripped Ameera's hand and moved across the glistening mauve-shaded pathway. To illumine the streets more, mini rafflesia's emanating hues of bright blue and pink were suspended in the air. Ameera looked around like a lost child in a fair. Small cottages were neatly arranged on either sides of the street, energetic tones erupting the silent air from the inmates of the houses. They were in pure bliss. Pure magic.

"Is she the new-"

"She is so pretty! "

The loud murmurings reached Ameera's ears as she subdued a smile.

"Tell me now, who are you?" Ameera insisted.

"I am Ishana. The Emeralder of Luminara, a sub-kingdom of Etheria. "

She motioned the lights and the glowing city to stance the reason for the city's name.

"What is an Emeralder?" her curiosity made Ishana chuckle.

"At the beginning of every year, twenty individuals are chosen to embark a magical journey as an Etherial. And I am the recruiter."

"What does an Etherial do?" Ameera piled the recruiter with queries.

"A human Etherial, like you, will be awarded the highest position in our kingdom, an Artiria."

"These names sound made-up!" Ameera taunted as a small child ran across their way.

Ishana wasn't as irascible as she looked. She merely chortled at her remark, making way for the eager kid to pass between them.

"In that case, what if this whole world you witness, is a part of your imagination? "

"That's exactly what I am thinking."

"Then wake up, Ameera. Your parents must be searching for you," Ishana jeered.

Ameera knew everything around her was real.

Ishana smiled at her acceptance. An Etherial needs to believe to be a part of this world.

"Artiria refers to the biological word, arteries. As in, you will function like this kingdom's arteries, supplying the enriched blood to all parts of this city."

"Like handling the resources and-"

"Yes. Sort of a minister."

"Will I have magical powers too? "

The question finally made its way out. Ever since she stepped on Luminara and witnessed what no eyes had seen, she ached to ask her this question. Can she also float like that tawny braided kid who levitated to arrange the sparkling lanterns around their pretty cottage? Could she also evoke those glimmering flames the grumpy man educed to ward of the weeds from his blooming garden? Will she become one of them?

Her enthusiasm appeased Ishana of her selection. Finally, she felt the burden of choosing the perfect candidate melt. Work pressure, you know.

"Do you really want to become like us? " she tantalised the passionate human.

Ameera nodded vigorously. She let loose her composed nature and turned into an insatiable kid.

Ishana couldn't help but stroke Ameera's head affectionately.

"You will obtain all the powers any Etherial holds! "

Just as Ameera's beam widened, Ishana decided to drop down the only snag.

"But you cannot exist in the mortal realm. "

"What?" her bafflement drained the beam to thin, invisible vapours.

"Your existence will be annihilated from the memories of your acquaintances. You cannot return back to that world. "

The soaring spirit drowned in the ocean of dismay. Every single delusion she formed within the short span of time plummeted through her euphoric graph.

"But what could you want more than this world, Ameera?" Ishana persuaded, "Do you really think it would be a wise decision to turn down a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity over some mere, paltry mortals?"

Ameera refused to reply to her cajolery. She had to make the big decision. Choose the right road.

Ishana considered her silence to be a process of self-reflection and continued leading the path towards her abode. Ameera's eyes wandered through the beautiful elements of the enchanting city, and her mind begged her to be a part of this world.

As they continued their walk in silence, they were halted by the King.

Flabbergasted Ishana immediately bowed down and beckoned Ameera to do the same. Ameera, unable to identify the majestic personality, tilted her head as a subtle bow.

"Your Highness!" Ishana exclaimed.

"Ah, Isha! Always the tone of excitement!" the King chuckled and laid his eyes on Ameera.

"Is this the woman Julius had -"

"Yes, Majesty!" Ishana cried.

"Hello... King?" Ameera greeted crudely.

The King laughed at her endearing blunder.

"Welcome to Luminara, the kingdom of lights," he introduced pompously.

Ameera smiled faintly.

"Isha must have explained everything," the King continued, "Now, are you ready to begin?"

"Sorry, your highness," Ameera spoke amidst the exhilaration.

"I choose not to be an Etherial."

