Act One: Chapter V: Mayhem

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October 30 2018

The time was five twenty three p.m. Carrie was at the shop sewing some dresses as she saw some people buying some halloween decorations while others were buying costumes. Carrie continued working as she stopped working for a minute and began remembering something that happened forty years ago.

October 28 1978 (Flashback)

Carrie was walking back home as she saw her house and began walking towards it as she opened the main door and placed her books on the table as she walked towards the dining room and saw her mother.

Margaret White is her name. She is Carrie's mother and the wife of the late Ralph White. She is abusive and punishes Carrie and shows no remorse.

Carrie was scared as she saw her mother as she noticed her standing as she spoke to her.

Margaret: How was your day at school?

Carrie: It was alright mama. . . .

Margaret told her to go to her room as Carrie immediately nodded and left the dining room as she went upstairs and went inside her room as she closed the door.

Tears fell from her eyes as she sat down and began crying as she hated what her mother has done to her but she didn't want to leave her because she still loved her. Carrie noticed her window was open as she got up and went to close it until she saw someone standing outside.

Carrie eyes were widen as she immediately moved back. It was the same man that she saw yesterday. Carrie immediately opened her door and ran downstairs as she ran to the kitchen and saw her mother as she spoke to her.

Carrie: Mama!

Margaret: What happened to you?

Carrie: Mama! There is a scary man outside the house!

Margaret's eyes were widen as she told Carrie to stay at the house as she grabbed a kitchen knife and walked towards the main door as she opened the door and walked outside as she began looking around.

Margaret was walking around until she heard some sounds coming from the bushes as she was scared. She slowly began walking towards it and checked the bushes but she saw no one as she sighed to herself.

Unknown to her, Alex was watching Margaret as she walked back inside the house as Carrie walked towards her as Margaret spoke to her.

Margaret: There's no one there.

Carrie: But-

Margaret: Don't you ever lie to me again!

Carrie moved back in fear as Margaret glared at her as she began walking towards the kitchen as Carrie sighed to her and began walking back to her room. Unknown to her, Alex was standing outside as he was looking at the house until he began walking away.

October 30 2018 (Present Day)

Carrie heard police sirens as she immediately looked at the streets and saw some police cars driving by as she sighed to herself and continued sewing the dresses as she was thinking about Alex Crowe.

Meanwhile in the Haddonfield Police Station shows the sheriff looking through some case files as he immediately got up from his seat.

Barker is his name, He is the Sheriff of Haddonfield and is a friend of Deputy Frank Hawkins.

Barker left his office as he heard someone calling his name as he turned around and saw who it was.

Deputy Frank Hawkins is his name. He along with his team captured Alex Crowe forty years ago.

Barker: Hawkins, What's the matter?

Frank: Tomorrow is Halloween Night, The night everyone is afraid of.

Barker: Well Haddonfield doesn't have to worry about that anymore.

Frank: I'm worried about it sheriff. You know how dangerous Alex is.

Barker: I'm aware of what Crowe has done back in Chamberlain but he will locked up in prison for life.

Frank: *Sighs* Alright, If you say so.

Barker: Look Hawkins, I understand how your feeling. I still hate that man for what has done to those innocent people in Chamberlain.

Frank: I know. . . They're transferring him tonight.

Barker: Good, I already some officers to guard the bus.

Frank: Alright then.

The time was seven thirty three p.m. Sartain was walking with the inmates as he spoke to one of the officer in the bus.

Sartain: I'll stay with Crowe. Someone needs to look after him.

Officer: Understood sir.

Sartain nodded as he saw some guards escorting Alex towards the bus as Sartain spoke to Crowe.

Sartain: Don't worry Alex, I'll be there for you.

Alex got inside the bus as he sat down next to an inmate as Sartain also sat down and the bus driver was talking to the officers while Ranbir was reading a newspaper.

Unknown to them, Matthew was watching the prison as he had the pistol in his hands. Matthew began having memories of Alex killing his friends as he was gritting his teeth in anger.

He began remembering the fight between Him and Alex as he also remembered the whole town was on fire and screams were heard.

Matthew closed his eyes in anger as he saw the bus slowly leaving the prison. Barnes was thinking about following the bus and stopping it so that he can get inside and kill Crowe.

However he was scared and nervous. He began remembering the divorce and his family hating him. He saw the bus leaving the prison as he let out a scream and kicked the wall in anger as he let out another scream.

Meanwhile Anna, Aiden, Naomi and Kelly were at the restaurant as they were talking to each other while enjoying dinner.

Anna: So how was school Kelly?

Kelly: It's going well. Me and friends are gonna be at the Halloween party tomorrow.

Naomi: Thats good, Have fun Kelly.

Aiden: And remember to come back home early. If there's anything you need, Let us know.

Kelly: Will do Dad. Where's Grandfather?

Aiden: He's probably late.

Kelly gave him a glare as Aiden noticed it as he began speaking to her.

