Fallen Down

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Two people were outside on a walk, a boy with red and green hair and a girl with pink hair and wore a bracelet. "I know that Sora gets on your nerves but he'll be a good addition to YouShow," the girl told her friend. "Yeah, he's a strong duelist, there's no doubt about it. But...THE NERVE OF HIM!" The boy declared loudly as he remembered Sora, a sky-blue haired boy, declaring himself as his newly made friend.

The girl then whacked him on the head with a paper fan. "Pipe down, Yuya!" She snapped and he dramatically fell to the ground. "Ouch. Sorry, Yuzu," he apologized as he did agree that he was too loud in his outburst. "In any case, I'm thinking that the next few days will be eventful," Yuzu told him.

Yuya tilted his head in confusion. "What do you mean by that?" He asked. "Well you did discover Pendulum Summoning and Dad was right on YouShow Duel School getting two new students was a new record since forever so it's easy to assume that the next few days will be eventful," Yuzu explained. "Ohhhh! Yeah I agree," Yuya nodded, getting up and the two continued walking.

Yuzu was about to say something else when in the corner of her eye, she saw a crack in the sky. "Huh?" She stopped walking and looked up. "What's wrong, Yuzu?" Yuya asked, immediately stopping as soon as he noticed that Yuzu wasn't at his side. "The sky," she slowly pointed and Yuya looked to where she was pointing.

"The sky? ...IS THAT A CRACK IN THE SKY?!" Yuya cried and Yuzu didn't even bring her paper fan out again to whack him. They stood frozen in place as more cracks formed up. Around the cracks, the sky was turning into a more stained glass coloring like one would see in a church.

Yuya was about to suggest that they get out of there and tell someone when that part of the sky shattered and out tumbled a young man with brown hair and wearing a black jacket with a red scarf. From what seemed like a large fall, he fell onto a patch of grass and rolled onto the concrete sidewalk.

Both Yuya and Yuzu cried out in shock and raced towards the young man's side. "Are you ok? Hey!" Yuya called out and crouched down to feel the young man's pulse. Thankfully, his heart was still beating but there were many scrapes on him and his forehead was bleeding. "Yuzu, call an ambulance!" Yuya instructed and she nodded. "On it!" She said and pulled out her D-Pad and went to the emergency contacts.

"Stay with us! Don't go into the light," Yuya said and the young man stirred. "The...light...?" He asked, sleepily. Ok, he's awake now, Yuya felt himself relaxing at this. The young man blinked and took in his surroundings, then he immediately sat up and scooted away from Yuya.

"Whoa, whoa. We're not going to hurt you, don't worry," Yuya assured him. The young man looked around and his face turned even more frightened. "Where am I?" He asked. "Miami City," Yuya replied with the young man then adding on, "doesn't seem familiar."

"The ambulance should be here soon," Yuzu said, and suddenly Yuya got up. "That's good," he said, glancing at her before returning his attention to the young man. "You're injured so we called an ambulance," he assured him. "...thank you," the young man bowed his head.

"We should probably introduce ourselves to him," Yuzu suggested and Yuya nodded. "Great idea. I'm Sakaki Yuya and I like making people smile!" Yuya explained. "I'm Hiragi Yuzu, nice to meet you," Yuzu said. "Nice to meet you, I'm...," he trailed off and placed a finger on his chin, thinking.

"Hmmm," he hummed and Yuzu leaned towards Yuya while whispering, "do you think he remembers his name?" "From a fall of that height, I wouldn't be surprised if he got amnesia," Yuya admitted in a worried tone.



"That's my name. Kurenai Wataru," the young man said. Ok so he doesn't have amnesia. Or at least he remembers his name, Yuzu thought with a sigh of relief.

They heard loud sirens getting closer to where they were. "Oh, the ambulance is coming. Sit tight," Yuzu told him and Wataru just sat there. "Ok," he muttered as soon as an ambulance arrived. A couple of people dressed in white came running towards them.

"Are you the ones who called?" One of them asked and Yuzu nodded. "She called because of him. He uhh...," Yuya trailed off and looked at Yuzu for help on explaining Wataru's situation. They can't just say that he fell out of the sky, no one would believe them.

Thankfully, Yuzu understood the subject. "He fell from a really high place so he could have something broken in him like a bone," Yuzu said. "Oh my, that does sound bad. Can you get up or do you need a stretcher?" Another asked. Wataru slowly got up and wobbled towards the people. "I...I think so," he said and one of the paramedics went over to his right. "Lean on me if you can until we arrive at the ambulance," she said.

They left and Yuzu and Yuya were watching the ambulance go by. "...do you think we should tell your dad?" Yuya asked. "Yeah, good idea but first," Yuzu bent down and grabbed an instrument case. "What's that?" Yuya asked. "I think it came with Wataru but he didn't notice it, he must have been too dazed to notice it," Yuzu theorized.

