Act One: Chapter XII: Say Something

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October 30 1978 (Flashback)

The time was two twenty three p.m. School day was over as everyone was leaving Ewens High School as the students were excited about tomorrow as tomorrow was gonna be Halloween and prom and everyone was excited about it. Carrie walked out of the gate as she was gonna walk back home but unknown to her, Alex was following Carrie as she continued making her to her house.

Carrie continued walking as she was walking through an alleyway until she heard someone call her name as Carrie turned around and she saw Tina smiling at her as Carrie was scared and worried.

Tina Blake is Christine's best friend and always plays pranks on her even after school. Tina was smiling at her as Carrie was scared and began walking back as Tina was speaking to her.

Tina: Hey Carrie.

Carrie: What do you want?

Tina smiled at her as she began throwing paper at Carrie as she began laughing at her. Tina continued throwing more papers along with a water balloon at Carrie as she looked looked her until she noticed someone standing behind Tina as she saw who it was.

Carrie looked at Alex as Tina noticed her as she was unaware that Crowe was behind her. Tina stopped throwing things at her as she spoke to Carrie.

Tina: Hey Creepy Carrie, What are you staring at?

She turned around and saw Alex standing in front of her as her eyes were widen as Crowe continued staring at her. Tina was scared as Alex pulled out a kitchen knife and looked at her.

Carrie was gonna say something to Crowe but Alex stabbed Tina in the head as Carrie was screaming in fear as the shape stabbed Tina again in the head until she fell down as she was dead.

Carrie was scared and looked at Crowe staring at her while holding the kitchen knife in his hand as he walked away as Carrie followed him and called his name out.

Carrie: Alex!

Crowe stopped walking as he turned around and looked at Carrie as she was scared until she spoke to him as he was listening to her.

Carrie: Why are you doing all of this?

No response was heard as Alex was only staring at her as Carrie looked at her as she tried to run his mind as Crowe continued looking at her.

Carrie was reading his thoughts but for some reason she couldn't figure out what he was thinking about. It's like he kept those thought locked inside his head so nobody can figure him out.

Carrie looked at Crowe as she was slowly walking towards him as Alex continued staring at her until Crowe saw Carrie holding his hand.

Both Carrie and Alex were looking at each other as they continued staring at each other until Carrie let go of his hand as she began walking back to her home as Crowe continued looking staring at her.

October 31 2018 (Present Day)

There was a police car in the road as they were talking to each other while looking at road as they continued speaking.

Officer: I really hate the woods. It gives me creepy vibes.

Officer: Come on. Let's not complain, Hawkins wants us to protect Matthew and his family from that maniac.

Officer: Your right about that but still these woods give me the chills. Reminds me of that movie I watched yesterday.

Officer: What is the movie?

Officer: The Blair Witch Project. That movie is scary as hell.

Officer: I saw another movie last night. It was called A Nightmare on Elm Street. It's about a killer who haunts people in their dreams and kills them.

Officer: That is terrifying as hell.

Officer: No kidding. Hey you know Texas Chainsaw Massacre?

Officer: I remembered that movie. Scared the living crap of me.

The officers continued talking about other horror movies as they were eating a sandwich while keeping a lookout.

Meanwhile Sartain was driving through the road as Kelly who was in the passenger seat was still unconscious while on the back seat showed Carrie who was worried and scared while Alex was unconscious and was sitting next to her.

Sartain: I always wonder what goes through Crowe's mind. Why did he killed his family always remains a mystery to everyone. Your mother told me that Alex isn't a human being and that he is a monster in the form of a human being.

Carrie was silent as Sartain continued driving as he continued talking to her as she was listening to him.

Sartain: Everyone kept saying Alex was responsible for the destruction in Chamberlain but I know the real truth behind what has happened.

Carrie's eyes were widen as Sartain had a small smile on his face as he said something to her.

Sartain: You possess the power of Telekinesis and when Christine and Billy poured blood on you on prom night. You had rage coursing through your veins and you used your powers to kill everyone at prom night along with Christine and Billy.

