38 - A Christmas Gift

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A/N: Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas if celebrating it. Anyway, here's your update - delay only due to the fact that I have been busy stuffing myself with cheese and chocolate for the past three days.



He didn't think he would be able to close his eyes, but to his complete astonishment, it had been the best night's sleep he had had in a long time.

Ever, even.

He was free, free from his father. Free to be with the woman he had waited for for all this time, and free to finally be a father to their daughter.

A child of whom he hadn't even met yet.

But he sensed her presence, even if she wasn't there. It was in the pram in the hallway he'd nearly knocked over the previous night in his haste to get to the bedroom, it was in the little brown toy rabbit laying abandoned on the chest of drawers... in the yellow teething ring on the bedside table.

It was in Alia.

He couldn't describe it, but it just felt right that Alia should be the woman he'd have children with. He had felt it even during the games: their conversations in the bathroom stalls as she talked passionately about her childhood had led him to briefly fantasise of the two of them creating a happy home together, full of love, children and laughter.

He would even go as far to say that what he saw when he looked at her was his soulmate... if he believed in all that shit.

And, waking up in bed with her in his arms on Christmas morning of all days, he had to agree that this was the best gift he could have ever asked for.

As he lay there, lightly drawing patterns across her arm with his fingertips, she stirred, and he immediately felt his heart give a flutter of anticipation at the thought of simply seeing her eyes again.

Plus, he had a raging boner.

"Draco," she whispered groggily, the gravel of her voice causing him to grow harder, "you're still here."

He couldn't help but give a soft, throaty chuckle, holding her that little bit tighter, just so he could believe himself that this was real.

"Of course I'm still here," he murmured, his voice sleepy and hoarse as he reached up to brush aside her hair. "I'll be here for you for as long as you need me. You and our daughter."

A sleepy smile tugged at her lips as her eyes sparkled brightly into his. "You haven't called her by her name yet."

"I haven't met her yet."

Draco could not explain it, but it just didn't feel right until he could see her and hold her.

Alia glanced up at the clock on the wall. Despite their chaotic night, they had woken early. It was only six-fifteen in the morning.

"She'll still be asleep," Alia yawned, nuzzling her head into Draco's chest, the tickle of her hair against his skin arousing him further. "We can lie in a little longer before I go over and fetch her, if you like?"

"Sounds good to me," Draco murmured, rolling her over to pepper her face lightly in kisses, making her giggle breathlessly beneath him. "Sounds very good indeed."


I studied Draco's expression carefully as I showed him around the apartment, knowing he would be wondering why I opted for such a basic and small space given how rich I was thanks to his father's generosity.

But his face gave nothing away, remaining stony and impassive, except for a gentle tenderness every time his eyes landed on something of Lulu's.

It was only when we went into her room did he finally allude to it, placing his hands lightly on the frame of the wooden cot as he gazed in awe at the mobile hanging above it, full of dancing mice.

"Why do you punish yourself, Alia?" He murmured quietly.

A beat.

"What do you mean?" I asked, swallowing down a lump in my throat.

"You clearly have spared no expense when it comes to our daughter," he said, sweeping a hand over the expensive furnishing and toys. "Yet, when it comes to you, you do not allow yourself luxuries."

"Lulu is my luxury."

Letting go of the cot, Draco turned around and faced me, his eyes flashing.

"You know what I mean, Alia. For instance, I've noticed you haven't even got a Christmas tree."

"So?" I said, somewhat defensively as I hugged myself. "Not everyone celebrates Christmas."

"Yet I know for a fact that you do... did. You told me about them, remember? About how your dad used to dress up as Father Christmas, and that you and your sisters-"

"Don't," I interrupted him, the memory too painful to revisit.

I knew what he was about to say, of course. About how my sisters and I used to dress up in matching red Christmas dresses and performed a dance to Jingle Bell Rock for the neighbours every Christmas Eve.

But that was then, and this is now, my sisters both dead and my parents still none the wiser. How could I celebrate Christmas ever again? How could I ever take enjoyment from the money I received through my sisters' violent demises?

"Let me look after you both today," Draco murmured, closing the gap between us to wrap his arms around me. "I can make it a Christmas you both deserve. Because you do deserve it, Alia. You deserve it very much."

I squeezed my eyes shut as I buried my face into Draco's chest, recalling how I had done the same thing during the games when I could not face the reality of the horror we were in.

Draco had a way, even now, of making me feel safe and secure. And I needed him, I realised, I needed him so very much.

