~Chapter 9 - The Return~

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~Chapter 9- The Return~

A caravan of the Kingsguard traveled through the countryside, following dirt roads. In one of the wagons was Gregor's body so he could be given a proper burial. The head wagon had Lumb's family, with Schwartz accompanying them.

Ceptance and Lumb had been anxious during their tenure in the city. Only now that they were back in the country did they finally feel relaxed.

Deporah, however, seemed even more grim than usual. Lumb figured that she would've been happy that they proved her mother's innocence, but it only seemed to worsen her mood. She listlessly stared out at the countryside, barely speaking during their entire trip home. She gripped the rapier the King had given her closely, occasionally running her hand along its sheath.

Schwartz looked troubled as well. As they went, he said to Lumb, "I'm very sorry what happened to you."

Lumb shrugged, "It's alright. Could've been worse."

The cuts on his chest had scabbed up, but he thought it'd take a long time before they would fully heal.

"Yeah, it's just that I worked with Horace for years. He always seemed like an outstanding guy. I never expected him to be behind something like that.... You think you know a guy."

Lumb nudged Deporah subtly so that the others wouldn't notice.

"Are you doing okay, kid?"

Deporah gave a halfhearted nod... Lumb wasn't buying it.

"Okay," Lumb relented, "If you want to talk, just let me know."

Deporah's grip on her sword tightened for a moment. "Can we talk when we get back to your house?" She whispered.

"Sure. And it's your house too now."

Their caravan traveled over a wooden bridge, the one that Ceptance's company helped build before their trip. The town of Ragoh was visible. Up on a hill was a modest house, their home. It had been far too long.

After dropping off their things, they took Gregor's body to the nearby graveyard. As Lumb buried him, it felt as though they were putting Urba to rest right alongside him.

Schwartz escorted the family to their modest home on the hill, passing by a familiar pine tree on the way. After he bid them farewell, Schwartz mounted his steed and headed back down the road to the city of Mortel.

Deporah brought her things into the house while Lumb slumped into a chair on the porch. Ceptance followed his lead, sinking back into her favorite rocking chair. They'd been away from home for far too long. City life had exhausted them. They didn't say anything for a moment. Lumb and Ceptance simply relished the fact that they were home.

Lumb could've sat there forever.

Ceptance tapped her foot, took a breath, and sprung back to her feet.

"I'm going to check on Quincy and the rest of the company," Ceptance announced.

"We just got back. We should take the rest of the day off."

"I'll rest when I'm dead," Ceptance said as she charged out.

"Alright, I'm relaxing for the day!" Lumb said, leaning back in his chair and closing his eyes.

Deporah left the house, the rapier the King had gifted her at her hip. But she still had an unending frown on her face.

"Hey kid, you really enjoy fencing, right?"

Deporah's face lit up and she nodded.

Lumb sat up on his chair, "Want to teach me some things? We could fence for a bit."

Deporah nodded, "But you'll get hurt if I use my sword."

Lumb chuckled, "We can use sticks or something."

Deporah perked up, "I'll grab my sparring swords!"

The little girl rushed into the house, returning with two wooden toy swords. Lumb smirked as he took one in his hand.

"Show me what you got, kid."

"We don't have any headgear, so we should just aim for each other's torsos."


Lumb lazily held his 'sword' in front of him. He was taken aback by Deporah's stance. The blade was extended out in front of her at a slight angle, while she remained light on her feet.

"Umm, ready when you are."

Deporah's feet quickly shifted as she approached her uncle, still out of range. She seemed sharp; there was an alertness in her he hadn't seen before. Lumb raised his sword to go for a weak swing, and Deporah capitalized on it, jabbing him in the stomach.

Lumb staggered back. It didn't hurt, but it certainly surprised him. She was fast.

"Are you okay!?" Deporah worriedly asked.

Lumb laughed, "I'm fine! You're very good is all!"

Deporah nodded, "Okay. Glad I didn't hurt you."

Lumb smiled, "You don't have to worry about that. Want to go again?"

Lumb and Deporah played a few more rounds. Lumb used very controlled swings; he didn't want to accidentally hurt her. But each time he tried to attack, she'd jab him where he left himself open. He was hoping for some sign of joy as they continued to play, but Deporah still seemed sad. She'd feign a smile occasionally, but it wasn't true.

Lumb stood up straight, "You said there was something you wanted to talk to me about. What was it?"

Deporah's face twisted. It looked painful for her to think about it. After some deliberation, she said, "It's about mom."

"Right... I wish she was still here too. But at least everyone knows she didn't kill anyone."

"But-" Deporah stopped herself.

"But what?"

Deporah thought before speaking again. "But... mom did do it."

"...Did what?"

"Mom did kill them."

~A month earlier~

Deporah and her father had been playing in the backyard with the toy swords he had made for her when clouds started to thicken overhead. They batted the toys against each other, and Deporah giggled with glee when her father chased her around. When it became clear that rain was inbound, Urba stepped out into the backyard.