Carrie was silent as Sartain looked at her as she was holding Alex's hand as she looked at him and saw that he was still unconscious as she heard Sartain speaking to her.

Sartain: But that's not all. While Alex was killing people in Chamberlain. You used your powers to destroy the whole town and now look, Chamberlain is nothing more of a ghost town now because of Carrie White and Alex Crowe.

Carrie was still silent as she didn't respond to what Sartain said to him. She began having nightmares of what happened in Chamberlain as she looked at Sartain.

Sartain: Nonetheless I think its time we see the real truth.

Carrie: What is it?

Sartain: I'm letting Crowe meet his old nemesis. . . . Matthew Barnes.

Carrie stared at Sartain as he continued speaking to her as she was listening to him.

Sartain: I always wonder what he was after and now I know the truth. He wants revenge and that's why I'm leading him here. . . . To see if Alex is truly after Matthew.

Carrie: Wait. . . . You caused the bus crash? You let Crowe escape?

Sartain: Yes. . . I was the one that caused the bus to crash just so Alex can escape. I wanted to know what his real motive is.

Carrie was worried now and didn't know what to do. She noticed Sartain was thinking about something as she read his mind and found out what he was thinking about as she was scared but then she said something to him.

Carrie: He spoke to me. . . .

Sartain: Wait what? Alex spoke to you?

Carrie: Forty years ago, He spoke to me.

Sartain: What did he say?

Carrie: Stop the car and I'll tell you what he said.

Meanwhile the two officer were inside their vehicle as they continued looking around until they noticed something.

Officer: What the hell?

Officer: Is that Hawkins?

Officer: Don't know. Try to contact him.

Officer: *On Radio* Hawkins! Is that you on the road?

Meanwhile Sartain stopped the car as he looked at Carrie as he spoke to her.

Sartain: What did he say?

Carrie: Let us go and I'll tell you.

Sartain: What did he say? Was it his mother name? His father name or was it his brother?

Carrie's eyes were widen as she saw Alex staring at her as he immediately looked at Sartain as Ranbir smiled smiled him.

Sartain: *Smiles* Alex, Your awake.

Alex continued kicking Sartain as Carrie was in fear as Crowe grabbed him and began hitting his head on the steering wheel as Sartain was screaming in pain.

Meanwhile the officers didn't hear any response on the radio as they didnt like it as they decided to drive towards the vehicle.

Meanwhile Crowe dragged Sartain out of the car as he threw him on the ground as Ranbir was in pain. Sartain noticed Carrie exiting the car until Alex noticed Kelly awake as she immediately ran out of the car while he looked at her.

Alex ignored her and looked at Sartain until he heard footsteps as he turned around and saw Carrie staring at him.

Carrie: Alex. . . .

Crowe was looking at her as Carrie had tears falling from her eyes as Alex tilted his head until he heard her say something to him.

Carrie: Alex. . . . I miss you.

Sartain heard this and he was shocked by it. He saw Alex just looking at Carrie as he slowly walked towards her as she looked at him.

Alex was looking at her until Carrie hugged him tightly as she was crying on his chest as Alex looked at her.

Carrie continued hugging him until they heard a siren in the distance as both of them saw a police car driving towards them as Carrie let go of Alex.

Carrie was gonna say something to Alex until she heard a voice in her head as she was listening to it.

"Run to the woods and get as far away as you can"

Carrie looked at Alex who was looking looking at her as she began running towards the woods as Crowe was watching her.

Crowe noticed Carrie was gone as he was slowly walking towards Sartain who was still on the ground as Ranbir saw Alex staring at him.

Sartain: Alex. . . . Say something.

No response was heard from him as all Sartain heard was Alex breathing through his mask as he continued talking to him.

Sartain: Please. . . . . Say something.

Crowe stomped on Sartain's head instantly killing him as Alex was breathing heavily through his mask.

Meanwhile the officers arrived at the scene as they saw the police car was empty as they looked around until they saw Sartain's dead body as they were shocked.

Officer: Oh my god!

Officer: Jeez. . . . Someone stomped his head off.

The officers were looking around but unknown to them, Crowe was behind them as he was watching them.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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