Day #22: FreeThePOC || Riddle Me This!

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Given Prompt: Riddle Me This!


"Hmm... what's this?"

I had found a mysterious pumpkin with a scary face right in the middle of my dining table. The air was cold and there was a rhyming riddle written in a piece of paper right next to Mr. Pumpkin.

"Ooh, riddles! It's been years since I last solved them. I think it was my senior grade when I deemed riddles as a child's play?" I tilted my head. "Ah, no matter. I might still be able to crack this!"

Perhaps one of my friends had left me a souvenir for Halloween! I had held a Halloween party which had ended a while back. But now I was home alone – with a pumpkin.

I gave the carved vegetable a short bow. "Thank you, Mr. Pumpkin!"

"My first is in giggle and is also in laugh,

My second is in third and is also in half,

My third is in horror and is also in bone,

My four is in sun but never in moon,

My fifth is in castle and is also in knight,

My whole walks through walls to give people a fright.

Do you know who I am?"

I settled on the sofa to solve this riddle. "G-I-G-G-L-E and L-A-U-G-H... 'G'. Ah, the second one is 'H'! H-O-R-R-O-R and B-O-N-E... what?" I scrunched up my eyebrows. "There's no 'R'... Ah, silly me! I overlooked 'O'. Right. 'G' - 'H' - 'O' so far."

It was around this time that I realized that the air around was getting heavier.

Creepy? A bit.

But Mr. Pumpkin was watching over me. I had no reason to be scared.

I continued uncovering secrets. "In sun and never in moon. Okay, at this point I don't even need to do anything. G-H-O-S-T. Let me just cross-check... right! It's right!" I did a little happy dance on that.

The air was... heavy. Spookily thicker.

"Oh, but that was still refreshing! It's been so long since I last did this! I thought my skills would've become rusty but doesn't seem like it!" I stretched my arms, tired. 

It had been a long day. I decided to go to bed – especially due to my surroundings, or rather, due to how scared I was.

"Hey, Mr. Pumpkin," I whispered to the pumpkin on my way to the bedroom. "I got the answer!"

"Hah... October, I tell you, is cold. Anyway..." The marker squeaked as a wrote the answer on the sheet. "The answer is," I exclaimed in the gloomy atmosphere, "'Ghost'—!"

"You called?"

Did I mention that I was home alone?


Word Count: 476 words.

I think I basically wrote whatever was given in the prompt and added the "You called?" part. But meeting a ghost doesn't seem like a good idea. Actually, writing horror stories at 12:03AM ain't that great either. I'm scared.

This was a cool prompt - fun to write! Especially with some crazy music to keep me company because quiet atmospheres in the midnights scare me. Contrary to the fact that I'm writing about ghosts, I'm actually a scaredy-cat.

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