The tears that spilled from my eyes then were tears of relief and happiness, drenching his shirt as we stood in our daughter's nursery, holding each other tightly.

It was almost cleansing. And I found my heart falling heavily in disappointment at the sound of the doorbell buzzing, causing us to reluctantly fall apart.

Quickly drying my face, I left Draco where he was as I went to answer the door, praying it wasn't carollers.

It wasn't, however.

"Happy Christmas!" Magda yodelled cheerily before I'd even fully opened the door, not stopping to take a breath as she continued. "I couldn't help but notice as I was taking my one o'clock tinkle this morning that you brought home a visitor last night, and I wasn't sure if you would like me to keep Lulu at ours for a bit longer whilst you... um- entertain. I must say, he looked very dashing. I wouldn't mind waking up to someone like him on Christmas morning. Doesn't happen to have a father I can borrow, does he?"

She gave a coy giggle as she reached out and playfully slapped my arm.

"Not any more," I answered wryly, hoping that Draco hadn't heard any of that. "Besides, don't you have a Nick?"

"Ugh, that old bore. The only ball sports he participates in these days are the ones strictly played on the golf course. Oh, I so envy you. Is he anyone... special?"

She peered over my shoulder, as though hoping to sneak a peek.

"Actually, yes," I said, struggling to hide the smile that was tugging at my lips, "he's Lulu's father."

Her eyes widened in shock, a hand flying to her mouth. "But I thought- that he was... you know...dead?" She said, whispering the last word.

"Yeah, funny thing about that," I shrugged, trying to keep my voice casual and light, "turns out he isn't, after all."

She immediately frowned, a scowl forming at her features as she wagged a finger. "Shirking responsibilities, aye? Came crawling back with his tail between his legs now he's discovered that the grass is not so green on the other side, after all?"

I was about to tell her it wasn't like that at all, when I was interrupted by Draco, who had wandered into the hallway.

"On the contrary," he drawled smoothly, striding up behind me and laying a protective hand on my waist. "I've always known which garden I want to sink my roots into, and it's right here."

Magda's eyes swivelled downwards to where his fingers were gripping me, her face flushing bright pink when she realised where she was looking.

"Oh my days-" she said, quickly fanning her face with her hand. "Well, I've got to say, it's nice to see you finally smiling at last, Alia. Lulu's not going to recognise you!"

This last part hit home hard, and by the way his fingers suddenly tightened their grip on me, I could tell it also did for Draco.

But of course I smiled for Lulu, how could I not? She was the most precious gift in my world. She saved me. And I was suddenly itching to have her back in my arms, back to where she belonged with me and Draco.

Our family, together, at last.


Draco was nervous. Scared, even.

Checking the Christmas tree again, he swiftly rearranged a bauble, stepped back to admire it, then quickly reached out to put it back in its original position.

Stupid, he scolded himself. As if a nine month old would care about the arrangements of a tree's decoration?

He checked his watch once again. Alia had promised him half an hour. She'd gone across the road to fetch their little girl whilst he'd Apparated back to the manor to fetch Christmas.

He'd had to make readjustments to the size of the tree, of course. But other than that, everything else fitted into Alia's apartment like a festive dream.

Christmas music played soothingly in the background (careful to make sure to avoid any classical, of course). Colourful wrapped gifts sat nestled at the foot of the tree, all of which were pre-purchased by Draco himself. Knowing that Alia would likely not stomach meat, there was a nut roast cooking in the oven. He'd thought of everything and no expense was spared, determined to give Alia the Christmas she deserved.

However, when the click of the front door indicated Alia's return, Draco had not been prepared for what it would feel like meeting his daughter for the first time.

His father had not been wrong about one thing: the Malfoy blood held a special power of its own and his daughter was certainly no exception. Because Draco felt it... sensed it before he saw her, felt it running through his veins: the feral part of him that would do literally everything to protect her.

"Draco," Alia smiled as she stepped into the room holding the most beautiful child he had ever seen, "meet your daughter."

Large silver eyes blinked up at him, instantly filling Draco's heart with a love so powerful, he almost forgot how to breathe.

"Come and say hello," Alia gently encouraged when Draco remained rooted to the spot, too afraid to breathe, let alone move.

And then he was crossing the room, his strides not quite quick enough, desperate to get to where he belonged.

"Lulu," he whispered, leaning down to tenderly kiss the top of her soft dark curls, her sweet baby scent tickling his nose and filling him with a joy unknown.

"My little girl."


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