Chapter one

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After what felt like a hour , you made it to the manor just in time ! The hillside that manor resides on was lined up with cars , everyone dressed up in different costumes , some even cosplaying specific characters. One even showed up as Sans the skeleton ! Niiiice.

From afar , you could see the front steps to the door decorated with carved in pumpkins and orange lights all around the building , a large sharp black fence around the walkway. Spider webs littered the grass and fence , giving it a eerie atmosphere.

Anyone who was bold would be terrified at the sight of the place before even reaching the door. You continued to walk up the hill and showed your invite to the security above at the gates , allowing you inside.

Little did you might need to heed this warning...for what you were going to see...

Would forever change your life...

As you entered , you went through the long hallway to see even more cool decor , a door with neon words ahead. A final warning to those foolish enough to enter.

Turn back now

" Author-Chan really outdid herself this time " you told yourself.

Entering , you couldn't believe it. This party was HUGE ! You were so glad that you went to this party ! Screw staying at home , you were a party animal ! And if you're not ?...well this ain't about what you want , now is it bucko ?

The staircase was covered in webs and neon lights filled the room. A bunch of people were there , dancing the night away while some were just chilling in the corners or near the snack booths. No , your not going to join them.

( pretend a lot of people are here )

You were starting to like it here. There was only one serious problem...WHERE IN THE KENTUCKY FRIED FUCK WAS AUTHOR-CHAN?! That's when you heard a ghostly ghoulish howl all around you , causing you to shiver. " M-Maybe it was the wind ? " you tell yourself. No it couldn't was too unnatural...paranormal...unworldly.......


" Boo "

Jumping behind you , you sighed in relief to see the person you were looking for. But...wait a minute?! Is she flying?! Is she a ghost?!

" Hiya ! " she greeted with a giggle.

" H-How are you- Why are you !- "

" Yeah Yeah I know. Pretty cool , huh ? This is actually real ! Well partially that is ! We have these cool potions for the guests at the party. We can be whatever monster we want ! Or character if your not really a monster type. Here ! " she showed you a empty potion bottle with the words " ghost " labeled on it. You nodded as she snapped her fingers , the bottle disappearing.

" It's pretty much magical fruit punch so it doesn't taste funny or anything like that. Tried on myself before giving them out. Can't have someone dead on the night of Halloween now can we ? " she joked , laughing to herself. That felt...unsettling to you to say the least but you shrugged it off.

Nodding , you walked to the tables to see food and candy of the sorts but what caught your eye was a set of potions , the liquids glowing different colors with the labels of monsters.

" Guess this is what she meant... " you mumbled. You had no reason to not trust them so you reached for a glass...

What potion did you grab ?...

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