The glowing city dwindled its intensity as the King's face contorted a frown. Ishana stood aghast in betrayal. Her eyes navigated towards her once-hope. She shuddered upon thinking the aftermath in her career after Ameera's rejection. Burying all the flaming anger, she questioned, "Are you sure?"

"I am confident," Ameera replied optimistically. A sense of gratification spread as she braced herself for listening to her heart. Leaving the loved ones who stood beside us in every hardship over a random mystic world with implausible powers would be a grave mistake.

Ishana buried her face in regret as she shivered in fear of facing her ruler. The King returned his face back to a placid expression and turned towards his Emeralder, "Do the needful, Ishana."

The King left the scene with chagrin and pique. Ishana made no further efforts to convince Ameera, being aware of her adamant nature.

"You may close your eyes now. I will teleport you to your abode, and for your convenience, the day will begin again," she addressed bitterly.

"I am sorry," Ameera uttered upon seeing her agony. She felt remorse after failing Ishana's optimism.

"It's your right, I have nothing to say about it," Ishana reasoned wistfully. She assured Ameera with a dainty smile and asked her to close her eyes.

Ameera clasped her hands eagerly waiting for Ishana to perform the magic. She felt a gentle stroke on her head, along with some faint mumblings and the next moment, her body levitated.

Ameera shut her eyes tightly as she heard Ishana's warn, "Do not open your eyes!"

Obeying her words, Ameera shrieked, "See you again, Ishana!"

Ameera felt the world swirl according to the Emeralder's command as a strong breeze chilled her body. Gradually, she felt her torso descend. The mortal world had arrived.

As her toes gently touched the ground, Ameera felt the tranquillity.


Ameera woke up to the loud noise of Tahir's speakers. Rubbing her eyes, she searched for her phone to see the date.

31 December, 2023

8:07 a.m.

The day had begun again and Ameera sensed relief and contentment in her eyes.

That evening, Mocha and Magic buzzed with the same enthusiastic customers, but there was no Ishana, the Emeralder of Luminara, waiting for recruitment.

Ameera chuckled as she politely replied to the barista's advertisement. Nothing she experienced was a dream, but a beautiful reality that she could have been a part of. And she did not regret her choice.

The family reached home at 1:30 a.m. despite the heavy traffic. Ameera removed her overcoat sluggishly as she heard Tahir prove the change in the pattern of fireworks. She was too tired to refute his stance and drowned into her silky bed.


Ameera woke again to the loud noise of Tahir's speakers. She so-badly wanted to slam him against the wall and break the speakers. He had played the same song yesterday and the boy never seemed to get bored! She picked her phone to check the time and the world ceased to a temporary pause.

31 December, 2023

8:07 a.m.

What's going on? It cannot be true, right? It cannot be New year's eve again.

She thought of reminding Dad to fix her phone.

With a slightly trembling heart, she left her room. And boom! Her mom dressed in the same teal top with a high-tied bun and her obnoxious brother wearing his Ronaldo T-shirt and sepia trousers, bobbing his head like a maniac. It was like she was watching a video. Not even a slightest change in their expressions compared to yesterday.

And Ameera was not a big fool to realize what was happening.


She dashed through the bustling streets and reached for the cosy café that changed her lifestyle. And unsurprisingly, Ishana sat on a pulled-out chair, crossing her legs, sipping from a porcelain cup, holding the flowery saucer in her other hand.

"What have you done?" Ameera bellowed.

"Actually, I should have met you yesterday, but I was busy with the new year celebrations," Ishana winked wickedly.

And that's when it dawned to Ameera. So, she was the only human stuck in a loop.

A dry tear trickled through her skin after her attempt to conceal it failed.

"Why? Just, why?" she sobbed helplessly.

Ishana stood up, adjusting her flowing gown and looked at the weeping woman. She felt no remorse, except a feeling of satisfaction and contentment. The magical eyes were replaced with a devilish fury.

"To be honest, you had no choice to deny. But you still did."

"So?" Ameera questioned amidst her angst.

"So, you must repent your mistake again and again and again, my child. And don't worry, I will be the one to decide the number of loops you will undergo. Usually, I am a considerate person. But since you humiliated me in front of the King, I think you have a long journey ahead, honey."

Ishana's cackle echoed for the King to hear.

The King smiled to himself.

"That's what happens when you upset the Queen."

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