Halloweeen Night

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"Two years ago. Before I even knew I was a witch. That was the last time I was in Halloweentown. My mom Gwen. My grandma Aggie. My sisters Sophie and Marnie, and my brother Dylan and I all had to join together and use the power of the Cromwell witch family to defeat Kalabar. An evil warlock who's had a thing for my mother since they were teenagers. Halloweentown was always a happy place where creatures of different sizes and shapes and species... some of them downright weird... could live apart from the real world in peace and harmony. So. After we saved Halloweentown. Grandma decided to leave her comfy house there and live with our family in the mortal world. Now it's Halloween night again. The only night we can pass freely between Halloweentown and our world. I'm thinking about Halloweentown. I wonder how it's changed. Grandma says things in Halloweentown are always changing. I know nothing has changed at our house." You were in your room on your computer. "Mom and Grandma are fighting again." You said. "What's going on at your party?" A voice from the computer said. "Ehh... I'm avoiding it." You said. You then turned around as you thought you saw something. But when you didn't see anything, you went back to the computer. "Why? What's the matter?" The voice said. You snapped your figures and your witch costume came on. You then added your hat and walked downstairs to see Marnie, Sophie and Aggie. Aggie was giving all of the children witch brooms. "You got here just at the right time, (Y/n). Now, perhaps you'd like to take our little partygoers for a little spin around the house." Aggie said. "Grandma, I don't think this is a very good idea." Marnie said. "What? Oh, fiddle. I can't let your mother spoil my fun every day of the year." Aggie said. "Mother." Gwen said as she walked over. "Oh, hello, dear." Aggie said. "I spend all of my time trying to keep you from turning my own daughters against me. Now you're gonna corrupt all the children in the neighborhood." Gwen said. "Mom, we're not turning against you." You said. "My dear, if you want to reject your heritage, that's your business, but someone has to take my place as head of the Cromwell line, and I know (Y/n) is just the stuff." Aggie said. "Or me. I'd be good, too." Sophie said. "That's right. That's right." Aggie said. "All right, dress-up's over. We've got bobbing for apples right over there." Gwen said as she took the witch things away. The children groaned.

"Oh, yes, it's fun. It's fun. Go play." Gwen said. "Well, I hope you're happy." Aggie said. "Oh, ecstatic." Gwen said. The two walked away. "I'll take Grandma." Sophie said. She followed after Aggie. You and Marnie walked into the kitchen to see Gwen making food for the party. "Mom." Marnie said. "What?" She asked. "We're- we're not turning against you. We love you. But we're witches. We can't just not be." Marnie said. "I'm sorry that I got mad at you. It's just so frustrating. I want you to learn what I know, too. Magic can give you whatever you wish for, but nothing's worth anything if you can get it just by wishing. That's what your dad taught me." Gwen said. "But I don't use magic for everything. I don't use it on tests. All right. There was that one algebra test..." you said. "(Y/n), you can't pick and choose. If you go to Halloweentown for a year, that's gonna become your life. You're a stranger in this world after that." Gwen said. Suddenly a young man wearing a black jacket comes in. He knocked on the wood. "Knock. Knock." He said. "The bomb." You said. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything. Dad, I found 'em." He said. His dad came in. "Hi, I'm Alex. This is my son Cal. We just moved in down the street, and we heard about your party." Alex said. "Oh, well, welcome to the neighborhood. I'm Gwen, and these are my daughters Marnie and (Y/n)." Gwen said. "Hello." Marnie said. "Hi." You waved. "If all witches were as pretty as you, they'd have a better reputation." Cal said. You smiled. "Thanks." You said. Marnie smirked. "Can I put those in the freezer for you?" Gwen asked as she took the ice cream from Alex. "Whatever you want. They're for you. Uh, for the party. I hope you like lime. Green's my favorite color." Alex said. "OK. Is the rest of your family coming, too?" Gwen asked. "Oh, it's just me and Cal." Alex said. "Oh. Well, lime is good." Gwen said. "Good." Alex said. "I've got some scoops over here." Gwen said. "Let me help you." Alex said. A girl in a vampire costume came by and roared in Marnie's ear. "That's Cindy." She said. "Yeah. Well, it's a little crowded in here. You two wanna give me a tour?" Cal asked. "Sure. Let's go this way." You pointed. You, Marnie and Cal walked out of the kitchen.

