That girl is gone

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I've known Halo for a long time. She's funny, spirited, lucky and always thinks about the team. But right now the Halo I knew is gone. Whenever she's around she brought this ray of sunshine to us no matter how bad the situation. Now... Well now there's a dark rain cloud, I mean she just yelled at her own father! I've never seen her like that, the red hair and eyes, she was a totally different person. She traded her halo for some horns and the hours that came after truly felt like I didn't know her. She made us train and study the enemy, she split us Into groups of 3 and 4, she was distant emotionally and physically, always with Warden talking about who knows what but always watching us with her pure red glowing eyes." Hey are you paying attention?" A fist was thrown at me and I dodged it. Cadmen and I are currently doing hand to hand combat. Another hit and I grab his fist.
"Aren't you worried about her?" I asked as I throw a punch that he dodged.
"I'm always worried about her." He replied pining me to the ground." Let's go again." We trained fast and moved to the next station. Target practice, unlike humans we have built in zoom in are eyes. I take the shotgun and he takes the battle rifle. The environment changes in the room we are in a forest and we need to plant a bomb in the enemies camp. Unit will stay behind with the bomb with Cadmen to guard him while Whisp and I go ahead and take out the big prey then they come and blow the rest sky high. The plan works and Whisp climbs a tree and takes sniping position. I run in and out of buildings head shot every robot that I see. The ones that come out I leave to Whisp. Once we've thinned the herd Unit and Guardian come in the side entrance and Unit plants the bomb. Zero casualties, zero survivors, perfect score. We are assembled into the gym were Halo is even worse, red veins are clearly visible around her eyes that I thought couldn't get worse. I wasn't the only one who noticed I saw Cadmen almost crying about how much she changed.
"Alright that's enough chatter." Cortana said grabbing are attention. The room became quite as she spoke," As you all know we are at war with the humans who have not excepted us as there new masters. For the last 20 hours you have been excessively training your minds and body's for the fight ,well now you are only half the soldiers your suits are the other half." That's when Halo steps onto a platform and spreads her arms and legs. Cartographers come in and start carving a suit onto her body. The suit wasn't like the Spartan suits." Unlike Spartan suits yours has only a jell layer to adapt to your body, thin layers of the strongest metal molded into it so you may have flexibility, and as you can see on your skin there are coding streaks the suit will show that to. You pay customize your suit however you like, the suit can generate whatever weapons you choose and will use them in whatever way you want them to be used. You will all be put into squads that best suit you and your needs, you will also receive watchers, crawlers, soldiers and knights to use at your disposal." She turned to Halo who had finished customizing herself ( picture at top) the halo I new would never were that. She stepped off the platform and I held my breath she pulled up a surface grid and a timer then she opened her mouth.
"We are the clones of the first generation of Spartans created by Dr. Katherine Halsey." She sounded almost like a robot so emotionless." We will inherit the mantle of responsibility and we will create order in the universe. Now we must set an example of the humans and sangili( elites), they will serve as a reminder of what happens when anyone defies the Mantle and its masters!" She finished. Warden stepped forward as she stepped back. He explained the plan of attack first our best trackers and fastest members will scout ahead to find them then in 3 hours we will attack.

Whaaaat😱! Ok this is going to be intense people so look up to the night sky because there's going to be a war in the stars. Please read my friend Hitterrollins story and if you like this story check out Spoilers Return and Conscience daughter of Arcangel. Like, comment, show friends byeeeeee 😜.

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