Chapter 2

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As the Abiter was with my team and his men too we where close to the covenant as the leader the arbiter walked to me and said we are here your team should go in first said the arbiter. Wait what? Said primal, why us first said prime, yeah why? Said sabby. Guys he has a plan for us I said as I put on my helmet. Let's go spartans! I said as we jump off the ship as we landed onto the ground. Okay Spartans move out!!! I said as we ran to the place where the arbiter wanted us to do our mission as we saw hunters (they look like this)

Then we saw brutes too as they ran at us (they look like this)

SPARTANS!!! Let's go! I said as we attack the brutes as one tried to hit sabby with its weapon (looks like this) as I grabbed the hammer

Sabby turned around to see that I just saved her. I looked at sabby as she pulled out her knife as she jumped onto the brute as she stabbed the brute's neck as it dropped its weapon. I grabbed its weapon as I used it against the brute killing it as the hunter grabbed prime. GET OFF OF ME!!! He yelled. I jumped onto the back of the back of the hunter as I pulled out a hand grenade as I pusts it into the hunters back as it dropped prime as it hit me really heard as I though in the air as sabby yelled out CAL!!! I hit the ground as I looked up to the second hunter as it was looking at me but sabby used a RPG to kill it. It's blood hit my armour as sabby help me back up. Thanks for the save sab I said, your welcome cal said sabby. Then primal and prime ran up to us as the abiter was with them. So what now? Said primal, we find the profit (is that how you spell it?) said the abiter. He's probably in that base said sabby, you're probably right sabby I said. Let's go I said as we where careful walking to the base as we got in as we saw the profit looking at us all. Ah there you are humans he said. Your coming with us said the abiter grabbed the profit as I said, wait it's to quite something's going to happen I said as the newest hunter ran into us as it was faster and more powerful then the older ones. It knocked me to a wall as it grabbed sabby and prime as primal shot at the hunter but it didn't do anything. I got back up as my armour was damaged, low power it said as I grabbed my weapon and said to myself saying I don't care my team needs me. I ran and grabbed onto the hunter back as it dropped sabby and prime. It turned around and grabbed me again but it looked me into my viser into my eyes, oh god I said as it was going to kill me but prime shot it with a Laserbeam at it as it dropped me onto the ground. Agh I said as sabby help me back up. Cal you okay? Said sabby but saw blood leaking out of my armour, no I don't think so I said. We need to get cal out of here said sabby, this way said the abiter as sabby helped me walk to the ship as the abiter had the profit. We got into the ship as we saw prime and primal running to the ship as they got in as the abiter said get us out of here! We left the base to go back to earth.


The medic helped me as he said your team leader is going to be fine he said as I walked out of the room as I looked at my friends, sabby and prime and primal said you where so close to being killed today said sabby, I know but it's not going to happen next time I said, okay said sabby as we walked to see the abiter with the profit. Kai-al did he say anything let? I said, no said the abiter, then we have to do it the old fashion way I said.

To be continued..........
My friends in the book are...
Plz follow them.

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