Time Skip

"This is it. So, um, when did you move in?" Marnie asked. "Just tonight, actually." Cal said. "Really? And your dad let you come to our party? Don't you have to unpack?" You asked. "No. My dad doesn't waste his breath on stuff like that. He lets me figure it out myself. Dylan went up to Cindy. "Uh, so has anyone asked you to go with them to the costume party at the high school?" He asked. Cindy took the vampire teeth out. "Why? Did you want to ask me?" She asked. "Well, that depends on whether or not that would be ridiculous." Dylan said. "Dylan, you're not even wearing a costume." Cindy said. "Oh. Well, I'm not really into the whole Halloween thing." Dylan said. "But that's the whole point of the party. Most disgusting costume wins a prize after the unmasking at midnight." Cindy said. " Might that prize be a kiss?" Dylan asked. "That's disgusting." Cindy said. The girls laughed and walked away.

Time Skip

"When we moved in last year, I finally got my own room." You said as you, Marnie and Cal walked into your bedroom. "Huh." Cal said. "What?" You asked. "Oh, I don't know. It's just, usually people's rooms look like 'em. Yours doesn't." He said. "What do you mean?" Marnie asked. "Well, you strike me as unconventional, but in a good way." Cal said. "Yeah, well, my room is kind of ordinary. Our mom likes ordinary, I guess." You said. "Oh, she's the boss, huh?" Cal asked. "Well, there is our grandma's room." Marnie said. What? You looked at Marnie. "Why? What's hers like?" Cal asked. "We'll show you." Marnie said. Suddenly a big door appeared on the wall. "Was that there before?" Cal asked. You went to Marnie. "Marnie, can I talk to you for a minute?" You asked. "Uh, sure." She said. You pulled her away. "I don't think we should." You said. "Why not?" Marnie asked. "It's not a good idea." You said. "(Y/n), we're just taking a quick peak." Marnie said. "But we're not supposed to go in there without permission." You said. "(Y/n), it will be fine. Trust me." Marnie said. You sighed as she opened the door. The three of you walked inside. "Wow. This is so cool. Does she do it like this every Halloween?" Cal asked. "She's very into the whole witch thing." Marnie said. You quickly shook your head at Marnie. "Um, stories, I mean, about witches." She added. "Yeah, I guess so." Cal said. He picked up a small jar. ""Hair of werewolf." This must not be easy to get." Cal joked. "It wasn't, believe m..." you glared at Marnie. "Um, I mean, in the old days of fairy tales." She said quickly. "Oh. So you know about this witch stuff, too." Cal said. "A little." Marnie said. "Do you know any magic spells?" Cal asked. "Why do you ask?" You asked. "Just curious." Cal said. "We know some. "But they're pretend ones, of course. See, there are common spells that every witch knows... I mean, supposedly... and then there are the really secret ones that are only known to the witch who made them up." Marnie said.

