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I felt my systems all fail as I fell to the ground. I felt Cadmen flip us around and held me close to his chest. His systems where failing too. "No, no, no, no, no Cadmen. You won't survive without your systems! Pleaseeeeeeee let me take the hit!" I yelled at him. I saw the ground get closer.
"I don't care." I heard him whisper. I looked up at him.... He was passing out.
"Cad.... Cadmen wake up! Cadmen please!!!" I screamed. Then we hit the ground. Cadmen's back scrapped the ground. His suit ripping apart as we slid I ducked my head down and held Cadmen as close as I could and closed my eyes. I felt him hit rocks and trees as we slid then I felt something cold consume me. I tried to take a breathe but water filled my lungs replacing what was once oxygen. I felt Cadmen's body let go of me, I didn't want to leave him I didn't want this to be his grave. But if I didn't leave him it would  surely be mine. I swam to the shore it wasn't that far from where we fell. As I lay there I am relived for a moment then I couldn't breathe. I gasped for air but none would fill my lungs. That's when I realized Cadmen was still alive!!! I left him in that watery grave to die!!! I screamed at the top off my lungs, which were on fire at the moment. I screamed out names. If anyone could hear me." Mother!!!! Warden!!!!  Cadmen!!!! Sara!!! Mary!!!( Linda's clone)" A single tear came down my face followed by a stream of them as I called out for everyone I knew. Finally the last name was a whisper and I didn't want to say it at all but I felt that he could help." Ff...father ." I whisper with what felt like the last breath I would ever breathe. Then I closed my eyes and slowly lost consciousness. As I heard someone walk towards me.

Earlier With chief
One by one the clones fell that made a good distraction for the marines to finish off the Promethean. We rounded up all the clones and when Infinity finally came we locked them in separate cells. We sent Assassin to the medical bay to see if the doctors could wake him up before the EMP effects wore off. It was working but then he started screaming, his vitals became unstable, the doctors tried to put an oxygen mask on him but his body rejected it." John it's not just him!" Kelly told me pointing to the cells holding the other clones. I check the camera feeds and they are experiencing the same thing. After five minutes of them screaming bloody murder they all stop. The doctors say  they experienced suffocation. "Suffocation?" Kelly questioned." Are they still alive?!" She yelled. Kelly was still upset about Saras death, I guess she didn't want anymore to suffer. Dr. Halsey was checking if we caught all the clones.
"We have all but three clones. John, Kelly and Sam." She announced. So the kid got away. Kelly explained that her clone had died." Oh well that's unfortunate." Halsey replied. "Well if the children are linked then maybe that's what happened. One of the two or both clones unaccounted for have died." The thought of that made me uneasy. I know I barely knew her but she was still technically my child." I managed to track a high speed UFO to a nearby pond. It could be them the pond is in the blast range." She informed.
"Great lets go get them." Kelly said walking out but I stopped her.
"We will, just wait." I told her. She nodded then walked out.
"Master Chief sir, the boy is awake." A soldier told me. I followed him down the hall to the med bay.
I found him in restraints and he looked up at me." How you feeling?" I asked.
"Hurts like hell sir." He replied weakly." He's gone... I can't believe he's actually gone." He said.
"Calm down. Who's gone?" I demanded.
"... Cadmen." He said holding back emotion. Cadmen was the one that looked like.... Like Sam.
"We need you to convince the others that we're not the bad guys." I ordered him. He shook his head." Alright then. Doctor remove these restraints, this boys not a threat." I ordered a doctor. We walked down a hall some soldiers giving him dirty looks. I led him to the prison cells to talk to the clones.
"Hey guys, it's Aden. I'm sure some of you are mad others maybe a little scared and confused. But that's ok, cause we've been lied to are entire lives! The humans are not the universes problem.... Cortana is!" The clones whispered to each other." Spartan Locke wasn't the one to kill Mist, My partner and your friend!!! Warden did it!!! Because we learned what Cortana was really doing when she was not on Genisis. She was killing innocent people. How can we uphold the Mantle of Responsibility if our predecessor destroyed what it stands for?! She knew the truth and Warden didn't want that secret getting out so he killed her in cold blood. The last thing she told be was to run. Run strait to Spirit! And now Spirit is Stranded alone on New Geniuses and she is searching for the wrong people. Help me and the humans find her and keep her away from them. We already lost Mist and now you all know, you all felt that we lost Cadmen as well. Let's not lose anyone else." He stopped to breath. "If you want to find her then bang on the door."The cells fell quite. Then someone spoke up.
"I want to help find her." Then a steady beat was heard.
"Me too." Another beat.
"Cadmen would kill us if we didn't get her back." Another beat.
"Spirit is family." More and more slams were heard throughout the prison block. Kelly COMed in saying that she could hear it all the way on the other side of Infinity. I put a hand on Aden's shoulder.
"Nice work." I told him. I hit the button that released them from there cells. They all walked out suits powered down. Helmets off so I could see there faces, the faces that I had long forgotten. The faces of my family once. Now they are her family. And they won't let her fall.

Hi everyone I am so late with this OMG. But I will work on this more often. Like, comment, share with friends

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