Act One: Chapter VII: Presences

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October 31 2018

The time was three thirty six p.m. Carrie and Anna were at the cafe eating pancakes and drinking some coffee. They were also talking about a few things along with their lives. Carrie was drinking some coffee as Anna asked her a question as Carrie looked at her.

Anna: So Carrie, Are you dating anyone?

Carrie: No, I'm not dating anyone.

Anna: Awww I'm sure there's someone attracted to you.

Carrie: Anna, I'm not dating anyone.

Anna: There's gotta be someone that your in love with.

Carrie was silent after Anna said that to her. She was thinking about Alex and how he was doing. It's been forty years since she last seen him and she really misses him.

Anna was waiting for a response but noticed Carrie was silent and she was thinking about something.

Anna: Carrie, Are you alright?

Carrie: Everything is fine, Don't worry Anna.

Anna: Sure? If there's anything that you are thinking about. You can talk to me about it.

Carrie: It's nothing Anna. Everything is alright.

Anna: Okay then. Again if there's anything bothering you. I'm here for you.

Carrie: Thanks Anna.

Anna smiled at her and continued talking to Carrie as she also spoke to her about something while drinking some coffee.

October 29 1978 (Flashback)

Billy along with his friends walked out of the high school as Christine and her friends joined them. They were talking to each other while cracking a few jokes but unknown to them, Alex was watching them.

Alex was holding a kitchen knife as he was listening to the conversation from the group.

Christine: Carrie can't even play basketball at all. She's terrible at that game.

Tina: No kidding.

Billy: Why was that teacher mad at you?

Christine: For humiliating her at the locker room.

Alex was staring at the friends as he continued listening to the conversation.

Tina: Wait, That means your not gonna attend the prom?

Christine: Urgh Yes, However Dad will speak to the principal about this.

Billy: That idiot principal better let you go to prom.

Christine: He better! I hate that fact that Sue literally unfriended me. She's gonna regret this.

Billy: Anyways Let's get to the diner and talk more there.

Andrew: You guys can go. I'm heading to my house to grab a few things then I'll come back.

Billy: You better come back fast. We'll be waiting for you.

The group immediately walked away as Andrew began walking towards his house as Alex began following him but unknown to him, Carrie noticed Crowe and began following him.

Ten minutes had passed and Andrew saw his house as he pulled out his house keys out of his pocket and began walking towards it as Alex was looking at him.

Carrie was hiding behind the wall as she glanced and saw Alex walking towards Andrew house as she continued following him.

Andrew was at his bedroom grabbing some things as he heard a strange sound coming from downstairs as he pulled his pistol out of his pocket and began walking downstairs.

Andrew: Hey! Whose there?

He continued walking down the stairs and was in the living room as he was looking around until he heard a sound coming from the basement as he went towards it. He began walking down the stairs and was on the basement as he noticed the washing machine was turned on as he looked at it.

Andrew turned off the washing machine until he heard footsteps as he turned around and saw Crowe.

Meanwhile Carrie was inside Andrew's house until he heard loud screams coming from the basement as the sounds immediately made her jump as she was scared.

Carrie was scared as she slowly began walking down the stairs and was in the basement as her eyes were widen by what she saw.

She saw Andrew who was died and he was brutally stabbed to death by Alex. Crowe was staring at Andrew as Carrie was still shocked by what she saw. She was gonna walk back until Alex noticed her.

Carrie began screaming as Alex was glaring at her as she spoke to him.

Carrie: You monster! You killed him!

Alex looked at her as he noticed tears falling from her eyes as Carrie said something to him.

Carrie: Stay away!

Alex tilted his head as she continued staring at him as Alex began walking towards her as she was scared until she noticed he walked past her as Carrie was shocked by what just happened.

Carrie walked out of the basement and was looking for Alex but noticed he was gone as she was still shocked by what just happened.

October 31 2018 (Present Time)

Meanwhile Aiden along with Naomi and Anna were at the house talking to each other. Kelly was with her friends getting ready for the Halloween party that was happening tonight. Naomi was getting lunch ready as Aiden was waiting for his dad. He was suppose to show up for lunch but he still didn't show up and had a feeling he was doing something.

Anna: What happened Aiden?

