Act One: Chapter II: The Meeting

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October 28 2018

Aaron and Dana were at Sartain office as he was talking to them about Crowe along with his case and more. Aaron and Dana were still creeped out by what happened back at the courtyard. When Aaron showed the mask to Alex, The inmates around him were scared and were panicking in fear even the police dogs were also scared. The atmosphere around the courtyard was unsettling and ominous.

Sartain: I told you, He won't speak at all. He's been in that state for forty years. Even psychologists around him were afraid of him. Almost like he can break free from his restraints and attack them.

Aaron: I understand that feeling.

Dana: Is there anything else you can tell us about Alex Crowe?

Sartain: Hmmmm. . . . Actually yes, There is something he keeps in his cell.

Aaron: What is it?

Ranbir pulled something out of his pocket as Aaron and Dana were looking at each other as they saw what it was.

It was a pink rose but Aaron and Dana noticed some blood stains on the rose as Sartain continued speaking to the reporters.

Sartain: He had this rose on the night he was arrested.

Dana: Why would he keep a rose with him?

Aaron: Maybe he likes it?

Sartain: I don't think that's the case. Nonetheless he keeps that rose in his cell and sometimes stares at it. It's like whenever he looks at the rose, He's remembering something from the past.

Aaron: Judging by the blood stains on that rose. He's probably remembering the murders that he committed

Dana: Your right about that.

Sartain: I will return this rose back to his cell. The last time someone took the rose from him, He brutally bashed the poor inmates head on the wall. It took ten guards to restrain him.

Aaron and Dana were creeped out by what they heard as Sartain called a guard to enter his office as the guard walked in and took the rose from Ranbir as he told the gurad to put it back on Alex's cell as the guard nodded and left the office.

Dana: Once again, Thank you so much for arranging the interview.

Sartain: It's no problem at all.

Aaron: We'll be going now.

Dana and Aaron got up from thier seats as they were gonna walk out of Ranbir's office until Sartain said something to the duo.

Sartain: Have a great Halloween.

Dana: We definitely will Dr. Sartain.

The reporters exited the office as Sartain drank a glass of water as he continued looking at Alex's case files as he looked at the monitor and saw Crowe standing in the courtyard as he continued staring at him.

Meanwhile Aaron was driving the car as Dana was looking through some old case files written on Alex Crowe along with psychology reports as Dana saw something written on one of the files as she spoke to Aaron about it.

Dana: Look like Crowe was planning on escaping Haddonfield.

Aaron: Wait really?

Dana: I'll read it for you.

Shortly after Crowe began his term in the state prison, he was transferred from medium to maximum security because he apparently formulated escape plans. Hawkins said forged identification and notes on airline schedules were found among Alex's possessions. A search also turned up road maps and a Midwest driver's license.

Aaron: Oh Jeez, I wonder how he did all of this.

Dana: No kidding. How does he know things like this? He was in prison for nine years before he escaped in 1979.

Aaron: Who knows, He probably found information about these things when he was in prison.

Dana: Maybe.

She continued looking through the files as Aaron continued driving as he spoke to Dana about something.

Aaron: Remind me, Where are we going again?

Dana: You'll know soon, Just keep driving towards this location.

Aaron: Alright then.

He continued driving as Dana saw something on one of the case files as she was creeped out by what she saw.

Dana: Oh gosh. . . A Police Officer in Chamberlain shot Crowe six times but he didn't felt any pain and killed the officer.

Aaron: That's very scary. A Normal Human being couldn't survive that many shots.

Dana: What if Margaret White is right about him? What if Alex is a monster in the form of a human being?

Aaron: Well in my eyes, Alex Crowe is a psychotic killer with no empathy.

Dana: Maybe. By the way we're almost there.

Aaron: What is it that we're after?

Dana: Since we witnessed a monster in its captive state and failed to get any response. We are gonna meet someone that has a history with Crowe.

Aaron: I see.

Dana: Not only that. Both exist in isolation, fettered by their own fear and hatred of one another.

The duo saw a gate in front of them as the signs such as "Access Denied", "Private Property" and "No Trespassing".

Aaron: This is scary.

Dana: Indeed.

Aaron pressed a button on the house call gate as he heard a voice.

Unknown: Who is this?

Aaron: This is Aaron and this is Dana. We're reporters.

Unknown: State your business.

Dana: We want to talk to you. If you let us in, We'll give you some cash.

Silence was heard as Dana and Aaron looked at each other until the gate opened by itself as they began driving.

Aaron stopped the car as both reporters stepped out of the car as they saw a house in front of them as Aaron and Dana began walking towards it.

Suddenly they heard the main door being opened as they saw who it was.

His name is Matthew Barnes, He is fifty nine years old and is one of the survivors of the Chamberlain incident. He also faced Alex during his murder spree.

Matthew let the reporters inside the house as they sat down on the couch as Barnes was locking the main door as the reporters noticed he was watching a press conference between a psychologist and a reporter as they saw who it was.

Her name is Karen Nelson, She is a famous psychologist and currently lives in Chicago along with her family. Karen was talking Alex Crowe as Matthew said something to the reporters.

Matthew: Look at her, Happily married and enjoying her life. And there is me, Divorced and a complete mess. Even my kids don't want to see me.

Dana: We're sorry to hear-

Matthew: What do you want anyways?

Aaron: We heard about you. You fought him forty years ago.

Dana: We also heard about your issues in life and-

Matthew: Do you two believe in the Bogeyman?

Aaron: Well we believe Alex Crowe is a deranged serial killer but the bogeyman. . . . No.

Matthew: Well, You should.

Dana: Alex Crowe killed his family when he was ten years old. He was sent to Smith's Grove sanitarium but nine years later, He broke out and went on a killing spree in Chamberlain.

Aaron: And He came after you.

Dana: And we want to know why.

Aaron: We want to know your side of the story.

Matthew: My story? I already told you my story. I'm Divorced, Rocky relationship with my wife, son and granddaughter. What else do you want to know?

Aaron and Dana were silent as Matthew drank some wine on a glass as the reporters spoke to him.

Dana: They're transferring him.

Aaron: On October 30. . .7pm.

Dana: He'll be locked away until the end of his days.

Matthew: I heard about it.

Aaron: Matthew, We met Alex and I showed him the mask. There was nothing. No response. Nothing. He won't talk to anyone. Never has but. . . .

Dana: I think he might speak with you. So, why don't you sit down with him and say all the things you must be longing to say. Come with us, and let us help you free yourself. Please.

Matthew sighed to himself and got up from the couch as he opened the main door and told the reporters to leave the house as the reporters got up and gave him the money as Aaron and Dana left the house.

Matthew closed the door as he locked it and began having memories of what happened in Chamberlain as he sighed to himself and went to the backyard.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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