WINNER - #JWCollabs

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The Moonstone Quest

By: __Iam_KD__


The smell of alcohol, smoke, and sweat overwhelmed me. I wrinkled my nose in disgust, wishing I was somewhere else. The bar was dimly lit, with neon signs and posters advertising cheap drinks and live music, and the jukebox roared with old rock songs, drowning out the most chatter of the crowd.

I pushed my way to the bartender, a burly man with a bushy beard, and ordered myself a rum. I scanned the crowd and my lips curled up as I found the lone wolf I was searching for. He was sitting at the corner table, nursing a glass of whiskey.

He was hard to miss. His tall, muscular frame commanded attention, and his tousled dark hair added a hint of ruggedness to his appearance. He had a piercing gaze that could make anyone feel exposed.

"Here you go, sweetheart," the bartender said, sliding the glass across the counter, catching my attention. I grabbed the drink and tossed a dollar back at him, mumbling, "Keep the change."

It was time to put the first step of my plan into action.

I strode towards him and slid into the seat beside him, not bothering to ask for his permission. He stiffened and let out a sigh as if my mere presence annoyed him.

What a rude man!

"Hi, handsome," I called, curling a strand of my hair around my finger.

His grip around the glass tightened. "Get lost, la-" He cut himself off. He sniffed the air and looked up, narrowing his piercing eyes on me. "What are you?" he demanded in a low voice.

I took a sip of my drink, maintaining eye contact with him. "I'm many things," I said, flashing him a coy smile.

"But for you, Raulf, I'm your savior. A savior who can help you reclaim what you lost." I swirled the amber liquid in my glass, letting the ice cubes clink softly." If he was surprised that I knew his name, his face didn't betray any emotion. He just stared back at me with his piercing eyes, his jaw tightly set.

It was as if he was analyzing me, reading my every thought and move. Suddenly, his eyebrows lifted slightly, and the corners of his lips curled into a slow smirk.

"Well, hello there, Willow," he said in a low, smooth voice, almost throwing me off my game. For a moment, I was speechless. Son of a bitch. How did he know?

"Rumors didn't do any justice to your intelligence, Raulf," I said, trying to sound nonchalant. "Not even a bit," I added.

He was smarter than I thought, and that could ruin everything I'd been working towards. He was not the hard-headed and stupid brute that rumors had made him out to be. This changes everything.

He leaned back in his chair, his arm casually draped over the top rail.

"Why are you here?" he asked, his voice calm and measured. His sharp eyes studied me, and it was clear that he was not as gullible as I had hoped he would be. And that leaves me with one option.

"You should know, Raulf. Where the Moonstone is, that's where I'll be." I replied, sipping on my rum, feeling the familiar burn in my throat.

So what if I didn't shift on my eighteenth birthday? Whether I'm a wolf or not, whether my pack agreed or not, Moonstone is my birthright. And I will not sit back and watch some Blood Howl wolf have what's mine. By hook or nook, I'll have it.

He seemed to be amused, "Sorry to disappoint, princess." he said, raising his palms. "But you got the wrong brother."

I leaned in closer to Raulf, my lips curving into a sly smile. The feud between the Howls brothers wasn't any secret. And I intended to use it to my advantage.

"What if I told you that this wrong brother is the key to the right brother?"

Raulf's head tilted to the side, his interest piqued. His blue eyes sparkled with curiosity as he leaned in closer to me. "What are you suggesting, Willow?" he asked in a low voice.

"You want the Blood Howl pack, and I want Moonstone. I think it's pretty obvious." I whispered.

Raulf chuckled softly and shook his head, rising from his seat. "It was great talking with you," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "But it's time for you to go home now." If he thinks the conversation is over, well...

"What if I told you I have found a way to take down Matilda?" I said, finishing the last sip of my rum. I could see him freeze, his eyes widening ever so slightly.

Matilda is not your average werewolf. She is something more, something powerful. She is the reason my pack is no more. She helped Blood Howl steal the Moonstone pendant from my mother. She is the reason Raulf lost in the Alpha challenge with his brother. If I want Moonstone, she has to go. If Raulf wants Blood Howl, she has to go. There is other way around it.

I think Raulf also thinks it too as he stood there, deep in thought.

After a moment, he sat down again, his eyes never leaving mine. He leaned closer to the table and asked, "Tell me more." My lips curled into a smirk. I have your attention now, Raulf.

"Matilda can only be killed by her mate," I shared a piece of information with him.

"Rex, my brother." He whispered as if all the fog cleared from his head. I nodded, "And if anyone is crazy and capable enough to kill their own mate-" I started.

"It is my brother." He finished and a wild grin spread across his lips. "I like the way you think," he said, clearly impressed. I couldn't help but smile.

"I like the way I think too," I replied, playing with my empty glass on the table "And that's just one card I put on the table, Raulf," I said confidently. "Join me, and Blood Howl will be yours in no time."

Raulf shook his head, still grinning. "I'd be a fool to let you go, Willow," he replied. "Tell me, where do you want me?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

I knew exactly what I wanted. "About that, how about a little trip with me?" I suggested, my eyes gleaming with anticipation.

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