"Or warlock." Cal said. You quickly looked at him. "That's what male witches are called, right? Warlocks?" Cal asked. "How did you know that?" You asked. "Just movies and stuff, but they're not really that educational." Cal said. "Well, Grandma feels like witches are misunderstood, so she likes to teach us about them." Marnie said. Cal then saw her spell book on the counter. "Whoa. Is that supposed to be a book of spells?" Cal asked as he walked toward it. You quickly stepped in front of him. "No!" You said. "I mean... yes, that's what it's supposed to be. But you can't touch it." You said. "Oh, come on. It's just pretend, right?" Cal asked. "Well, sure, but it's still my grandma's stuff, and we really shouldn't be in here when she's not here, so I..." you said. "Ok. So, you like ice cream?" Cal asked. "Sure." Marnie said. You and Marnie walk toward the door. Cal then shrunk the spell book and put it in his pocket. Then he followed you out the door. Marnie smiled as he walked away. You then used a spell to hide the door and followed behind. You, Marnie and Cal went into the kitchen. Cal gave you and Marnie some ice cream. "Thanks." You said. "Do you want some, son?" Alex asked. "Actually, I think I'm gonna head home, Dad." Cal said. "I think I'll stay around here and help out... If that's OK." Alex said. "Oh, I never turn down help." Gwen said. "Hey, (Y/n), I'm not enrolled yet, but I hear there's this really big costume party at the high school. I figured if my costume's good enough, maybe I could crash it." Cal said. "Well, let's see. If you went with a student who is enrolled, then maybe you wouldn't have to crash it." Marnie said. She smirked at the two of you. "Pick you up in an hour?" Cal asked you. "Yeah, sure." You said. "Yes!" Marnie whispered. You rolled your eyes. Cal then gave you a rose. "Meeting you is everything I hoped it would be." Cal said. You looked at the rose he gave you. Aggie then came in with Sophie. "I don't see anyone." She said. Then they left.

Time Skip

"I've had this for centuries. It's never been empty before." Aggie said as she shook her purse. "Empty?" Marnie asked as you, her and Dylan came over. "Well, it's no wonder. Every day for two years, pulling out bat games, dancing skeletons, enchanted toads, back issues of Magic Monthly... And, hey, let's not forget the ogre with the flatulence problem." Dylan said. "Stinky. I miss him." Sophie said. "It just can't run out. It's connected to my house back in Halloweentown with all my charms and all my spells. Oh, perhaps I should just pop back up to Halloweentown, just... just to look at my house." Aggie said. "Can I go? Can I go?" Sophie asked. "Oh, forget it, Sophie. Mom already put the big foot down. None of us can go." You said. "Well, perhaps if I said that I need your help with a technical problem." Aggie said. "I'll get my coat." Sophie said as she ran off. "This'll never work." Marnie said. "Oh, no, let me do the talking, dear. I'll use my utmost powers of persuasion. "It'll work." Aggie said as she grabbed her jacket. "And here I thought we were going to avoid the annual family meltdown." Dylan said sarcastically. You gave a sarcastic chuckle and shoved him away before following Marnie. "Honey, I'm taking the girls out for a little while. Is that all right?" Aggie asked as she came in the kitchen. "Sure, Mom. Just make sure... Wait. Out where?" Gwen asked. "Oh, just home. We'll be back in a jiffy. Oh, how do you do? I'm Aggie, Gwen's mother. Nice to meet you." Aggie said as she reached her hand to shake his. "Mother." Gwen said. "(Y/n)'s going to be staying with me for a whole year after she gets out of high school. Isn't that fabulous?" Aggie asked.

"How lucky for her." Alex said. "Yes, and Sophie is going to stay with me." Gwen said as she pulled Sophie over. "Mom!" Sophie said. "Sweetheart, it's your bedtime. Why don't you go upstairs and start getting ready?" Gwen asked. Sophie stomped upstairs. "We'll be back soon, Mom. Don't worry. OK?" You asked. You hugged her, then walked away with Aggie and Marnie. "You see? Your mother can be reasonable." Aggie said. "We should have a stranger there for all our family discussions." Dylan said. "If she wants to check on us, you tell her to call me on my head phone." Aggie said. "You mean cell phone." Dylan corrected. Aggie took out two phones that looked like heads. "Head phone." She said. "Ew!" Marnie said. "What good are those things?" Dylan asked. "Well, they're a little bit like your walkie-talkies... Except they work like magic." Aggie said. "Except they work like magic." The phone repeated. "Ohh!" Dylan cringed. " They can even be used to communicate between the mortal world and Halloweentown." Aggie said. "I invented them myself. Aren't they cute?" Aggie asked. Then she kissed it. "Anyway, it probably won't be a problem, because you know we're gonna be home before midnight." Aggie said. "We'll be back in an hour, because (Y/n) has a date." Marnie said.

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