chapter 4

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as the Didact attak masterchief and kelly jack and sam the Didact army fight against the blue team, masterchief and kelly sam and jack was having trouble fighting the Didacts army. Blue team dont let up! don't stop fighting them! said masterchief. then the halo ring came to the planet as the Didact said now to repair the ring! said the Didact, more of the Didact's army was still fighting the blue team. The monitor flyed by masterchief and his team and the monitor said to them hello humans I'm 859 Static Carillon keeper of the composer's forge. it was here where the composer was designed and built. the Didact has another composer? said masterchief. then the monitor said oh he has an entire halo now, he is repairing it if you see. from damages caused by humans if he is to be believed. Although he seems to blame humans for rather a lot...I understand you have some disagreement  with the Didact? said the monitor, he killed millions of my kind said masterchief. Ah soyou do know the origin of these ememies you fight said the monitor. the knights...they're the citzens of New Phoenit said masterchief,they had humans freshly composed and there in lies my complaint their memories are being added to the whole, as was of course the plan when the composer was built but they also bring terror and bring fear and bring rage and confusion. this is unacctptable eqully unaccetptable to you I imagine is knowledge that once the halo is repaired, Didact intends to fire the it near your species homeworld, he will burnyour kind frm the universe said the monitor. we need to get back to the portal, beat Didact to the halo! said masterchief, blue team ran to the portal as the monitor said HURRY can you deacitvate the portal once we're through?  said masterchief, I'll see what I can do said the monitor. blue team jump into the portal as the monitor said ENOUGH TALK! you must hurry! GO! STOP THE DIDACT! I'LL KEEP THESE MONSTERS AT BAY! blue team got out of the other side of the portal. BOUBLE TIME IT BLUE TEAM! said masterchief. CLEAR OUT NOW said kelly as portal blow up behide them. you...still persist in surviving said then Didact as he hit sam kelly and jack awihe from him. I tire of your distraction said the Didact. masterchief then pulled out a knife as he walk up behide the didact. masterchief then tan upto the didact and stadded him into his eye. the didact gradded masterchief by his head as the didact said to masterchief consistently, the opportunity to eliminate you is presented, yet foolishiy I refuse no more as the didact crash masterchiefs helmet. 

masterchief remmeding his past...

I do not remember my name, I do not remember my family, I do not remember my  home but I can remember the game, its the only thing I can remember about the life I had before I meet doctor Halsey. since then I have experienced a life time of combat, through thirty years of war against alien aggressor...I have always known my fate, I knew someday I would die in battle but now it was that it is time to die...said masterchief to himself. as the didact was crashing his helmet and broke his visor as blue eye was showing. the didact was holding masterchief by his  helmet and was going to kill masterchief but Sam yelled out TAKE HIM OUT BLUE TEAM! said sam but the didact though maasterchief at sam, then kelly run up to the didact tried too hit but kelly shot at the didact as jack then shot at the didact too but the didact grabbed kelly's rifle as he crash her gun as he hit kelly making her go down onto the ground hard. then the didact jumped up into the air as jack was shooting at the didact,SOMETHINGS HAPPENING! HE'S SHAKING IT OFF! said jack. but the didact grabbed jack as the didact said I will not tolerate your continued disobedience said the didact as grabbed jack and though him down onto the ground hard. then the didact pulled out the knife out of his eye and said to jack I will allow you a moment more to fire the weapon human, jack pointed his hand gun at the didact and shot at the didact in the face but it didn't do anything to the didact as he said to jack I will grant you the gift of dying  a warrior, we are done here said the didact but the monitor shoot at the didact as he said he is disabled for the moment, I am intiating emergeny teleport. you must quickly regrop said the monitor. ow jack are you okay? said kelly, battered bruised but im alive said jack. CHIEF! talk to me!? said sam, ears are ringing armors power cycling just a second longer, helmets fured on, going to take a torch to remove it said masterchief, but you can operate as is? said sam, then the monitor flyed up to the masterchief and said to him, if you are going to fight a warrior servant, you must not give him the opportunity to attune his armor to your weapon! said the monitor. where is the didact now? said masterchief, then the monitor said I have placed him in the most secure location on the halo, where is that? said sam, the control room said masterchief, hmm quite said the monitor, why would you...kelly tried to say but the monitor said it was that or watch him finish slaughting you to death, you would be dead and he would still reach the control room, I haveexpedited the ineviable by skipping the preventable said the monitor. you said his armor adaped to the weapons, I know a weapon he cant adapt too said masterchief. 

I hope you guys like this new book so far, tell me if you do. 


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