"We should give it back to him," Yuya said and she nodded. "First, we go back to YouShow, then we tell my dad if he's there, which he most likely is, wait a little before heading to the hospital and once we're able to visit Wataru, we give him his case back," Yuzu listed off. "Sounds like a plan," Yuya nodded and the two of them left the area.


Wataru then woke up again and saw that he was in a room with dim lights. He sat up to notice that he was in a hospital bed with an IV bag connected to his arm. Oh right, I'm in a hospital after those two called the ambulance, he thought, remembering the colorful haired teens.

The door opened and a nurse walked in. "Oh, you're awake," she notes. "Yeah...," Wataru said and looked around. "The city that I'm in...I was told that it's named Miami City, right?" He asked and she nodded. "Are you new around here or are you a tourist?" The nurse asked.

"I don't know," Wataru admitted and she frowned at this. "I see. Well, you'll be staying here for a few days or so until you feel better, so until then, sit tight," the nurse told him.

Wataru wasn't sure if staying here for more than two days would be optimal for him but he kept quiet. The nurse then turned around and motioned to something (or someone) outside. "You have two visitors today," she said, upon glancing at Wataru's confused face.

Yuya and Yuzu walked in with Yuzu holding onto a familiar case in her arms. "My violin case," Wataru gasped. "You left it behind so we came over to give it back to you," Yuzu explained, walking over to him and handing it over. "Thank you," Wataru bowed his head once again.

"Hey Ms.Nurse, is everything alright with him?" Yuya asked, turning around to face her. "Nothing too major which was surprising. Other than some bruises that will heal over time, there doesn't seem to be anything of concern to his body," the nurse explained, picking her words carefully.

"But?" Yuzu turned to look at her too and tilted her head. "We're not entirely sure and we may need to do some brain scans but he might have some kind of amnesia," the nurse explained. "Amnesia?" Wataru asked. "Do you remember how you...fell?" Yuya asked.

Fell? I fell? From where? Wataru thought and shook his head. "I see. Well, we'll need to do a brain scan to see what the damage is," the nurse sighed. "Ok. Well if you ever need us for anything, feel free to let us know. Look for YouShow Duel School and ask for us. If you don't know where that is, ask around. Most people are friendly here," Yuzu told him. "...ok," Wataru nodded.

The two of them left and after doing a short checkup, the nurse left too. Wataru was left alone in the hospital room. Until he felt some kind of banging from the violin case. He opened it up and a small, yellow and black bat flew out of it. It wasn't a realistic bat though.

"Phew, I'm finally free!" The bat cheered and upon hearing his voice, Wataru remembered who he was. "Kivat," he said and the bat noticed him. "Wataru! You're here with me, good!" Kivat said. "Kivat, do you know what happened?" Wataru asked.

"Hmmm. I guess that your guess is as good as mine as I don't remember. I remember that you fought a Fangire but I don't remember which one and why. My memory is a bit fuzzy," Kivat explained. "I see...and this violin," Wataru looked down at the familiar violin that was in the case. "You do remember this violin right?" Kivat asked and Wataru nodded.

"It's Father's but how did it get here?" He asked. "As I said, your guess is as good as mine. So where are we?" Kivat asked. "In a hospital in a city called Miami City," Wataru replied. "I never heard of a city like that. Doesn't ring a bell," Kivat said.

"The same goes for me. I think once I rest up, I'll leave and ask those two who found me. They seem...friendly enough," Wataru explained. "I'm proud of you for opening up like that," Kivat landed on the table beside him and Wataru gave him a small smile.

He then went to inspect his father's violin and to his relief, nothing was wrong with it. It wasn't scratched, no strings were broken and there weren't any bumps on it. It was in good condition.

Before he closed it, Wataru noticed that something was underneath the violin and carefully lifted it up to grab the object before putting the violin down again. It seemed to be a kind of tablet (he assumes) and it looked like that object that Yuzu was holding onto earlier.

The tablet was black with speckles of red and gold on the back. He looked over at Kivat who suggested, "try pressing your finger in the middle." Wataru did just that and the screen blinked. Words appeared on it and he read them out loud.

"Welcome new duelist. This one of a kind D-Pad will show you the ways of how to use it and to do what it was meant for, and that's to duel. Please look at the tutorials on the screen after you press continue to see how to use this...what?" Wataru sounded confused.

"Well as I said, your guess is as good as mine," Kivat admitted and Wataru decided to spend the rest of the day, looking through the tutorials and learning more about this D-Pad.

A/N: I fell through the Kamen Rider rabbit hole so inevitably, I was going to make a Kamen Rider fanfic. The one that I really like so far is Kiva but I wasn't sure what to write. Then I was like...what if Arc-V? My thought process is weird ngl.

So this is basically Arc-V but shove Kamen Rider Kiva in it and see what happens. I did mention in the description that this will be a little bit of an Arc-V rewrite so expect some changes. Hope you enjoyed.

Cya in the next one -Flare

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