Aiden: It's just Dad isn't here yet and-

Anna: Wait, You invited Matthew to our house?!?!

Aiden: Come on Mom, Let's just move on from all this and have a new beginning.

Anna: You know I don't like seeing your father in this house after everything he has done.

Naomi: Look, Aiden is right. Let's just move on from all this and start over.

Anna was still angry about what happened between her and Matthew however Aiden wants everyone to move on and start over again.

Suddenly Matthew surprised Aiden which made him jump as he spoke to him.

Aiden: Oh my god Dad, You scared me.

Matthew: Your windows are unlocked.

Naomi: You came through the window?!?!

Anna: Oh god.

Matthew: Lock your doors and windows now!

Aiden: Wait what's going on?

Matthew: You didn't see the news? Alex Crowe is free and-

Anna: Matthew! Enough already!

Naomi: Wait, What did you say?

Matthew: Alex Crowe is free and he's heading to Haddonfield. I think he's coming after us.

Anna: See Matt, This is why I divorced you and took custody of Aiden. Your Obsession with killing Alex Crowe is what broke us apart.

Matthew: Anna-

Anna: Enough! Get out of my house or I'm calling the police.

Aiden: Mom No. Dad, Mom is right. You have to move on. Didn't we say we can all move on and start over again?

Matthew: But Alex escaped and he's probably gonna go after you and everyone else.

Naomi: Oh god, Did the police found him?

Matthew: They're still investigating the matter.

Anna: Matt, Just go already or else. . . . .

Matthew saw the look on Anna's face and she was angry and upset. Matthew sighed to himself as he told Aiden to call him if he needs anything as he left the house as Anna looked at Aiden.

Anna: From now on, He will never visit us again. We have given him chance after chance but no more. Its time he decides who he is more important to him. His family or killing Alex.

Anna left the house as Aiden and Naomi looked at each other as they couldn't believe what just happened.

Meanwhile Kelly was walking with her friends out of Haddonfield High School as they were talking about a few things until someone called them as they turned around and saw who it was.

It was Oscar and he was walking towards the group as he spoke to them.

Oscar: Hey guys!

Nick: Hey Oscar, What's up?

Oscar: Nothing, You guys are coming to the party tonight?

Jessica: Hell yeah we are.

Jennifer: But I can't go there.

Kelly: Wait why?

Jennifer: I'm gonna be baby-sitting tonight.

Sam: Oh I see.

Nick: Well I can't go to the party too. I need to do some work at the house.

Kelly: Awww Come on.

Jennifer: It's okay, You guys can have fun.

Oscar: Besides This party is gonna be crazy!

Sam: That's right Oscar.

Kelly: Hey guys, Let's get our Halloween costumes.

Oscar: Let's not forget about that.

Sam: Yeah let's get to the store fast!

The group began walking through the streets as they were trying to get to the store to buy their Halloween costumes. Jessica decided to move forward as the others were talking to each other.

Jessica: Hopefully the store isn't crowded.

She continued walking as she turned around and saw the group talking about the party as she continued walking forward until she bumped into someone.

Jessica: Sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you.

Crowe was staring at Jessica as she was waiting for a response but all she heard was heavy breathing as she spoke to him.

Jessica: Also, Awesome halloween costume by the way.

No response was heard, Alex continued looking at her as Jessica was waiting for a response until she spoke to him.

Jessica: Wow your the silent type. Anyways I'm gonna go now. Again sorry for bumping into you.

Jessica walked past Alex as he was looking at her until he walked away. She continued walking until she heard her friends calling her name as she looked at them.

Oscar: Slow down Jessica.

Jessica: Sorry but the store was gonna get crowded if we don't get there.

Sam: Its okay, We can take our times also.

Nick: Yeah.

Jessica: Anyways did you guys saw that man?

Kelly: Who?

Jessica: There was a man wearing a mask walking around. I accidentally bumped into him.

Jennifer: Oh I see, Then what happened?

Jessica: He was silent, All I heard was him breathing through the mask. I even complimented him but he didn't say anything.

Nick: Wow, Someone was trying to scare you.

Kelly: It is Halloween after all. Everyone is entitled to one good scare.

The group nodded and continued walking towards the store but unknown to them, Alex Crowe was watching the group from a distance before he walked away.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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