Day #2: Horror || I should've Left the Porchlights on

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Given Prompt: The Lock on the Floor



I rushed to the door, a bunch of toffees in my hand for the Trick-or-Treaters, smiling.

Except I found a lock of straw-colored hair.

...How interesting! Not the first time I had seen such tricks! Halloween season after all, and the kids had become more and more interesting this year!

"Where are you hiding?" I called out. "I was tricked, you got me, so come out and take your candies!"

I laughed and waited for a few minutes. A stubborn Trick-or-Treater, refusing to give up!

I was not the slightest affected by the eerie darkness, the pin-drop silence.

My, my, the background effects were amazing! This kid gets extra points – I mean, candies – for putting up such a show. It was thrilling!

If the kid was hoping for me to be scared and back down... Nuh-uh! Unfortunately for the little one, I was personally a Horror lover.

From the very beginning of my life, I had done eccentric things along with my cowering younger siblings. Be it exploring that house around the corner which was said to be haunted by dead spirits or be it watching famous Horror films in midnight – I had done it all.

Why, I was living in that very same haunted-house-around-the-corner now that I was all grown up and self-sufficient!

"I'm not scared, dear!" I called out cheerfully.

At long last, the teenager waddled out of his hiding spot. "You're too good at this!" he protested.

"Well, you still get your treats!"

He did a little happy dance upon hearing that.

"Also," I added, looking at his brown hair, "who's lock of blonde hair was that?"

"My last prey's," he whispered dangerously. "He lived here as well."

I tilted my head. Another trick?

But when his head turned around, just the head – his back was still turned toward me – and he revealed his razor-sharp teeth, I erased all my inhibitions.

Adrenaline rushed through my body as I began feeling an something unfamiliar...

"And you're next."


I was scared.

I should've left the porchlights on.

I had never screamed so much in the entirety of my life.

Alas, it was all in vain.


Total word count (according to Wattpad whilst saving the draft): 343 words

Didn't struggle with word count this time either! I knew that this was all that was required to tell the tale fully, and I'm quite proud of my first ever horror story (though it may not be that horrifying!).

I wonder if I'll ever be able to write a happy ending.

Melanie's 'Carousel' really set the mood! Glad to have had that playing whilst writing.

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