~Chapter 11- New Management~

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~Chapter 11- New management~


~A decade after the incident~

Aingr and Schwartz gripped their swords tightly as they walked through Mortel. With the state of the city, it was best to be prepared. The street they traveled was largely vacated, aside from the homeless individuals hanging about.

Aingr passed by a beggar pretending to have an amputated leg, shaking an empty container. Schwartz grimaced as they continued, "I'm surprised that didn't earn him a bit of money."

"Everyone is struggling right now. I don't think many could afford to give charity like that," Aingr replied.

Aingr and Schwartz turned into the slums of the city. There were facsimiles of homes - small shacks with cloth drawn in front of them to act as walls. A group of people had congregated there to try and push through the difficult times they faced together. Once the new king took over, those who were already struggling fell to greater depths.

The two soldiers asked around for a woman named Livia, staying on guard the entire time. They found her in a particularly small shack. They pulled aside the cloth to her 'home', finding her laying on several sheets of fabric acting as a bed.

"We'd like to speak with you, ma'am. We heard your husband went missing recently?" Schwartz said.

Livia turned over and crawled out of her shack of a home. She was skinny and looked hungry. Aingr recognized her. Back in King Denile's time, she worked at the bazaar on the western side of the city. He believed she sold textiles.

"Yes. A few nights ago, he left on his own. I haven't seen him since."

"What did he leave for?"

"I'm not sure. He seemed anxious the day he disappeared, but I never found out why."

Aingr asked, "Is there anything else you can tell us?"

Livia searched for something else to say, "I'm not sure. He used to beg three streets down south of here and occasionally went to the market, hoping someone would hire him. He hasn't done much else lately."

Aingr cringed... That wasn't much to go on.

Schwartz nodded, "Understood, ma'am. Well, if you have anything else to share, come to the Kingsguard near here and let them know. We'll keep looking into it."

"Please find him! I just need to know that he's okay!" Livia grabbed Schwartz's hand and pleaded.

"W-We'll do what we can..." Schwartz said, lacking confidence.

The two soldiers left the slums and headed towards the castle - the only place in the city that appeared untouched by the depression they were facing. Ever since trade with the neighboring country ended, the city struggled. All because their new King couldn't be bothered to renew their dealings.

They entered the perimeter gates of the castle and headed to the Commander's barracks. Fewer men were working within the Kingsguard as of late. Aingr always figured that by the time he turned forty, he'd be working much more as an overseer within the Kingsguard, but Ein still needed him involved.

Aingr and Schwartz entered the Commander's quarters of the barracks to meet Ein. The man still maintained his strength into his old age. One would think that the man would've retired to the countryside after decades of service to the Kingsguard, but he maintained his position as a servant to the royal family.

Ein looked up from his desk at the two, "What did you find?"

Schwartz grimaced, "Not much. The few individuals we did speak with couldn't help us with any of the missing people."

Ein nodded, "Alright. We'll have to leave it be then."

Aingr clenched his fist, "We shouldn't just give up!"

"King Whedon doesn't think it's worth the Kingsguard's time to investigate. He said to focus on other things."

Aingr huffed, "Our 'King' is worthless. You know King Denile wouldn't have just ignored all these disappearances! We should investigate anyways."

"You'll do no such thing." Ein said sternly, "He is our King. We'll do as he says."

Aingr was fuming. He once admired Ein's steadfast loyalty, but now he saw it as a crippling weakness. He couldn't believe that with the state of the city, he still listened to a worthless king. Before he said something he would regret, Aingr stormed out of the room.

He stomped through the castle, furious that he couldn't even order one of his subordinates to investigate the disappearances. Ein would know.

"Captain Aingr! Wait a moment!" Aingr was about to lash out, expecting it to be Schwartz trying to calm him down again. But he saw Prince Norton.

The blonde young man wore regal clothing that immediately separated him from those living in the city. His life in the castle had sheltered him from the harshness everyone else was struggling through. But that certainly wasn't his fault.

Aingr stopped and waited for him, "What is it, Norton?"

Norton smiled, "Can you do me a favor?"


"I need an escort. Deporah is in the city, and I'd like to see her-"

"Deporah Dolor?"

Norton nodded, clearly excited to see her, "Yes!"

"They're in Mortel?"

"I don't know all the details. Something is happening with her grandmother. But will you escort me?"

Aingr shrugged, "Sure. I'm ready when you are."

Norton smiled, "Thank you!"

Aingr and Norton strode out to the barracks of the castle, fetched a horse, and made their way to the southern side of the city. All the while, Aingr thought that this visit might be fortuitous for him. Perhaps, the Dolor family could help him again. 

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