Aiden: What's the matter?

Kelly: Your lying. You didn't invited him.

Aiden: I did spoke to him on the phone last night. He said he's coming for dinner.

Kelly: Look why can't you and grandmother just let it go? It's been so many years, Can we just forget about what happened and move on?

Naomi: Aiden. . . . Kelly is right.

Aiden: Look-

Anna: Kelly, I understand your fixing everything that has happened to our family but-

Matthew: Hey guys.

The family noticed Matthew as he gave them a small smile as he sat down and spoke to them.

Matthew: How are you all?

Naomi: We're doing alright. Where were you?

Matthew: Sorry. . . . There was traffic and more. . . How are you Aiden?

Aiden: I'm fine Dad. . . . You?

Matthew: Oh I'm fine. . . . What about you Anna?

Anna:. . . . . I'm alright.

Matthew: Good. . . Good. . . So Kelly, How's school going for you?

Kelly: Everything is going well Grandfather.

Matthew: That's good. I heard there is a Halloween party happening in your school tomorrow right?

Kelly: Yeah.

Naomi: Kelly is gonna be Bloody Mary for Halloween.

Kelly: No!

The family began laughing as they continued eating dinner and left the restaurant as Matthew was gonna get inside his car until he heard someone calling his name as he turned around and saw Aiden.

Aiden: Dad, You forgot your house keys.

Matthew: Sorry about that.

Aiden: Dad, Are you sure your alright?

Matthew: I'm fine Kiddo, Don't worry.

Aiden: Dad, If this is about the Boogeyman then-

Matthew: I saw him.

Aiden: Where?

Matthew: They were transferring him to another prison.

Aiden: Dad, You really need to move on. You have to let go of this obsession in killing Crowe.

Matthew: I can't. . . . . I can't move on.

Aiden felt sad hearing that as he looked down on the ground. He hated his dad for how he treated him but he also loved him and is always worried about him. Aiden hugged Matthew as he was shocked as Aiden spoke to him.

Aiden: Look Dad, I'm here for you. Don't worry.

Matthew: Thanks Aiden, I love you.

Aiden: Love you too Dad. How about you come over to my house tomorrow for lunch?

Matthew: Sure Kid but Anna-

Aiden: Don't worry about Mom and Kelly is right. We have to move on and make a better future for ourselves.

Matthew nodded as Naomi called Aiden as Aiden told his Dad to take care as Matthew said the same to him as the family drove away.

Meanwhile a car was driving through the dark road as a man name Gary was listening to some songs on the radio as he was singing along. He continued singing until he saw someone standing on the road as he immediately stopped the car and his eyes were widen by what he saw.

Gary saw some inmates walking around in the road as he exited the vehicle and saw some inmates walking past him as they were speaking to themselves.

Gary continued walking until he noticed a bus which has crashed into a ditch as his eyes were widen. Gary immediately went inside the bus and noticed some officers were died and also noticed Sartain was unconscious.

Gary was scared and immediately left the bus until someone grabbed his leg as he let out a scream and saw a guard who was holding his injured leg as he spoke to him.

Guard:. . . Is he there?

Gary: Who?

Guard: Oh god. . . . Run. . . Get out of here. . . .

Gary was scared and immediately ran towards his car as he grabbed his phone which was on the passenger seat and called the police.

Gary was waiting for a response until Alex grabbed him and snapped his neck as Gary was died.

Alex got inside Gary's car and closed the door as he started the engine and began driving away as the inmates saw the car and began laughing at it.

Alex continued driving as he drove right past a sign.

"Welcome To Chamberlain"

Meanwhile Aaron and Dana were at Chamberlain as the time was ten twenty three p.m as they were talking to each other. Suddenly they heard someone calling their names and turned around and saw who it was.

Sondra Dickerson is her name. She is a caretaker at the Chamberlain Cemetery.

Sondra: What are you two doing here?

Aaron: Sorry, We're just reporters and we came here to investigate the town of Chamberlain.

Sondra: Chamberlain is a ghost town now after what has happened. So many people have lost their lives here.

Dana: That's right. Nobody can every forgot about the nightmare that happened here.

Sondra: Your right. Nonetheless I suggest you all go now. Its getting too dark and its best to head back home.

Aaron: Okay then. Let's go Dana.

Dana nodded as Both reporters left the cemetery as Sondra was watching them as she saw the grave of Margaret White as she was looking at it. She was gonna walk away until she heard something as she turned around and saw someone.

Sondra: Hey! What are you doing there?

She was gonna walk towards him but noticed Alex was already gone as she was confused and was thinking about what happened.

Meanwhile Alex was walking around Chamberlain as silence was heard in the town. He saw the destroyed houses along with other places that were destroyed as he continued walking.

Alex was looking for Carrie's house but noticed her house was destroyed as he was looking at it. Crowe continued staring at it until he left the scene and got back inside the car as he drove away from the town.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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