"You two, get inside! I don't want either of you catching a cold!"

Gregor stood tall and waved to her, "We'll be right in!"

While he was distracted, Deporah poked him with her sword before scurrying towards the house with a smile. She had almost reached home when Gregor swept her off her feet and carried her in.

Candles illuminated their home as the light rain turned into a heavy downpour outside. Urba was working on a meal for all of them. Gregor had taken a seat at their table and was reading through a novel. Meanwhile, Deporah was looking at the monsoon outside, still clutching her toy sword.

There was a flash of light in the sky, quickly followed by thunder. Both Urba and Deporah jumped at the sound. Gregor calmly thumbed through another page of his book.

"Why aren't you scared, dad?" Deporah asked.

Gregor smiled, "I've been out in the middle of plenty of thunderstorms. They don't scare me anymore, especially now that I have a home."

Urba turned from the countertop, "That was before the King found you, right?"


"It must've been hard living out on the streets like that," Deporah added.

"Yes. But that's in the past now. I couldn't be happier than where I am now," Gregor remarked. Urba gave him a sweet smile.

Deporah looked back outside. The street was empty. Everyone nearby had retreated into their homes. But... Deporah saw a silhouette walking through the rain - that of a lanky man with messy, grey hair. He was stumbling around, nearly falling over a few times, heading directly towards their home.

Deporah hurried to her mother's side and tugged at her dress, "Mom?"

"Yes, dear?"

"Someone's outside."

Urba raised an eyebrow, "Honey, no one is going to be outside in weather like-"

A knock came at the door. Deporah gripped her toy sword tightly.

"Who would come here during a thunderstorm?"

Gregor had the others stand behind him when he went to attend to the door. As he opened it, an old man collapsed into their home. Gregor barely caught him before he could hit the floor.

He was a skinny old man with wild hair that appeared as if it hadn't been cut in months. His baggy pants and shirt were soaked with water. But there were splotches of red on his shirt as well. He was shaking.

Gregor helped him to a seat at the table, "Are you okay, sir?"

The man looked at him with bright green eyes, "No..."

Urba carefully approached the man, "What's your name?"


"What happened to you?"

Seamus muttered to himself for a moment, but nothing he said was remotely decipherable. His fingers knitted together... there was blood on them. But it was unclear whether it was his own blood or not.

Gregor stepped towards the door, "Maybe, I should call for the Kingsguard? They would be able to help."

Urba placed a hand on her chest, "It'd be better if I went. I think you should stay here and keep an eye on him."

Just then, Seamus reached across the table and grabbed Urba's wrist. She snapped her hand away, and Seamus fell out of his chair onto the floor, unconscious.

"Are you okay?" Gregor asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. He just startled me a little..." Urba replied.

Gregor stooped down to the unconscious Seamus, making sure that he was okay and trying to rouse him awake.

Urba's posture changed. It straightened out, and she put her shoulders back. Deporah didn't know why, but it felt peculiar to her.

Urba circled around the table to the kitchen counter, grazing her hand across it until she came to a knife. She took it firmly in hand and walked behind Gregor.

What was she doing?

What followed changed Deporah's life forever.

Urba flipped the knife in her hand, and in one vicious motion, plunged it into Gregor's collarbone. He screamed as he crumbled to the ground. Urba climbed on top of him, continuing to cut away at him while he violently struggled, clinging to what life he had left.

Deporah nearly screamed, covering her mouth before she could, hardly believing what she saw. She could only watch the struggle behind the table, and Gregor's movements finally ceased.

Urba pushed Gregor's lifeless body aside, brought the knife to the unconscious Seamus, and slit his throat.

She stood gripping a blood-soaked knife with cold, remorseless green eyes. Those eyes turned to Deporah, and the little girl froze. Her mother started towards her, still gripping the blade.

Deporah backed against the wall, holding her toy sword out in front of her, not knowing what else she could do.

Urba treaded towards her... before suddenly stopping, dropping the knife. She looked at her surroundings. Gregor and Seamus's lifeless corpse, and her daughter in utter terror.

Urba crumbled to the floor in tears, cradling her legs and hiding her face. If not for the fear she had for her mother, Deporah would've liked to comfort her. But instead, the little girl scrambled to her room, shut the door behind her, and prayed.

Not long after, the authorities came, and Urba pleaded guilty to killing them.

"I didn't want to but I couldn't stop myself... I don't know what came over me..."

It didn't take long for the execution to take place. The King took Deporah into his care until they were able to track down her family.

Lumb sat in silence as Deporah explained what occurred that night.

"I don't know why she did it... maybe, she was working with Horace?" Deporah rationalized.

Lumb was shaken. He placed his head in his hands...

Urba... why?

Without even looking up, Lumb said, "You can't tell Grandma about this. Only you and I can know."

"I know." Deporah nodded.

Lumb took a deep breath. He composed himself and took Deporah's little hands.

"I want you to forget about that night. From here on out, everything is going to be okay. I'll make sure of it."

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